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Victoria Studios Online

A member registered Feb 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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I have to agree to CrazyMage... same exact ideas for improvement.

Nice game mate!

No hablo portugues, pero al menos español, eso me ayudó. Creo que tu estilo es hermoso y también que una traducción en inglés te ayudaria. Buena suerta, amigo!

Thanks a lot, mate! Yeah, I just tested it and you're right, the dwarf still does get stuck. The physics-based movement really is a double-edged sword. On the one hand you can have great interactions, on the other hand it makes things a lot less predictable and a stupid outlying collider can ruin your whole day. Thanks a lot for the feedback!

Game is a lot of fun, albeit quite hard. Maybe the new zombie's could automatically shield you while you're running at the enemy?

Excellent stuff.... Hard to reach this level of detail and quality in just one week, hat's off!

It's kind of hard to know whether you're making progress or not... and the collisions are kind of confusing.

Nice game! I'd suggest, if I might, changing the background texture, as it kinda blurs upon movement. Maybe something larger with more details and no seam?

Cool mate, on it!

Well done! The fish look very distinct and your eyes and hand always have something to do! Maybe a visual hint (aura, etc.) on which enemy you can eat ATM would be cool!

Woopsie! It's not like I added that like 10 minutes before uploading.... Ehm... XD

Thanks a lot for your feedback!

Just played it, nice one!

I think it gets quite dark at times, which makes it harder for your eyes to spot which character is controlled by which hand.. maybe use two different colours?

Game looks great by using simle colours and some nice bending and stretching in the animations. Interesting one!

Great game! I think a tutorial of some sorts would help in the beginning.

Excellent game, but hard to grasp in the beginning. The camera blur in the beginning makes for a nice level change. Interesting mechanics overall.

Excellent game! The theme was brilliantly adapted, the heay post-processing gave it a nice apocalyptical touch. You said this was your first game - hat's off, mate!

(1 edit)

Ok, gonna check it out!

Edit: Excellent game, especially for your first try. Maybe the outlines of the city in the minimap would have been nice - since the projectilees have such a huge range.

Thanks mate! Yours is really creative, vey nice twist on Snake!

Excellent twist on the classical snake, quite hard as well! I think it would be cool if you could look around without changing your movement direction in order to strategise and see what the enemies are doing.

Thanks a lot for your feedback, mate! Yes, animations and particles were the next thing to realise, I honestly ran out of time.

Thanks a lot mate! Any help is appreciated!

Thank you, someone got the reference :)

Gonna check out your game as well!

Very nice game! I liked the Bioshock-style narrator a the simple, yet clear graphics. I think the last levels could be a little harder. It was very easy when using my own shaodw to guide my landings... maybe play with the light sources to sometimes deprive the player of this advantage?

Absolutely mate, I'm on it!

(1 edit)

Cool mate, many thanks!

Edit: I've also had a look at yours!

Cool game mate! Perhaps you could also have a look at mine would be cool:

Nice one! The best two aspects are the level design and the overall speed. The missing graphical hint for the shield confused me a lot in the beginning. Some cool sound would add a lot as well!

The music is good. The graphics could need an upgrade... Simplicity might be key here. Other that that, the exact rati of vertical and horizontal movement could be faster, snappier. That's very hard to get right in platformers... see the elf in my own game.

Yeah.. I might consider it.... I'd probably redo character art though.

Excellent job, left you a comment. Consider checking mine out as well:

Very good job indeed! The 2d lights are a nice touch, the controls are smooth. It could be a little quicker paced. I really liked the different ways you could interact with crystals and walls. Also the post processing when in double mode was a nice touch.

Some small things to improve would be the inter-character collisions and the tight platforms inside.

Rated and commented! This one could be built into a really nice retro shooter!

Would love it if you could have a look at mine:

Many thanks! Yeah.. they are really similar. I think you solved the short time for art assets smarter, by sticing to a minimalistic style!

Keep it coming guys, I'll play all of your games!

Nice game! 

+ cool graphics

+good sound

+ simple, effective controls

- too short

- enemies spawn in the same place

- boss doesn't attack far left side -> easy to cheese

P.S.: Excellent work on the explosions!

Nice one! Would appreciate if you could rate mine :)

Cute game, albeit simplistic. The portal collider could be a little bigger. Also the 4th level is really difficult.

Very entertaining, lots of levels! It would be even better with e.g. moving platforms.

Fun to play... graphics look really nice. Unfortunately it doesn't fit the theme.

Well done! Very clear and well-executed design. I think the movement on the x-axis could be a little quicker... I found myself often not being able to pick a good target to move to.

Ok cool, checking yours out!