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A member registered Feb 01, 2024 · View creator page →

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Glad you enjoyed it!  Yeah,  I worked on the UI right at the end, and it was not as easy as I had imagined.  I have more experience with it now so that next Jam won't be as bad lol. 

My favourite mechanic was the one that sends you into space and makes you a moon cat. 

On a real note, though.  I love the art, and I love the concept.  However, maybe I'm biased because I have a cat of my own lol

Thank you so much.  I'm so glad you liked it.  And that you could see through the jank, lol.  This was our first game, and our collaboration was not the greatest, to be honest, but we learned a lot for sure.   We had so many fun ideas for this, like story branches creating items that show up in the world or trinkets that attach to the scarf, and gameplay elements that force players to make choices they don't want to, but in return, they get a prettier scarf.   Maybe we will revisit it at some point.  

We shipped that's all that matters lol

I could feel like it was going in that direction; still really fun though.  I'd love to see it fleshed out :) 

This art is amazing, so much parallax 0.0 

This was a really cool way to explore the theme, and I can see how this can be expanded on.  I was hoping I'd be able to knit my own socks.  But the music and the art was top notch

Very well executed.  I liked how the sections that seemed overly easy before became challenging as you progressed.