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A member registered Jul 06, 2023

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Great presentation, nice idea but I miss the challenge, like a cool down per street, a 5 life frog (maybe this comes later, I saw a blue one with two life), super fast frog, delays for the cars, different car speed, etc.

What I liked a lot, that the cars sometimes slide.

Masterpiece! I love Sokoban and you created an excellent reversal of it.

When I read the title, I thought how a reverse Sokoban  would look like. What you produced exceeded my imagination by far. Love it!

Very cool role reversal! A little too easy, but still great executed.

Same here! Which is really a pity, The idea sounds to promising!

That is so similar to the idea I wanted to realize, but didn't find the time. But your's is sooo much better. Great execution, nice art and sound. I so enjoyed playing it! Amazing job!

Hilarious! That's how a dog must feel like! I really enjoyed this idea and loved the challenges, although the streets are a bit hard! I made a score 675.

"Good dog!"

Hi, this sounds like a nice idea, but I don't get the game play. The only thing I can do is to hit space bar. And then there is the upgrader running back and forth.

(1 edit)

Absolutely hit of the theme!

Enjoyed it really much. And it is challenging! I only got 2600 points and a max combo of 20, but if I return later to that game, I will try to beat that.

Edit: On my second try I found out, that I played in the too small window. There is actually 3 x 3 blocks. This makes is a little easier to get a better score. I got now 4000 (28).

Felt like in a bullet hell action game. At least a little.

Nice concept and great catch on reversal perspective.

Noe I am hungry!

Nice idea and very creative "roll reversal". Is there a defined end of the game? Not sure, if I reached it.

(2 edits)

Wow, what an amazing game. I love the idea. It is really strategic. I reached Level 14, but got stuck and since in my time zone it is beyond midnight and I have to work tomorrow, I have to stop.

For all other players: Watch the "How to play" first!

This game has atmospheric music, nice graphic, a good tutorial, at least 14 levels and an increasing difficulty.

I really enjoyed the playing. Good luck!

Edit: I came back and now I am stuck in level 15. So at least some progression :D

I read now till the very end, but I really enjoy to solve this the real way. While I was tired last time, I am really stuck. But I plan to come back eventually. 

You chose nice art and cool music.

(1 edit)

Hahaha, what a great idea! I love the presentation and the chicken is very smart. You did a great job with its AI!

This so hit the nail on the head for this Game Jam.

Oh, same for me. I didn't manage to move. I "only" have a keyboard and a mouse available. In case you require a Game Controller, I can't play it.

This game looks to cool. I would so have loved to play it.

Hi, I really enjoyed playing this game. Its gameplay is very addictive: "Just one more try!"

The art style is simple, but that serves this gameplay. 

All these police sounds gave me a "Blues Brothers" feeling, which is great!

From technical perspective, found the following (only minor) issues:

  • Retry Button on fifth level starts level 1
  • After finishing the game, the "Replay" button doesn't work.

In case you continue to developer this game, suggest the following gameplay improvements:

  1. Provide a "Pause" button
  2. Allow the player to get a view over the map
  3. Allow the dialog at the beginning to skip
  4. Allow the color of the car to be selectable

Good luck with the game