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A member registered Aug 15, 2022

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Ah well.  I had hoped this was something you came up with on your own instead of being related to Lip.  I'll just keep an old build of the game and maybe wait for someone to mod it back in. 

When Mushria is added back, will the docking scene be added back too?
If not, it's not an issue, I'm sure you can come up with something even better given time.

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全部を自分でやって常にファンに邪魔されることも嫌だかもしれないね。急にゲームが思ったより人気になるとそれは自然だと思う。マイクラのNotch先生も同じように思えたよ! 今は全部ストレスだったら戻る日程を発表してから休んでください。一ヶ月、2ヶ月、とかどっちでもいいよ。発表した日程より早く戻ってもいいよ。モフさんはたぶん日本人の親友がいますよね。その人と話し合って(相談)ください。

Your English just didn't make sense, but ty for explaining.

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The small mushrooms (not the boss) will keep respawning so you can get money to buy mushroom soup.

The first mushroom boss also has attacks that can be dodged rather easily if you step back a few seconds. Don't spam attack, you will be locked into the attack unable to dodge. If you still make mistakes, use the mushroom soup to heal.

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Are you trying to say that there's a contradiction because of a translation issue?

From what I saw in other replies he never said he would only use the bottle.

I don't get what you mean by "wrong again." By definition Mofu can't be wrong  about the future of the game unless there is a translation error or you have some rather strong preconceptions about what should and should not be done.

Do you have access to untranslated conversations that make you think there's been an error?

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I don't understand your sentence, sorry. Who is wrong about what?

Also, can you link one of these replies?

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There isn't, and based on previous responses it seems like there won't be one. It'd likely be outdated with the next update anyway, and the current game can be finished in about half an hour or so. If you have mechanical issues, you can basically just stock up on potions ad infinitum anyways , you just need to put in a little bit more grinding on basic mobs. If you think you need cheat engine, you haven't played more than 2-3 min or you have never learned the controls.

Cheating is currently harder than playing the game normally.

I can understand that maybe you want to do it for other reasons, but in that case I'd strongly suggest learning how to use ce with a game that doesn't receive constant updates, otherwise you have start over again quite often.

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I meant that the big balls debuff could be used to fill the jar or to bring cum to the statue.

大きい金たまがあると、これを使ってボスの精液などをびんに入れるか、金たまの中で直接に 像に運べるとか

Not sure if that was communicated clearly.

Thank you for your work.


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Just wanted to let you know that I like the new docking/urethral penetration+ball inflation scene with the boss a lot. I hope you make more like it, or make more interactions with the debuff from it.

Maybe there could be stacks or levels to it? Or maybe if you keep it for too long your balls don't go all the way back?

I also kept expecting it to be usable with the jar that you are supposed to use to bring other people's cum to the statue.

There is a story repository of futa docking stories here in case you ever need some ideas . While it's in English, it's probably possible to read it with a translator like deepl, and if you want I can write you 3-4 sentence summaries of all of the stories in Japanese or English.

Also, I don't think this is intended, but I somehow managed to reset the fight by saving and reloading or by fighting another boss, not sure, and now I have a save where I can start the fight with Mushra while already having big balls.

Maybe the fight isn't intended to be repeatable, but as far as bugs go it's a bug I appreciate lol

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Report it to the devs of those games if it's relevant and if you can read Japanese.

If you report everyone who even mentions futaken as a possible pirate you're wasting your time.

Posting reviews, esp if they link to the original source, isn't considered piracy.

You're confusing different FSR implementations.

FSR 2.0 is a temporal upscaler that also uses movement information,

FSR 1.0 is a pure spacial upscaler.

Also your initial statement about not being allowed to modify game files is demonstrably false. There's a comment by mofu telling someone to modify the translation.

There's also no legal basis for it.

You probably meant that people are not allowed to distribute modified game files, which a separate issue.

The waifu2x upscale is done btw.

I will not upload it, don't worry.

I haven't bothered to look into repacking, just wanted to demonstrate that it can be done fairly easily.

If someone here wants to see the quality change they can take a screenshot and run that through the waifu2x website; for getting an idea of the quality of the upscale that's good enough.

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FSR is an upscaling solution that can give better quality and sharpness than naive nearest neighbor. That's the whole point. This doesn't require extracting game files because it is fast enough to operate live and can operate on screenshots.

It is not exclusive to applications where performance needs to be increased, otherwise people would just use nearest neighbor.

I'm saying this as something people who complain about blur should try, because the sharpening filter can help with that a bit.

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The goal here is mainly to check if it's feasible to do with minimal effort. The previous  responses indicate that Mofu thinks he has to load images at their original resolution, or that upscaling or downscaling have significant performance costs.

I don't really care if any of these gets implemented, but I don't like seeing discussions based on incomplete or incorrect information.

If someone really needs to play it on their 4k tv, that person should probably just use fsr and live with the artifacts.

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See my previous comment, section a)

(link is below image I posted)

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Just as an example, this is futaken valley upscaled to 1600x900 using amd fsr on a steam deck.

Edit3: Deleted the image, this was upscaled from a very low resolution. Will post a better comparison for fsr later.

Not sure if my previous comment was seen.

I'll see if I can get method b) to work by extracting and repacking the asset files, though that's a bit of a hassle.

Edit: waifu2x-caffe is running via cpu on the textures atm, will take a while to see results b/c I chose cpu encoding and don't have an nvidia gpu atm.

I'll also post some screenshots using different sharpness settings for fsr, but I'm not sure there's much difference.

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他の方法もあると思います。FSR とか。それを使えるのにはモフから何も必要ではないから一番いいかも...?画像の品質はどうかなわかりませんが。

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In theory you could
a) draw every picture with very high resolution and use automatic downscaling b) upscale existing pictures with a tool like waifu2x and manually fix artifacts if there are any egregious ones.


a)全部を大きいサイズで描いて自動的に画像のサイズを減る機能を使う。そのようなプログラムがもうあります。ゲームが起動する前にプログラムを使ってリサイズすれば重くないはずです。ImageMagickのconvert という機能でできるはずです。


