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A member registered Jun 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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I'm not a particularly good rhythm gamer, so I didn't make it to the end, but I had fun with the songs I was able to do! It became easier when I realized that the beat for me registered just above the skull's head rather than directly on top of it (at least when I played). Cute graphics, good sounds, nice work overall!

Good groundwork for a fun adventure, good sounds too!

Charming experience with a fun style, nice work!

I like the concept of a puzzle game where you're avoiding permanent debuffs in each level, good job!

Great music and cool graphical style choices! I'd be excited to see this move to a fuller experience!

Solid concept overall! Besides what was already said in other comments, it would be good to have clearer feedback (when your attack hits something, when you collect something, when you're hit and loose health, etc.)

Fun game! Took a bit of time to get used to the controls, but I had a good time blasting demons once I got the hang of it. Good job getting a jam submission in!

I joined on a team for the game "The Doors" with gorzylla (, but am not shown as an admin/contributor and am unable to rate games. Is there something else needed in order to be included in the submission? Saw the email that the "edit game" function lets a user be added as a game admin under the "more" button, but don't know if that's still something that can be done after the submission period

Oh cool! I've been in the process of converting all the .mod's I have to .uge for some time, but it's been very slow going on my end, not as much time in my life as I thought I would have it seems.

I'm still working on getting all of this Volume 1 and Volume 2 converted to .uge, so those will (hopefully) eventually be available for purchase. In any case, I hope you find success in making those conversions for your projects!

I don't think it works on mobile, but for me you have to "Edit Profile" on desktop

That was really fun, I almost got stumped on those last two puzzles, but it was a good challenge! Thanks for including some of my tunes as part of the experience!

That was a sweet little tale, I'm happy wild winds could add to it! Thank you for your kind words and for sharing that experience back!

That's awesome, I love the vibe of this game and how colorful it is! I think the music fits in really well with an action-puzzle like that. I went to go watch some gameplay of the ZX Spectrum version and those were also some sick 8-bit beats.

(2 edits)

Cool stuff! As a heads up, I think the game froze after level 18, it's stuck on this screen and no longer moves forward

Nice! Died to the boss bone... but got my roleplay fix of being some dude who went on an adventure. Thanks for including those tunes as part of the experience!

Sure! Just be sure to follow the license rules on the README (also found here: License Rules Clarification)

That's awesome, thanks for including it in your project! I think that's the first time I've heard this song used in another game, it works well for a quick shump

It's always cool to see a GB demake! That's a pretty hard puzzle game, and so far I've only gotten to level 21, but I'm hoping to make it to the end!

That was a very tight platformer challenge, great work! Thanks for including the tunes in your game!

That's way cool! Glad you like what you heard and I hope the project goes well!

That was a great short story experience! Congrats on the jam submission and thanks for including some of my work as part of the adventure!

Way cool! Glad I could help kindle some love of GB, and thanks for letting me know! 

Thank you so much! I appreciate the validation from such a prolific musician.

Thanks for letting me know! My main concern at first with the license was bad actors claiming the work as their own. Looking back, I'd agree that a README with a set of rules would also definitely help honest folks trying to do the right thing.

In retrospect, such a text document should have been there all along, but sometimes you only figure these things out after the fact.

Glad you enjoyed the tunes, thanks for your kind words, and hope your year goes well too!

Cool stuff! I really dig Crossing the Threshold and Approach the Innermost Cave as sister songs in different keys, very mesmerizing and ethereal vibe

Beautiful looking game with a touching, somber story. Thanks for the kind words, I'm glad a few of my tunes got to be a part of this short and thoughtful adventure!

What a cozy and genuinely heartwarming experience! I'm honored that some of my work could be included for your jam submission, awesome job!

Glad those helped out, and congrats on getting what looks like #2 overall for the jam! I really enjoyed the creature designs and dialogue while exploring, good stuff!

That was great! Very fun experience with super creative visuals all around. Glad drumless tracks helped out! I'll have to remember to keep those in any future updates

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Very nice experience, thanks for including some of my work as a part of your projects! They've been a delight, and I got to see some delightful penguin art on top of that

If you have one person submitting the project itself, how does another team member attach their name to it?

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Hey again, Gameboy enthusiasts! It's been about a year since I last posted a big volume of 8-bit music and have been using GBStudio's guide along with OpenMPT to create some 4-channel chiptunes.

My main question for the community is the importance of .uge files, which are more modifiable in GB Studio. If there's community interest I think I'd like to convert all of my .mod songs to .uge for ease of use, but that would probably end up being a non-free version because of all the work that would go into getting it together. That being said, would it worth it to go through the hours of converting from .mod to .uge from a GB Studio dev standpoint?

The most recent GB Studio compatible songs I've made can be found and listened to here:

Really interesting story so far! It's always an honor to hear pieces of mine in a project, thanks for including it!

(1 edit)

That was a cool concept and a nice adventure! I don't think I've ever heard someone use the track "Grind" before, but I think it's really fitting for your opening. I'm honored that you included some of my music as part of the experience, thank you!

That was a really fun experience from start to finish with a satisfying challenge in the platforming and tight controls! Haven't put my skills to the test with an all-lollipops run (yet), but thank you for including my music as part of the experience!

Wow, I just played through and I think the tracks you chose fit the vibe super well! Thanks for the praise and for bringing my work into the experience!

(2 edits)

Fun game so far! Just getting started on it but I found a fun glitch when I saved, refreshed the page, messed with the settings, and loaded the game (it went away once I left the barn)

Thank you so much! I am available for commissions and paid work, you can reach me at

Great work, loved it from start to finish!

This is a really tight game overall, I had a lot of fun even when I was just maneuvering around and exploring! Thanks for including my music as part of the project!