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A member registered Jun 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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I like the fact that the targets are now wooden cats, and I like that you can knock them around. I love the float feature however it doesn't work 100% of the time but when it does it's quite smooth. I also like that you can hold it for a few seconds before it slashes. I'm excited to see the combo system, do update us when you do :)

I love the new character design, having it go a darker blue is a good way to show that the player is out of dashes. I think it might be too fast when dashing, it's hard to dash from one target to the next with precision. Maybe a feature where the world slows down slightly while dashing, just enough to allow the player to decide the next step of their attack. I really like the added animation for movement, idle, dashing etc. It looks like it's going to be a good game.

I really like the game mechanics! Like how you can dash which is pretty cool with the slash visuals but I think that having the dash be given back when you hit the target is a good idea. Allows for quicker movement which corresponds with cats as they are agile animals. I assume the 3 circles in the top left are going to be some sort of health system? Nevertheless, it looks good so far :)

hiya, not sure if you still wanted to chat but I did try adding you a while ago but I might've done something wrong idk. But anyways, my username is Toasty7445

This was quite helpful, I've just uploaded a post-jam version with a ton of changes. Let me know if I did the coyote time and jump buffering correctly. Thanks!

Thanks for the feedback! I hadnt heard of coyote time or jump buffering before but I'll definitely consider adding it. I have been working on a post-Jam version and I've done my best creating new sprites for everything that hopefully look better. I'm not the best with design but when the new version is released, feel free to review it and let me know what I can do. Thanks :)

This is a fun spin on flappy bird, really nice. It was only here that I remembered...I sucked at flappy bird XD

Really simple controls, which is always good. Only issue I had was that I was able to go through a bit of the barrier at times, not a major concern but maybe a few of the collision boxes need adjusting. I liked the random generation of barriers. Took a good few attempts (because of how bad I am) but somehow I was able to get to the end, that was a really interesting ending. I liked how the eyes opened as you got nearer to the end. Nice game :)

(1 edit)

The graphics were quite good, I liked the backgrounds but I think they need to be resized or the player resized to fit the room they're in. The story was good. The tutorial text was a good way to teach players the controls. Also, something I always like in games is when the text box displays the text as if it were being typed. I just think its really cool so well done with that. Typing out the spells is a really cool feature, how it slows down time for the user to cast it in time, nice touch. Nice game :)

Thanks! I'm currently improving it further and another version of the game should be available post-Jam so feel free to check it out in a few days :)

The levels are going to be changed post-Jam because I couldn't do much in the given time. I'm not 100% sure on what you mean by the lamp is clanky, if you mean how it shows the hidden objects too quicky then I'd like to let everyone know that I'm working on a way for it to potentially reveal the hidden objects gradually (as the light passes over them). Thanks for the feedback regardless! :)

Thank you very much! I need to add more levels which will get harder as the player progresses. I'm glad everyone's liking the spotlight :)

Thanks, I'd quite like to develop it further. Can't give an exact date on when it will be finished but keep an eye out every now and then. I might update it :)

Ah I see, it was a really fun game to play anyway. Good job :)

Ooh okay, that sounds interesting. Maybe make the character flash abit for those few seconds to show it's only temporary. Very good game regardless tho

You're very welcome, I look forward to seeing it improved :)

I'm glad to hear it :)

I appreciate that people like the spotlight feature, took a good few hours at the beginning just to get it working XD

I'm glad it works, not how I originally intended but it's still good. 

It has some pretty good music that adds onto the illusion vibe. Nice titlescreen and nice graphics in general. I like that the text appears more, the closer you are to it. For me, it's a bit laggy but I think it's because of my laptop. I like the idea that there are multiple different endings, the abyss seems to be my favourite one because I can't seem to find where I'm supposed to go next XD

I get to the bit with the orange blob talking about the spark to activate the portal but I don't know where to go next. It's probably because my framerate is so low so movements is a bit difficult. I'm sure it's a good game, I just need my laptop to cooperate lol.

If the aim of the game is just to practice stealth then I guess it's an alright game, nice work. The graphics are decent and the player's animation is good. The robots glide but I assume that's because they're on wheels? Maybe, to add a bit more motion to them, make them lean in the direction they're headed. You could add some music to build up the tension when sneaking around or SFX like an alarm when spotted by a robot. I'd say either have less robots or make the map bigger with more corners to hide around or places to seek cover. The robots seem to be inescapable when they find you, some way to outrun or hide from them might be a good feature to add. Making a feature to disable a robot if you successfully sneak up on it would be a good addition to the stealth feature as well as being rewarding for the player. It would also allow the player a brief moment to sneak past the robot undetected. Overall, nice game :)

The graphics are quite cool. I like the character animation and how a close up of the face pops up when the dialogue is on screen. It has some quite funny dialogue too, "your disappointment is immeasurable" made me laugh. I like the interaction pop-up, showing E to interact. I got stuck on the 2 side-by-side rooms that are almost identical, where you can teleport between them. I assume you're only meant to teleport when you interact with the radio and carpet, but for some reason in the room on the left, if I walk over to the door then I just teleport anyways. Maybe it could do with some sort of music, although it fits the eerie silence of the basement. Or maybe you could add some sort of sound effects. The game runs relatively smooth in some parts but in the room mentioned earlier, it was a bit laggy but that could just be my laptop. From what I've seen though, it's a pretty good game with a decent story, well done :)

I like that you take it in turns moving around the board, first you move then the adventurers move. It reminds me of Trap The Cat where you have to block the cats path. In my opinion, it seems a bit slow but maybe that's because I'm impatient XD

