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composer of the game here.... interstellar? i dont know what you are talking about

I had a grea time! would wish it was longer. very satisfying!

JEAH! Really fun, thank you!

i love this! you have to consider making this an app!

ok i just realized the animation. now it could even have a sloow speed up over time :) greetings

Beautiful game! I really want to get addicted to this, but the red spikes get so unmotivating :D i already have some strategy but sumetimes it just feels like luck to survive or not. maybe if they would jump a little bit earlier? thanks for the great submisson!

when using mouse for up/down and keys for left/right, the left/right was buggy. stuck most of the time.... on safari and mac.

wow, GREAT submission. the art and the concept and the theme are incredible and feel polished. for my taste the music does not fit, it is a bit to epic. a more cute japani 8bit track would fit more in my opinion. 
thank you! great game

beautiful art and overall feel! congratulations!

yes the music becomes faster and faster until...??!?


Somehow its crashing after couple of seconds... Playing on Safari / Mac

absolutely addictive!

Really enjoyed the aesthetics and feel! Feels very polished for 3h, hehe

Looks and feels great!

Stupidly addictive. If you can optimize the gameplay loop, you should release this on mobile!

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I really enjoyed playing this one! Somehow really gave me this flashback SkiFree vibes. I wish there would be another option to get more presents. Or unlimited presents and more enemies. I just went into a nice flow and then the presents where gone and I had to wait for thieves to spawn. But really fun! It could use some nice music and SFX though.

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eeey, its vampire survivors, love it! I also love the cover! Davie504 hehe

Its really fun, but could start to get difficult a little bit earlier. This was nothing until box 60 and then all of a sudden hell hehe. Also its unelegant that you can walk as far as you can out of screen. I tried two times and lost one package because of that.

Jeah! This reminds me of jetpack joyride. Could be a winner on smartphone, if you find a solution for the controls!

Hah, I love the idea! Talking about simple and innovative! I wonder if one could hold the motivation up by implementing some other game mechanics.

Really innovative idea, and great implementation! I can see this fun as a game for a stream or for multiple people guessing.

I like the creepy christmas music, but I feel like the start/stop button in combination with the general low difficulty takes the motivation out. Wave 10 and i had not even a slight problem. But I like the idea!

My girlfriend delivers mail and thats exactly how she describes it! Great game and a great social commentary. Putting the letters in the mailbox is kind of buggy, sometimes works, sometimes not. Or is there some kind of order to it? If you fix the mailboxes, I will definately come back to play it again!  Great work!

Great game and music (hehe)! Enjoying it very much!

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I came on board absolutely last minute with the music. Maybe I should compose some SFX after the voting phase! (:

Thats easily the most intense chess music I ever heard!

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Incredible art style! I would love a short GameOver-Sound and Screen showing you the time you survived, and then one click and you start fresh. Would be a nice game play loop! Its really hard, so the first motivation could come from surviving lets say one minute...

Jeah, i did this but then im wandering around in the room and cannot turn the camera. It feels like the mouse should move the camera so, but I can only face forward and there is no way to leave the room... Im feeling really stupid rn haha

Can you make it in under 2 minutes?

Wow, thank you so much! Turbovinci did a great job on the physics!

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Crazy fun to compose for this! Also, I just broke 100.000$, so I am happy! Should I also compose some SFX after the voting phase?

That is the best game I ever played. Finally, Pepsi Man is back! I had to laugh after looking for the coke truck for minutes and thinking to myself that there could be at least be an arrow or something... :D I didn't the way back to the Bepsi Packages (no arrows), so its just a 12/10

I love the overall style, humor and vibe. Sadly Im stuck after stamping and havent knocked in any door yet. But 11/10 for the overall package!

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Looks and feels great and very nostalgic! I was obviously expecting someone to give me a sword, but it turned out this game here has more story then Tolkien could dream of! The genre is a matter of taste, but the biggest improvements could be made in the music and SFX.  The games of those time were representatives of simple, but great music, thinking of Zelda or Pokemon. Maybe worth hiring an composer for the next jam. 

Either way, this was really nice, thank you!

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