i like the eerie atmosphere
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The concept is really cool. teh only thing is that the controls feel bad. its easy to slip but difficult to land becasue you go overboard with speed but you decelerate instantly so you have to get the timing really right. besides braking instantly doesn't feel natural it feels clunky. But the concept is really good and thats probably the most difficult part, so good job
the controlls feel soooo goood. The only bad thing is that the carefull carry doesn't let you play with it much. Thats why i liked the 5th level so much. if the starting was smoother, then it would probably be less impotent, or i don't know what word to use, to controll the character carefully, and it would be fun to be carefull.
which are the dead bushes? i have been playing for like 15-20 mins and still havent collected any stick. is it buged?
the dog mechanic doesn't seemed to work either.
of course its a jam so it can happen.
The amount of content it has is pretty impresive though.
it was fun, just that things didn't seemed to work
the second wall jump part is criminal. its so un-responsive and afrer that you don't even have a check point. and in the part after it you will be fooled several times and fall many others, making you have to pass that part a lot of times. having to pass it one time almost made me quit the game, seeing that i had to make it several times finally did it. Sorry for the negative tone, if you can tell, im pretty frustrated jajaj.
good concept though
Damn, see you implemented some quality of life update with that imput buffer, and having a more forgiving jump height. Maybe the concept of this game is not as intresting as the previous one, but you focused on making teh movement feel better, you went one step at a time and took the time to solve problems that may not be as appealing as trying out new ideas but that are actually more important. very good job.
Also, didn't your previous game was like from like a week ago? Damn thats some good pace.
quizas otra razon por la que el juego no se explic tanto es porque no te da tanto feedback quizas. por ejemplo con los que te muerden, que tenes que hacer? lo primero que pense es dispararles, supongo que para eso seta esa opcion, pero si les disparo, se mueren y no puedo saltar sobre nada y me caigo. despues pense que quizas habia que saltar alto, pero eso se siente demasiado descontrolado como para hacerlo constante entonces no se siente como que es lo que deberias hacer, y a veces lo haces pero te caes justo en un comedor, o caes al vacio y moris igual. Es como que el juego no te va diciendo vas bien, va por ahi la cosa. vos probas una forma, no funciona, probas otra tampoco funciona. Quizas es alguna de esas formas era la forma que se suponia que tenias qu hacer, pero el juego no te lo hace saber. quizas si la forma era disparando, podrias poner un monstruo que cuando lo disparas se duerme, pero queda en el lugar y podes saltar sobre el. o si la mecanica sea la de dar saltos grandes, ahcer qu esa mecanica sea mas predecible, y que el monstruo que te mata no se parezca al ojo en el cual podes saltar, si no que se note que, no ahi no podes saltar, que sea unos pinches por ejemplo.
i played it like 10 mins and i still couldn't understand how to get pass the biters jaja. I think the game doesn't explain itself very well. i saw you generaly rely on showing a list of inputs and actions for your games. I personally found this uncomfortable because you have to take your eyes out of the game. This not only makes you not be able to play and generally lose or get damaged when doing this, but you also can't see your player responding to your input, so you have to first check the action aoutside of th game to see what button it is, and then you have to look at the game and do the action to see what it does, instead of doing both at the same time. I think if the explanation of the imput was in teh same view as the game, like with a pop up or so, it would be more comfortable.
Of course here im only marking out the negatives because im giving feedback, but i think i don't even have to mention how good teh aeshthetic of this game is. THe artstile, the sound the juice, the "setting" to say it some way, but i think the gameplay is a bit of a weak point and its a pitty because all the rest of teh game is truly amazing, and if you manage to improve gameplays this games could undoubtably be commerciable.
Se entenio o mejor lo explico en español mejor? Siento que quizas use palabras demasiado rebuscadas jaja, yo siempre hablo como muy formal y rebuscado cuando escribo, no se me sale asi.
also, i think showing the number of juggles you got after missing and a highscore function would be great for this game, because when im juggling im focused on the ball so when i loose i don't have any idea how much i scored. and a highscore is almost the only motivation of this game apart from improving your technique.
The game aesthetic, with the mix of low poly and realism and the security cameras etc... looks really good, the problem is that it looks TOO good. The game lags on my computer, and its no office computer, its a low-end gaming PC (Athlon 3000 and 16Gb ram) so my computer is above many people that could play your game. You should probably find a faster way to have a realistic aesthetic. maybe the problem is the realistic models, how many poligons do they have?
Yes the proyectiles are difficult to land. I tried making it so that you shoot an instant laser but i ran out of time. And the signaling for the effects, its the same, i ran out of time jajaj but i will put it in the description. The problem i had in this jam is that i spend too much time iterating and going back and foward with system of movements for the enemies and player etc... although the main problem was that icopied and pasted the same code for 4 different entities in my game and coded without revising much when i implemented a new feature, this out of laziness and rush. needles too say it ended up taking much more time that the one saved.
also, as you show us the dessert right when we get the first char our intuition tells us that the carm is in the dessert or that we need to go to the dessert. you should use that phenomenom, or whatever its called, to your advangtage not disadvantage, use it to guide the player. The player is always looking for hints of what to do, you should be concious of that when you design.
the game is fun, the only inconvinience is that the tree blocked your movement and the bullets and that the aiming was a bit uncomfortable, an improvement you could make is to not make the mouse apear on screen, that way you can rotate your aim all you want without the window border getting in the way.
maybe something you could have done is see what parts of the game where comming off more enjoyable to play and start giving more attention to those stuff. Also you have to make everything in the game center around the main idea, thats the most important advice, if the game is about killing your fans then use the movement to make that more intresting. and think the levels so that you can tackle the problem of killing fans in an intresting way.
Yes, its true. thats why in game jams you have to do game that takes you half the lengh of the jam to make so that you can test it, iterate and bugfix. I also make that mistake and scoped a game that would take me 3 days. The problem is that you aren't going to make the game straigh away going straight to your idea like a behemoth, you will find flaws in design, and you will go back and forth with some things. Thats why i didn't completed my mission for my gam
The idea is pretty good. the problem is the execution.
the collisions are too big, sometimes i bareley touch an acid puddle and i get killed instantly. also, they get in the way of bullets so its almost imposible to have fans because you need to have them one step from you, but they are faster than you so they catch you and they killed you instantly. What i do like is the movement, its really satisfying in my opinion, but everything gets in its way. I'll recomend you playtest games, that way you can catch many of this errors easily. Maybe this came off as too rude but that wasn't my intention jajja, you kinda new and of course you are not gonna make everything perfect.
FANTASTIC GAME, ITS A CHILL EXPIRIENCE AND THAT IS GREAT. MANY PEOPLE WOULD TRY TO MAKE IT A SKILL CHALLENGE WITH THIS TYPE OF GAMES, BECAUSE IF NON, ITS NOT A METROIDVANIA OR WHATEVER. The peroidic health bar, the ammo recharging automaticaly, the place not beeing a maze, those thing are apreciated. and besides all that, it still tells the story in an amazing way, spetialy for a game jam. The only thing i didn't like that much where the boss, dificult to predict, i didn' notice the atacks repeated always the same