I like the game, the "game character" is very expressive!
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This game successfully combines puzzle and action together. Also feels very polished. Great job!
Also, I made a similar game about 2 years ago, you can check it out if you want (https://llesha.itch.io/snail)
Thank you for the idea of making equal rows and columns ! I really haven't thought into interaction between them expect for the common linking die.
Yes, boolean operators are definitely a good expansion, but I tried to keep it more accessible (it already has Latin/Roman numbers, which not everyone is fluent with:) ).
Design is very satisfying. Sounds and visuals are on point!
One thing I noticed, is that due to the die cube nature, there is a higher chance to get one of the four sides rather than left and right one.
Really enjoyed playing it, thank you for the experience (the best game yet, it would have more views and ratings if it had a web version, I think). Hole 5 was hard)
Wow, thank you so much for the kind words! Btw, I have two ideas to improve the concept:
- Add vertical expressions (since the dice can be rotated, vertical expressions will have reversed operators and numbers, if 'V' is '5' horizontally, it is '<' vertically) that cross horizontal ones
- Add modulo operator. III when rotated creates it. And below modulo another expression line appears to write what divisor is used
For some reason Godot HTML5 export does this strange thing if you switch tab in browser or click fullscreen button in the bottom right corner, then input is not received.
The only way to fix the issue which I found is:
- Reload page
- Do not switch browser tabs
- Click Run Game, wait for the game to load
- Do not press fullscreen button
- Now input should work properly
Thank you! I explained the idea a bit in the reply to Federico Calchera's comment