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A member registered Aug 12, 2023

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Ah I see, that makes sense. I actually enjoy being pounded to the ground in turn-based RPGs, so will try it again after having finished my mandatory queue!

Yes! Music is set to low volume by default! Thank the lords!

Weird glitches happening whenever characters appear... you see the sprite sheet flashing on screen. The story is fun with lots of cringe humor that I could definitely appreciate. Gameplay... was maybe a little lacking to be honest. Music was quite catchy!

All in all had a good laugh.

A 3 for Comedy and a 2 for Story, but I cannot in good conscience give Gameplay, Music, and Story higher than a 1, sorry... still, had a laugh! Also theme 6 is loud as always which sucks lol. 

"Of course the player doesn't need to be in any danger when fighting the first boss."

What's the point, then? I just think it's suboptimal design to have a boss that has zero ability to defeat you. But if you disagree, hey it's your project! 

(2 edits)

The portraits and enemy graphics are nice, and the selection of skills allows for some nice strategic choices. As always the sound is EXTREMELY loud... 

I gave myself 30 minutes, and time was up after defeating the first boss... this boss was extremely tanky and I was never, even remotely, in any danger of dying yet it took ages to chip away the HP. As such, I never got to appreciate the "heroic return". 

Nice set! Will probably need to enlarge them by 1.5 times, but it still is extremely valuable because the animations are super. 

It may have been nice if this was structured the same as Ghost Warrior (single Aseprite file) though.  

Thanks! Is this update itch only? I shy to say I have bought on steam...

(1 edit)
Any thoughts on if this can be fixed?

So I played this game for about 40 minutes but the save file says 01:50. A common occurrence with MV games I play but ah well. 

Upon loading up the game I was greeted with the infamous theme 6. This is a pretty big turnoff right off the bat. The opening narrative is text on a panning map, which is okay but the text is very hard to read due to it rendering directly on top of flowerbeds and tall grass. 

The text and dialogue is very generic and I could not read through it without sighing. The village is eerily empty, and the cutscene in your home (or shed, more like) plays again and again upon reentry. The blacksmith asks you if you want to upgrade your weapon, but you are not presented with an option to actually do so. 

When inside the Inn you hear a lot of ambient talking, much like a marketplace, but your party and the tavern keeper are all there is. Collision is inconsistent as you can walk over chairs as if it is drawn on the floor, but have to walk around stools. Would expect it to be the other way around, but maybe that's just me. 

Roads in the village extend to the edge of the map, giving the illusion that you can exit the map from there. This is not the case, however, so I ended up pushing against the edges of the map until I finally found the one exit. 

Finally into the wild and I was greeted with huge chunks of map in which nothing happens. There are no random encounters, and the chests peppered around the map are mostly unguarded, so it feels, I dunno, lifeless? The battles consist of identifying enemy weaknesses and spamming the relevant element. It's okay I guess but the pacing feels sluggish. 

All in all not a good impression. Things may change with longer play, but it didn't catch my attention within the playtime (as I said I was sighing through the wooden, stale, stiff dialogue), so it's a pass for me. 

Thanks for the reply! Had intended on posting a screenshot with the comment but it didn’t get through, hmmm. What I see is, a tile in the second place first row of the interface. This is not present in the A1 png yet showing up in the interface. Any way I can send you a screenshot? RMMZ by the way. Not at all a big issue and I can’t imagine that the png itself would be the cause of this, just… weird…

(2 edits)

Just got this on steam and wanted to say this set is absolutely fantastic. Someone in your team must truly and absolutely love Sci-Fi, because the whole set is oozing with love. A quick question, when I load the A1 into MZ I see tiles showing in the interface that I could swear are not present in the A1 sheet... they don't seem to do anything, either. Is this a bug in MZ? 

Sounds good, thanks!

Are the ground tiles of these the same as the previous desert tile sets? IOW are they compatible?

Hello, kind of a nitpick I suppose but scifi-C.png has some dots overflowing into neighboring tiles at (395, 240) through (397, 240)!

Thanks for the reply! In any case good stuff

Hey this looks good. Is it possible to change collapse effects through a plugin command so that you can have different collapse effects for different bosses?

Working on a project in which a six-feet-high human sprite is 96px, so big sprites such as these are much, much appreciated!

What's the average sprite height in pixels? Thanks!

Hi there, 

Enjoying this set very much, but just wanted to say that the below tile causes for some weird river banks. when the water goes in a vertical straight. Tried to upload a picture but itch won't let me so... check the following coordinates of the bitmap:

(402,504) to (406,505)

If you have a straight section of water, it will cause horizontal perturbations. It's not too hard to patch up, but perhaps you may want to look into this because it obviously happens with all the color variations hereof. 

Echoing Cosmix but any thoughts on a steam version? Or a demo perhaps?

Hi there, bought this on Steam and was kind of disappointed that the B tiles are the exact same as those of "Untamed Desert". I can understand why this is, but would have been nice if it was stated in the product description. Thanks.