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A member registered Aug 08, 2022 · View creator page →

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ok, I’ve seem the VOD, sorry for stressing you out haha, still hope you liked :D the intention was to keep the player whelmed (not over, not under ahha), maybe we overdid it a lil bit? :P

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hey, thanks for playing can’t wait to see your vod about it (even tho it’s kinda bugged lol)

just wanted to drop by and say that this is awesome

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Game is awesome. I just finished, if you also wanna finish it, ignore the notepads haha

That was awesome! loved it

godainm, Dana, u made me cry a wee bit T-T wasn’t expecting this from a game jam

very chil, I liked it

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This game is criminally underrated, goddamn, I love it, great idea, great theme, great song, such good, much great, very super

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great fun, but the controls are maddening, I think it would have been better to spread the commands better, haha I was always so confused while playing haha

nice puzzles ^^)/

hey, thanks so much for playing and also the kind words

damn, this game is very fun, very underrated also

hey, thanks for playing :)

I feel like the keyboard should act as shortcuts for the control panel, cuz having to open the control panel, loosing sight of what’s being produced and what’s being requested is kinda unsatisfactory, also, I think that having a ramp in difficulty in regards to the color mixing would be best, like, it takes a while to get used to the controls, and only them probably it would be nice to have color mixing as well :)

nice man, good puzzles

great game, I’d love to have this as a mobile app where you swipe up and down for the movements, or one button at both sides of the screen to allow for the… bug turned feature haha, awesome job, I only managed to get 15s

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the bgm is so goood, the puzzles to the end are fun, but the early levels almost had me close the game before I got to the good part

right? the artist really did an awesome job

yo, similar idea :D cool game

that’s fun, I liked it

  • I felt like saying the outcome of each of the actions would have been better, I felt like I was just randomly clicking at two buttons and not really making any meaningful decision; also
  • the ability to pan the camera around would have been really appreciated, cuz I ended up getting “cornered” by the planet routes, but I couldn’t really make any other choice, there was also a time where I wanted to select a planet, but couldn’t because it wasn’t on my screen; also also
  • knowing which planets are the shops would have been great also, gives us a chance to plan the route a bit more, like, there are more ppl to save on this route, but, that on that route I can repair my hull; also also also
  • didn’t really understand what the crew did, but I did appreciate they had names
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I hate that this is so very well done, what have I just experienced? lol great lil game :D

really liked the leaves with trail, very pleasing :)

not really, but that’s probably a good idea to test out :D thanks for feedback

yooo Maan, congrats! 🎉 thanks for playing

also, congratulations on doing it, it's very difficult and most just give up, you legend :D

oh, yeah, that makes more sense ahhaahah

oh, interesting, I feel like this trash bin mechanic wasn't properly reached to me 😭😭 anyway, again, otherwise great game

This is awesome, I actually had the same idea, but ended up going in a different direction, but it is very cool to see it implemented, and very well if I can say so myself

yeah, get those theories into practice, I wanna get addicted ahha

Great game, very well excuted, the name is a gem, but I kept running out of bread and locking out of the rest of the game, that wasn't fun

I'd pay for this game if I could play it on my android

Great fun to play on too

Hey, there are other buttons to choose hahaha, you need to read the fine print!! but no jokes, 25:27 on hard is SOOO hype, congratulations, I think not even I can do such a time haha



a caveira funciona bem como pressão psicológica, dava até pra você ter feito aquele lance de tipo "sempre fique no mínimo a uma certa distância do player, a caveira também podia andar reto até o player, fazendo com que curvas e seções da pista que fazem uma virada de "90 graus", e seguem "reto" depois uma chance da caveira correr atrás tbm

é, acho que me faltou alguém para jogar pra eu achar ele mais divertido, mas a ideia parece bem boa, parece algo que eu ia gostar de jogar com alguém 

achei mto ruim ter que clicar E 428 vezes toda vez que eu morria pro jaque, ai eu parei de jogar,  achei meio esquisito a caixa de fala estar do lado esquerdo da tela e não centralizada (e maior), o texto as vezes se sobrepunha com a borda do balão, o que era bem estranho de ver.

Eu sempre prefiro jogar um jogo sem BGM e com SFX do que sem SFX e com BGM, então me incomodou bastante a falta de som dos ataques do jaque sem lanterna,

também não entendi porque você deixou o portão de traz aberto se não era pra eu ir pra la, fui pra la e fiquei passeando na água uns segundos antes de ir pra onde você queria que eu fosse haha.

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a parte inteira de audio do jogo ta muito boa, o game loop é bem divertido, eu só me vi começando a ficar com dor no dedo de tanto clicar, não fiquei muito feliz com isso, mas é um jogo bem divertido, acho que o jogo ia ficar mais divertido se eu não tivesse que ficar clicando dez vezes por um saco de lixo só, acho que se fosse um click por saco ia ficar mais divertido, eu me vi clicando mto no botão lá e eu não vi o porque de eu ter que ficar apertando tanto assim, poderia virar mais um jogo de agilidade de clicar e combinar os insetos do que um pseudo cookie-clicker+2048 kk, mas o jogo é divertido ainda com minhas criticas.

outra coisa é enfatizar as consequencias de não conseguir atender os desejos do gato, pessoalmente eu não vi consequencia nenhuma, tinha alguma?

EDIT: fechei o jogo sem ver nem o tempo, nem a quantidade de corações, achei que o jogo ia continuar infinitamente, e minha mão tava cansada, por isso parei