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A Perfect RockView project page

A sci-fi worldbuilding game for rock collectors.
Submitted by Deep Dark Games — 13 days, 8 hours before the deadline
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The question is not do I have rocks, the question is which of the specimens in my collection are small enough to fit on the gameboard?

I really love this, it's so simple and clean and the questions are well designed to get a vibe from each rock. This will be a great one to be able to pull out at family events. It's clear you put a lot of thought into it! 

I ended up with 3 out of 4 planets having no surface, so I had to start getting creative. In the end I discovered one of them was actually a giant biological megastructure made of pure magic plants all the way through, though at first I was tempted to let myself have a re-roll.

The only thing I would change for my personal tastes is to move up the "explore a planet" and "choose a perfect rock" sections by one quarter inch and lighten the printable space background by 20%, to give that room to the map and for making notes on the map. But when you're nitpicking on details that small, you know it's good :)

I'll post a picture on your game page


I saw your picture, and yeah: those are some big rocks! It looked amazing though.

Thank you for the thoughtful feedback. The "non-existent" essence is the one that makes me think hardest too, but I usually find the most creative answers come from it. Pure magic plants is a great answer for it.

Thanks for playing!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I played it with my kids today! So much fun. We rolled the essence before describing the aspect and it made it easier to know what we wanted on the planet. The kids went out and collected some rocks to play. Good way to get their imaginations going. Excited to play with adults 


That's awesome! I'm really glad your kids enjoyed it and got their imaginations going. 

Rolling for the essence first is an interesting variation, I'll definitely try that too.


this idea is so cool! the layout is gorgeous. The idea of using rocks is super fun. im 100% playing this with a group when i can


Thank you! I hope you enjoy playing it.


As someone who has a collection of cool rocks this is right up my alley. Beautiful design!


We gotta use our rock collection for something, right? Thanks!


Love the collaborative storytelling elements here, simple and so beautifully presented, amazing!


Thank you!


The design of the game is beautiful, it passes a very uniquely vibe, but at the same time it can be so flexible, got me hooked from the first second.


I'm glad the vibe hooked you in! Thank you!


This is such an elegant, fun, quirky game. It looks great, it's got an excellent hook (using actual rocks), and the worldbuilding aspect is really engaging. Excellent work!


Thank you for the kind words!


Awesome idea. I really like how the game has both strickt and loose boundries. You must decide on one of these planets but if you really want you can go on exploring. You start as a spacefaring race but you decide how it is faring, why and what race you actualy are. Whole geology aspect of the game is really neat too.


Thank you!




Thank you!


Using actual rocks to envision the players future home planet is genius! Also I really like the layout here, gives me a retro-futurism vibe that fits the game tone well.


Thank you! I'm glad that vibe is coming across...


This looks so good! And I get it right away. As someone who collected crystals and tumbled stones this game allows me to use something already in my home. And that's something - because it's always smart to have supplies consist of things people may already have in their homes.

Beyond the, no pun intended, really stellar presentation with the artwork and super aesthetically pleasing formatting - this seems like such a great game! I was reading the rules and everything looks like it'll work for players. You put in the effort and it shows. If you don't have some kind of background in graphic design I'd be really surprised.


Thank you for the kind words! I'm glad it's resonating with people who like collecting, and they can appreciate their rocks (and crystals/minerals/stones) in a slightly different light.


Wonderful design and color palette. Instantly relaxing to play. Well done!


Thank you EP!


Cool! I call this “enchanting mundania”. You could write “stellar body” on the sun on the map for clarity.


I like "enchanting mundania"! Thanks for checking it out!


what a beautiful Idea! Gotta get a rock collection!


Thanks! I hope you find some great rocks out there.


Haha, quick update - turns out my girls actually does have a rock collection - and we had a blast playing "a perfect rock". I loved the tension when you think "Everything is fine so far on this planet, please let the fauna be anything but deadly!" Wonderful! Thanks again for sharing your game.


I am in love with this game's design, palette, and aesthetic. Incorporating found objects into the planetary discovery loop is a great way to add dimension to the process!


Thanks Matt!


Super cool! I loved the way that you explore new planets, this can also be a great add to a campaing!


Thanks! I totally agree, I could see this fitting in the beginning, middle, or even end of a campaign.


Yes! I'm going to play soon, in fact I have an idea that could even be a combo with this project, let's see hehe ah! Is it okay if I translate it into Portuguese? I'll send you the plain text and if you want, you can adapt it in 


Please do, I'd be happy to do a Portuguese version and credit you for the translation!