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A jam submission

Grandy the wise: A tale of KnittiningView game page

Submitted by Wesley_H88, MintyMeta — 1 hour, 17 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 9 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

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  • The concept of weaving a story and representing it with the knitting was absolutely inspired! I had a huge gasp at the moment my scarf was revealed - it was such a lovely surprise! I also have to congratulate you on the immense scale of this story. Kicking things off with 5 options instantly struct me as a very bold choice, knowing that the narrative would only land up branching even more from there. You must have worked very hard to flesh this all out! That said, reducing the amount of options might have made your life easier, and provided players with a potentially less overwhelming experience. Looping the player back to the start each time was an interesting choice. Now knowing how the game ends, having made so many choices and spinning such a long yarn certainly contributes to the pay off when we see the scarf. But ehen it first happened, it detracts from feeling like that first choice matters. You're always going to land up needing to pick all of them over the game, and the sheer volume of the stories meant that they all blurred together. As someone that loves all things surreal and absurd, I certainly appreciated the amount of weird stuff going on in this game. You created a lot of cool situations and offered heaps of appealing options for where to take things. But the constant weirdness (and huge volume of options) meant that the stories started blurring together into a single weird soup, where it became hard to remember any of the particular stories. There are no real characters, places, goals or events to build a coherent story around. Again, I think the concept of letting the player tell this old person's story was really inspired. But in execution, all these tales seemed like a blur of weird stories without any kind of chronology, or impact on the narrators life. Rather than following the course of someone's life (going through childhood, being a teenager, growing up and growing old) it was just a string of strange things that seemed to happen around this same afternoon. Visually, it was clear that you put a lot of effort into the art. I did however sometime struggle to make out the dark words over dark backgrounds, especially when an option was being hovered. If words are the most important thing on screen, make sure that they can take center stage. Another small art note; Grandy's hands didn't look at all like they belonged to an old person. Overall, a very special entry, full of good humor and interesting moments, but not quite reaching the potential of it's novel concept! Still deserving of many high fives!

First Game
Yes. This is our first game project and our first game jam

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I really enjoyed the wild choose your own adventure vibes! I would just say that visually you might want to find another way to display the text, it's really difficult to read against the background.


Glad you enjoyed it!  Yeah,  I worked on the UI right at the end, and it was not as easy as I had imagined.  I have more experience with it now so that next Jam won't be as bad lol. 


Well, I loved this.
I just typed out a whole paragraph about how and why I loved it, but then the page froze and I lost it all. So I'll try summarise again:
This is exactly how interactive storytelling should feel. Your choice of subject and tone were excellent and cohesive with the mechanics.
I was so glad to see the knitting at the end. That's exactly what I was hoping would happen. Now you just need an online store where players can order their own personal storyscarf.
Overall, it felt playful, but not silly; sincere, but not serious, and that's such a brilliant bullseye to hit. It's obviously not everyone's cup of tea, but I got what you were trying to do, and I think you did it super well.
It's not perfect, but it's a great jam, more like this please.


Thank you very much, I really appreciate the kind words. We have a lot to learn but the next one will be even better <3


Thank you so much.  I'm so glad you liked it.  And that you could see through the jank, lol.  This was our first game, and our collaboration was not the greatest, to be honest, but we learned a lot for sure.   We had so many fun ideas for this, like story branches creating items that show up in the world or trinkets that attach to the scarf, and gameplay elements that force players to make choices they don't want to, but in return, they get a prettier scarf.   Maybe we will revisit it at some point.  


Very cool idea for a game. Well done on execution. Keep up the good work!


Thanks, not perfect but we got it done xD


We shipped that's all that matters lol


I really liked the concept, really fits the theme and it was a fun experience =)


Thank you :)