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A member registered Dec 07, 2016 · View creator page →

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Great game! The art style is amazing lol you guys did so good! 

I loved the idea! It was pretty difficult at times but I enjoyed it a lot! Great work!!!

Loved the style! I think there were a couple bugs where the ball would not be grabbable and move the same direction as the platform. Other than that great work!

This was extremely creative great take on the concept!

Very cool concept! Art style was great as well! Great work man!

I thought it was a very fun game to play! Great work!!

Loved the movement in the game! Idk if it was just a bug but everytime I tried playing it told me to jump in the pot and I would go back to the main menu.

Great Style!  Fun little game! I enjoyed!

I love the art and concept! We had super similar ideas haha. Very cute game and great work!

Great game! I love the concept and style!

I honestly thought it was pretty fun! Great work!

Very good concept! Game was hard which I liked. The simple style was nice as well! Great work!

Very goofy and funny! Interesting concept too! Good work!

I love the vibe and style of the game!

Great game! I loved the art and concept.