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A member registered Jun 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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Damn guys that was awesome! Love all the story and voice acting. Crazy good level design too. So much detail. The janitors office was great. I managed to get the good ending and I only blow up one person! Did get caught by the mouse king though. Whoops!

Cool game guys! Tidy controls and cool art style.

😂 Glad you like it. Doesn't everyone want to smite their neighbours some days? 

This is great! Really good gameplay.

Awesome artwork! 

Thanks for your review. Really handy to get that kind of feedback. I will update the menu interaction and improve the player feedback too. Maybe add a better tutorial and get rid of the manual plague placement too. The cutscenes are great right! My wife spent so long making those and they are only on screen for a few seconds each but I think they are super worth it! Thanks again for playing and taking the time to give us your thoughts. 

Thanks for the feedback! I agree actually about the tile selection. I will make it pick a random tile for you. The frogs and locusts follow a tile path and the meteors are global currently. Might make a nice update for the game once the jam ends. Glad you enjoyed the music and art style. I made the music and my wife did the artwork. We tend to jam together whenever we get the time. Feel free to check out some of our previous jam entries. Lots of fun artwork and music in those too! Superbug is pretty wild.

Thanks for playing and for your feedback! We loved your game. Super polished and a great concept. Good work! 

lol Destroyer of worlds!

Cool! I love Slay the Spire so this hit well with me. Really nice story an visual design too. Great work!

This is cool! I liked the main idea and the mystery element of not knowing what you are doing. 

Nice work! This is a fun concept and a great interpretation of the theme.

Beautiful game! Really nicely put together. Great artwork and visual effects.

Nice work! I liked the effects for reflecting bullets. 

Brilliant! Very original controls and gameplay idea. I loved the vibe and the artwork. Hard to play on laptop but still worked well enough. 

Lovely game. I liked the way the sword drags the human around! 

Nice work! Good switch on the concept of the original game. Artwork is tight and I liked the sound effects too.

Really nice game. Super polished! Loved the mechanics and the gameplay feel. Good job!

Loved this game! Great artwork, animation and fun gameplay. I really liked the concept and the mix of photo background and sprites. The particle effects were also great. Loved the paladin spells. 

Cheers buddy! I think you have a good point there. Should drop down the difficulty a little for the jam! Thanks for playing.

Thanks for playing! Had fun making the guitar solo and my wife did all the artwork. Defo need to balance this puppy though! Good shout.

Nice concept! I love this idea and the execution is really tight too. 

Nice idea, a bit slow to start, nice artwork though!

Bert's an unpredictable fella! He also ran through the blocks! Good idea though, I could see it being quite a puzzle game with more work :)

Nice artwork and concept. The jump was a bit delayed though which made it harder. Good game well done :)

This was lovely to play, the artwork is so purrty <3 Great music, love how it changes when you transform. :)

Awesome job! Could have used a little feedback on hovering over each tile. A little animated jiggle or colour change maybe. Loved the idea and the execution was super neat design wise. Nice artwork!

Cool idea! I liked that it seemed to be getting harder as it went along. Nice artwork too. 

Funny take on the theme. Nice neat design. Would be nice with some extra options but I am guessing that would take ages! 

Thanks for playing and for the feedback. Love the look of your game. I'll try it out when i get home. Not done a Ludum Dare jam yet. Will have to keep my eyes out for the next one. Working on a project set in space at the moment. Should have a demo up in a month so check it out and let me know what you think of it, if you have the time.

Cool! Thank you for the extra insight. I'll look into that. Excited to see what you come up with next. 😁👍

Hi buddy, awesome shader work. I have been playing with this idea in a project and I was wondering how you got the shadows on the ground plane to work. I am using a texture wrapped around the object as it looks ok on my end but the way you did the ground shadows has confused me. You mentioned something about "Screenspace" in your YoutTube video. Not sure how that works. Is it something to do with the shadow map? I would love it if you could help me out at all. Thanks and great work!

I did a lot of the testing just one player so I'd still recommend giving it a good go. It is definitely winnable one play, (Hint: railgun)

(1 edit)

You have Ludo to thank for all that. He was a beast this jam. 

Nice! Thanks for checking it out. Bit of a mad rush to get everything made in time!

This is incredible buddy! Such a cool experience. I love the story and the voice acting. Great use of light and the design is beautiful. I managed to get beacon going and I felt great to finally reconnect this lost civilisation with their lost anchor. I think the style of the ruins was awesome and the artwork on the stones was amazing. I loved the whole thing! Excited to see what you make next. Also thanks for organising the jam dude!  

I went into the light. lol Cool concept. I like the visual design and the sound design was good too.

Beautiful game. Should really be taken further, it has so much potential. The movement mechanics are tight and solid. The artwork rocks and the theme is really neat. Even the menu system and the scene transitions are beautiful. Really excellent work guys. I am well impressed! Keep it up.

This was epic. I loved all the voice acting. You guys killed it. Really creative ways to kill each snow dude! So much attention to detail and great use of effects. Had multiple laugh out load moments. Mad you managed to make all this in just two days! Awesome work. 

Cool game dude! I love the character and artwork. A really neat concept of using light as life and having to collect it from the fireflies. It would be a sweet idea to develop further. I know you didn't have much time but it doesn't show. I love the artwork on the ground with the hanging vines and stuff.