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A member registered Jun 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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This is fun! I like how I can choose which weapon to upgrade at the end of each level. Luminous enemies gave me the most trouble so I mainly upgraded that weapon.

Rot13 Encrypted: Nqzvavfgengvba qnl vf jura gur Bcrengbe (na nyvra ragvgl) vf culfvpnyyl fhzzbarq gb Rnegu juvyr vgf phygvfgf va xrl cbfvgvbaf bs cbjre (Nqzvavfgengbef) yrirentr gurve erfcrpgvir bssvprf gb pbafbyvqngr cbjre vagb vgf unaqf. Ercerfragngvirf ner gur zvqqyrzra gung uryc yrnq gur Nqzvavfgengbef fb gur Bcrengbe qbrfa'g unir gb qb vg nyy crefbanyyl.


Nice job on the controls and on giving multiple options for climbing. I'd definitely play the full version!

Thanks! Yours was really cool too. I'm glad I got a chance to play it.

I'm looking forward to your next RPG. Good luck!

Congrats Norrimo! I can’t wait to check this out tonight!

I had a lot of fun playing this. Your art style is so cute :)

It's "Carmen Ross". Hope you have fun :)

I love the vibes! Feels very dreamlike and surreal.

I kept killing enemies, but I didn't see the bones counter go down. I just played the game again, and this time I went far down enough to see where they were spawning from. I see what I was missing now.

I love your goofy art style. I couldn't find a way to progress, though.

I like the concept of going on different runs, equipped with different items to collect specific resources. Reminds me a bit of hunting in Oregon Trail. It's unfortunate that you didn't get to add a village mechanic, but if you're planning on expanding on this I wish you luck!

What an exciting game! I loved figuring out when to use different items. The weird and wonderful opponents were fun to go up against. I wish there was a final boss fight!

Great job all around! Art, music, and SFX are top-notch. I love the sword and shield abilities. The early tutorials were clear and straightforward. My only gripe is that the puzzles themselves didn't feel like they were building off of each other. I still had a lot of fun, though. Super impressive, especially for a game jam this short!

It's fun and easy to play - perfect jam game scope. I wish the boss used harder attacks as you brought his health down, to keep it challenging and fresh. I like that it takes a moment to aim - it makes the boss look intimidating, and I'm scared each time that he'll attack before I can finish shooting. I think if I had to aim at a specific point on the boss, it would make me feel even more tense.

I love this! I'm glad you're planning to expand on this because I would be so happy to play a bigger version. The art and animation are delightful!

I like the roguelike feel of it. Picking new items for each run kept things feeling fresh. My biggest gripe is that spikes were an instant kill. They ended my run suddenly and often killed me when my health bar was full, so enemies and other damage sources (and by extension, items that dealt with them) didn't feel very important.

I liked it! I had trouble figuring out that I had to dodge into the fireballs, but otherwise, it was really fun.

Lots of fun :)

I'm stuck in the looping maze though. Could you give me a hint om how to solve it?

Thanks for porting this! What a classic!

I got a little frustrated by how hard it was to see, but I still liked it. I think it's cool how each star is a reverse key of sorts. The music is nice and really fits the vibe of the game. This was fun :)

Awesome concept! I love how you used the actual lighting system, so I could see the foxes cast shadows. It's a bit hard to place chickens, though, and they always seem to end up in a different spot than I wanted to put them. Still, I had a lot of fun with it.

You guys should make a web build, so more people can play the game. I think you could get more ratings that way. 

I think the art looks nice. It's surreal and strange. I hope you really do make more - I'd like to check out the full game :)

When I saw your title screen I was scared that we'd made the same game. This was very fun to play. I like how you introduce new ideas over time.

Thanks :)

After you type in the phone number, the options list you’re provided with has one option obscured. Attempt to select that option.

The password to view the page is "galaxy"

(2 edits)

The windmills use the wind to move buildings around! That's so cute :)

And welcome back Norrimo! It's nice to so you updating again.

I ended up stopping development on VIDEOSKULL because I just wasn't happy with making an FPS, but I'm working on something else now with a friend that I'll post in a month or so. So now I've got two things to look forward to :)


Great game :)

Thanks for checking my game out! Time and bones don't do anything at the moment, but I'm planning to have timed levels and a shop, so I added them to the prototype to see how it felt.

Little environmental details and landmarks sound like a great addition. I'll add them to the next build of the game. I'm completely overhauling the movement system and other things, so it'll take a while. Thanks for your feedback!

Thank you. I was thinking the same thing as I was making the project. Glad you enjoyed it.

Okay, I think it's caused by how string.ToLower creates different results in different countries. I changed it to string.ToLowerInvariant, so it'll be consistent.

I can't be 100% sure if that fixed it. Could you tell me if it worked?

Okay, I think I got it. Option 3 doesn't give you any feedback if you input incorrectly. It waits for you to enter a correct input or exit with star.

Here's a list of the correct inputs that lead to new directories (but only one of them progresses the game).

What do you mean by "put stuff in"? And what happens when you try to do it?

Congrats on the internship, and good luck!

What seemed to go wrong?

In case it's not a bug, here's a list of hints for that part of the game.

But if that doesn't help, tell me right away. I'll figure out what's going on.

(1 edit)

If there's anything you'd like to tell me about Public Build 1, say it here!

You can provide any feedback you'd like. Here are a couple of things I'm wondering about in particular:

1. What do you enjoy about the game?

2. Are there any elements that run counter to what you enjoy about the game?

3. Are there any additions that would enhance what you enjoy about the game?

4. How do you feel about the size of the level?

5. How do you feel about the amount of time spent in rooms to the amount of time spent in corridors?

Whether you answer these questions or write something of your own, thank you! People like you are the reason I keep making games!