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A member registered Apr 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks =) Glad you enjoyed it!

Not yet

Hey; glad you're liking the game! This has to do with getting the piercings from Elise - I have heard some reports that sometimes it may not be unlocking correctly...

Ahaha, not yet :3

Hey, thanks for your support! Unfortunately I don't have integration for the cheats, it's currently done through Patreon. However please don't hesitate to join the official Discord (link on game opening page) and poke me about the cheats - I'll add you to the supporters =)

Glad you like it!

Thanks for the kind words, glad you're having fun with the game! If you need any help with interactive fiction you can always drop by in the Discord - there are other creators around as well =)

Sorry about that, fixed!

Only the Bad End is available for the werewolf in the current version.

Hey there, Sabrina's final ritual is testing for your level of various traits. Which step is sending you down the fail route?

Hey Moody, yes the Crow does not exist in the mobile interface I'm afraid :/ Until we complete the game and have time for a proper port, the desktop version remains the best.

Hey there,

It's possible to lean heavily into the lesbian aspects of the game and develop all your primary relationships with women, but there are a few plot-dependent scenes with men that cannot be circumvented. If that is a deal breaker for you, then the answer is no. If you can glance over a few scenes, you can enjoy a -mostly-lesbian playthrough.

This can happen if you're carrying over from an older save, due to the new tracking there. Starting a new game should fix it - you can use the chapter select option to start straight from Chapter 3

I'm sorry to hear about these problems :/ I will check more carefully the Elise / Felicia line and try to get a fix out along with next patch (end of March/early April).

Regarding the save data issues, some key changes have been made in 0.4.05, which include a patch to the engine itself as there are some underlying issues beyond my control. Did you experience the save issues on a fresh run started on 0.4.05, or did you load an older save?

If you've already rescued her from Elise then that should have given you Elise's motivations. Sounds like a bug, I'll have a look. Sorry about that.

It is in the game, Chapter 2 is completable (although I'll check this situation to make it smoother). Try going to the library to talk to Felicia, then get back to Elise.

You need to first find the fuel which is in Lavius' lair (go with him if you haven't). Once you know where the fuel is, you'll need to ask someone for help - talk to Zach, the lonely man at the inn.

You can talk to Zach at the inn and open up more conversation options with the right responses, then get him to help you.

You need to wait for the Call (getting visions calling you to fulfill the pact) and then go into the Crypt. If you have issues with the worms talk to Felicia

Hello, the game is updated monthly, yes =) You can save at any point you like, saving after death is just a general tip.

Hey, for some reason it wasn't showing up, fixed now! Thanks for letting me know.

Thank you, glad you are enjoying it!

Hey, thanks for playing. This is an option that has not yet been implemented in the current version of the game.

(1 edit)

Just to avoid confusion (which we're working to resolve asap):

-Small cursive red text that is perfectly readable but cannot be clicked -> option not in the game yet

-Big red link that is readable and has on-hover effects-> permanent choices in the story

-Red smudged text that is distorted and unreadable - locked option that can be unlocked with stats/choices

Apologies if this was slightly confusing, working to fill in all the unavailable options so this doesn't happen anymore. Also thank you for the positive review, glad you enjoyed it!

Hello Dad,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I will check how to update the tags and description to something that telegraphs a little better.

All the best,

This is great. Very impactful writing and very condensed delivery.

Currently the only downside is that the description and cover don't do it justice. I don't have any good suggestions, but I think if you can better show what this is it will reach a broader audience.

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Leaving the comment in English for the jam:

Very fun and engaging, with solid story and mechanics. My only critique is the visual design - the text is way too large and some elements of the UI like the register and  stats would fit better on a side bar.

Overall loved it!

Hey, just wanted to leave my 2 cents in. The atmosphere is interesting, but the design is a little frustrating. As ghostchibi has pointed out, there are too many links, most of them are simply examinations that require you to go back, and the navigation gets a little confusing.

My personal recommendation would be to separate "examine" links and "actions". Instead of having "examine" on the bottom of the page, the object to be examined can simply be a link itself in the text. Furthermore, you don't need to take the player to a new passage for every examination. You can have a section of the page dedicated for what the player is looking at, and it gets replaced with the description when you click on something. This would make the gameplay more convenient and transparent.

Of course it's just one possible way of doing things ^^

Thank you for letting me know <3

Hey there. I really enjoyed it. Got ending 4. The title seems really fitting and the length seemed near perfect for what it aims to be. Good work =)

It's a fair point. Though since this is for bragging rights and motivation, I think leaving a comment on the entries that made an impression would serve just as well =)

No problem! Also, forgive if it's a weird comment, but the spelling of "Sarambulus" had me a little perplexed. It's written in a handful of different ways at different places. I am guessing that it is somewhat intentional as part of the whole surreal experience, but if so, the alternation doesn't make it completely obvious. I would suggest making the spelling change even more to underline that it's on purpose and not a mistake.

Using the rope to climb down produces a syntax error. Might want to check it out ^^

I think the idea is very promising. As someone who really enjoys ASMR, I can definitely see myself spending time with such an experience.

On the flip side, I feel that it definitely falls a bit short of its potential. For such a limited scope, the positioning of the images and links (and overall user interface) could have been more polished. There is also room for improvement in the way the sound presentations are structured.

Overall it was an enjoyable moment to relax, and I would highly encourage further development ^^

(1 edit)

You can set it up to open the file directly in browser, in addition to the download option ;)

(haven't played it yet, but thought I should mention. Will update)

I ran into a dead end that broke it. It was a link shortly after they started talking about sunflower seeds. 

Thank you for letting me know. I've enabled it, should work now!