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nice entry!
it had some bugs that were a bit frustrating to navigate through, but overall its puzzles were cool and werent too hard for a normal player to navigate through!

the house is a bit small, and he is fast, so it made me not even think about using the shift button when i found out about it...
i did enjoy the game a lot though! would love to see more works from you guys and try them!

thank you very much again for trying it and giving your thoughts!
i appreciate it a lot and enjoyed the stream as well!

uh...didnt the game mention that the interaction button is z? try dedicating it to another button in the games settings if it still doesnt work and try again...
if the issue still persisted, answer my comment and tell some more details about the problem and i might be able to fix it!
im so sorry for the inconvenience.

thanks for the tip! im gonna try the game again!
but would be nice if there was something in the game itself for stupid players like me, mentioning how is the correct way of playing...

ok i didnt exactly know about the first one you said but im pretty sure after seeing that my tower is getting crushed by an army while i dont have any troops defending it, i started spamming all of the buildings and merging them together which they were all level one but it didnt let me for some reason...
the game was fun though, i can see myself playing it again if it guided me in the right way...

such a cute game!
your art style is cute and fits it as well!
the only problem i had was the fact that the storm starts so soon and the player doesnt have time to plant, protect and go home (which i never got to it because it was miles away lol) and that got a bit frustrating...
overall, the concept was nice and if the gameplay was balanced out, i would have definitely enjoyed it a lot more!

i dont know if you are going to stream again later because im late to the party but im gonna follow you on twitch if you decided to have another stream playing games from the jam and im gonna try your game and give some feedback!
would love to know your thoughts on mine while watching you play it on stream!

Rate Empty Shift by vector3cat for Brackeys Game Jam 2024.2 -

did you spam any key while being in front of the doors or did it just crash out of nowhere while transitioning to the passcode lock scene?

such a creative game with nice graphics and unique gameplay concept!
the only problem i had was the fact that no matter what i did, my troops didnt spawn and when they randomly did, it was just one or two of them against a whole army...
and although the game had a tutorial, it didnt talk about how we can spawn our troops in the battlefield...and because of that, sadly, i couldnt even begin the game
also, when the buildings go to the edge of the table, they get stuck and dont let the player merge the other buildings, i dont know if thats intended or a bug
aside from that, i can see the potential of this game being a pretty fun experience though!

thank you very much! i appreciate it a lot!
can i know where you got the crashes so maybe i could fix it?

gonna try your game and give feedback right now!
would love to know your thoughts on my game!

Rate Empty Shift by vector3cat for Brackeys Game Jam 2024.2 -

everything was in place and nicely done!
loved the minigames and the reference to the game jam was top notch haha!
enjoyed it a lot!
i think it would have been better if the instruction of keyboard buttons were in-game instead of on the games itch io page though...
but i loved everything else about it, it was a simple game but pretty nicely polished!

would love to know your thoughts on my game!

Rate Empty Shift by vector3cat for Brackeys Game Jam 2024.2 -

im gonna try your game right now!

oops...i have already rated this game haha!
would love to know whats your feedback going to be on my game!

Rate Empty Shift by vector3cat for Brackeys Game Jam 2024.2 -

thank you so much! i would have definitely made a better minigame if i had time and also a teammate who could do some backgrounds and sprites and stuff!
but theres a high chance i will come back to this game and try improving its minigames in the future after this jam!

(1 edit)

thank you very much for this kind and honest review! i really appreciate it!
regarding the notes...they are supposed to be for players who dont go straight from lab to lab to finish the game, and who want to find more secrets, thats why i wanted them to be hard to find, especially after lab 1, the other labs require you to go back in them and search more to find those!

pretty cool game!
enjoyed it and got the good ending!(assuming the early ending is the good ending...)
i wish there was some kind of an indicator for where jj is located because it was hard to understand that from only the sound of him and got me killed several times...
other than that i enjoyed it a lot! it was cool, had pretty nice graphics and audio and fitted the theme pretty well too!

ill try your game right now!
it would mean a lot if you give an honest feedback in the comments while rating my game as well!
Rate Empty Shift by vector3cat for Brackeys Game Jam 2024.2 -

yes it is!

by the way before downloading the fixed version, please delete your save file in "AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata\Empty Shift\saves" for it to work

i am terribly sorry! there was a game breaking bug revolving delta timing, i have fixed it now so i want you to download the game again and also delete your save file from "AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata\Empty Shift\saves" and try again.
im so sorry.

the creativity to come up with something like this is INSANE! loved the concept of it!
the way that there are different guns each pushing you back while shooting in their own way was such a small thing to be added to the game but made it way more immersive!
the only thing i think was a bit weak about it was the way you were indicating the zone which player can move in, those icons which i assume were there for this reason, were a bit far from each other and thus making it sometimes a bit hard to understand how far one can go...
aside from that though, it has been polished like a gem! i enjoyed it so much!

yea i asked that before deciding to remove it and add it with the butler...
anyways, im so sorry, the newer version is up and running!
you can try it now!

i told you, i deleted the update file to do my updates using butler thats the base one, please wait a bit...

im sorry i deleted the update file to be able to upload it with's butler so it might take more time...

(1 edit)

im so thankful for this review!
yes the devices were not the part of gameplay progression but were important to the lore of the game and thats why they come before the passcodes to make sure the player gets them!
ill definitely try your game!
now that i think about it though, it was a great point, as the player has to collect it so there should be a punishment if it has not been collected...hmm...
thank you! ill definitely do something about it!

did the fix work?

i have uploaded the update, let me know when you finished the game!

please delete your save file in \AppData\Roaming\Godot\app_userdata\Empty Shift\saves after installing the new version for it to not mess the settings up!

im uploading the fix, would love it if you tried the game again after i do it!

i actually got to fix it and now i will upload it soon!
this fix should make the timer not go faster than how it is intended to go.

im telling you, the fix is alongside some improvements so if i give it out theres a chance it will disqualify me which im scared of!

rated the game!

the animations were so smooth and i could continue playing just for my eyes to enjoy the visuals haha!
loved the music a well and the gameplay was quite fun!
the only flaw i could say there is, is the fact that its a vampire survivors genre game which means the gameplay of it isnt that much unique if you know what im saying.

there is this bug where if you have more than 60 fps, the time goes faster for you because i forgot to use delta timing...
i dont know if your problem is that or not but i cant fix it because the fix i provided for a later version of it was alongside some other improvements which means i cant upload it or it will disqualify me, and i cant rewrite the codes to what they were because i have already forgot XD
but thanks for the kindness! ill check out your game!

was going to check it out but found out that i have already rated it!

such a nice game with beautiful graphics!
the atmosphere was so good that made you feel like you are actually in the game which i loved the most.
there were some bugs though but im not sure if it was because of my potato graphics card or not haha...
i really enjoyed it and all of my rates are either 5 or 4 stars because of that!

gonna play it and give my honest thoughts right now!
would love to know your thoughts on mine as well.

Rate Empty Shift by vector3cat for Brackeys Game Jam 2024.2 -

would mean a lot if you tried playing my game and rating and reviewing it!

Rate Empty Shift by vector3cat for Brackeys Game Jam 2024.2 -