The game could do with some sort of background music or SFX, I feel that would make it more interesting. Tavern music or some sort of adventurer music would suit it. I think adding more adventurers would make the game more challenging, seeing as there's only 3, they can become quite distanced from the player, giving the player more space to move around. Maybe have the max adventurers be 4-6, they would fill up more of the board. I think eating them would be fun feature to clear up the board once max has been reached. Good game tho :)

Firstly, I like the skeleton pointing in the main menu, it's a cool feature. What a great hat too! The level select is good and easy to navigate. The transition from one scene to the next is a very nice detail, that swirl to further add to the theme of illusion. I like the weirdness of the music, the squeak to change between the duck and rabbit is a fun feature. I like that you have two different characters that you have to use to travel through each level. The fact that you used the duck/rabbit optical illusion is genius! The rabbit jumping towards the cursor is a good way to control it. The squish of the duck is quite funny to watch too. Great game that suits the theme well :)

I like the integration of the 'illusion' theme, the fact that some bullets are fake and just a distraction is quite a good idea. It has relatively smooth movement except it seems a bit laggy, though I don't know if it's just my laptop. It seems to work better when it isn't in fullscreen. Maybe you could add a way to aim rather than just shooting forwards, only saying because sometimes the fairies go to the bottom left/right and it's hard to hit them while also trying to dodge their bullets. At some point, I got an error pop-up. I'm not sure what caused it but the game stopped, and a message appeared saying "Runtime error: null function or function signature mismatch". I hope that helps. Final thing, adding SFX or some background music might make it more interesting, seemed like it was missing something. It's a good game idea, just needs a few tweaks before it's done :)

Right from loading up the game, I could tell it was gonna be a good play. The title screen looked really good. The voice in the beginning where the two characters are talking to each other was good, it helped to better convey the story. I like the ghosts which are like Boo's from Mario, how they can only move when you're not looking. They leave a small trail too which is a nice detail. The dash is very good, visually and audibly. I love the faded effect of the dash, how it shows where the player has moved. I like how it stays there for a bit too. The visual cue for when the dash is recharged is a nice touch, the change in colour is noticeable. I like the animations for the character, like the idle, running and jumping animations. 

Only issues I came across is that the subtitles sometimes go out of frame when there's a lot that the character is saying. The character also isn't quite touching the floor but that's probably a collision box thing, easily fixable. The 2nd half of level 2 also seems to be missing things, a few platforms don't act as platforms but idk if that's intentional. Last thing, when you enter the portal, sometimes you start teleporting before actually stepping into the portal. Maybe make it so that it only triggers when you're inside the portal. Other than those, it was a very enjoyable and great game! :)

This is a cool FNAF style game, nice. I'm rubbish at FNAF but I managed to last till 6am, which I'd say is pretty good, for me at least XD

Anyways, I liked the visual aspects of this game. The posters were well made, I like the abstractness off the burger art. The animations were good too: the fan, the computer, the blinking of the red square. I liked the fact that the "Play Sound" feature was limited so that the player can not solely rely on that. The jumpscare was quite well made and I liked the tense music, really made me nervous which is good for a game like this. Maybe add audio cues for if Jebediah changes location. But overall, nice game :)

Thank you so much!

Thanks! I'm quite proud of how it turned out.

Thanks, I'm glad you like the hidden platforms :)

I love the pace of the game, how an enemy spawns every second. It really keeps you light on your feet, requires fast reaction. Good choice in music and the SFX are fitting for the game, the shooting sounds like a laser and the enemies sound like a balloon popping. I like the different effects that occur every 10s, quite interesting. Overall a good game :)

Quite a fun minigame. I do love the mouse character pulling/pushing the level to travel across the screen. The messages of encouragement are nice too. Good job with the bigger shapes that take more hits, adds a level of challenge. I know you said in the description that this was a test for another project but maybe you could add a counter to show either how many rounds are left or your score for destroying the paint. Different colours could have different number of points earned. Good game tho :)

I'm not quite sure how to attack on this game, I switch to the tin man and he just kinda randomly throws the axes. Is there a way to aim or does it just throw them to the sides? I see what you mean when you say its a bit laggy when played in the browser, I believe it has some impact on the music and sound effects. It sounded very glitchy. From the description, it sounds like a good game and I would like to see what it's like finished :)

I loved the use of the comic book strip to show the story of the game and the use of Carmen - Overture made me think of a carnival game. Fairly decent game for what looks to be using scratch? I liked when the background colour changed further on in the levels. One issue I have with the game is that the apples sometimes spawned almost completely out of the frame. Apart from that, nice game :)

This is quite a fun game, good job. same kind of vibes as Friday Night Funkin' but with more buttons lol. Highest I got was 1000, I'm not very good at hitting random keys - skill issue on my behalf XD

Mike's bobbing animation is quite cool too, I like how the guitar has the wrong chord when you hit the wrong key. I would suggest maybe slowing it down slightly when mistakes are made, just so that the player can get back into the fast paced feel again. Nice game!

This was a really good game, well done. I love how the characters all waddle, quite entertaining. I liked the music, consistent through each of the levels. Idk if I did something wrong or if its a small bug but after hiding as an object, when I go to move again, I stay as one of the objects. For example, I hid as a potted plant but when I started playing again I was still the plant rather than going back to the ninja. Great game tho :)

Hi, i saw your tik tok videos and thought this looked cool. Just played it and its GREAT!!! This is such a fun game!!