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A member registered Jan 30, 2022 · View creator page →

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Think I got to the last level (2 reds, 1 pink and 1 blue), very simple but also fun mechanics, and finding the answers to the puzzle is very intuitive when moving the pieces around, I could see myself playing more of this.

Glanced at clips while you made your game and really enjoyed the style, looks good and is pretty difficult to play

I love democracy.

Nice art.

The cards scale with screen size so if I play normally on the web window it's very hard to see the grid behind cause the cards are too big. If I play maxed, the card size only changes when I get new cards in that specific slot. 

Would be nice to have a card reveal effect when hovering over cards, or bringing the hovered card to front to make the UI more intuitive.

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Very clean and awesome cutscenes. Great game concept.

Was afraid of dialogue options running with a couple mistakes made, but managed to have a unique interaction each time. Good pacing, staging little interactions building up to a boss fight (like a real social interaction).

I found myself losing track of words a little but mostly due to how fast I was supposed to react which made things somewhat exciting. The text font could've been cleaner in that case with smaller outlining and more solid color or blockier text.

(p.s. loved Hosehead, reminds me of No Time to Explain)

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Lovely art style.

Have a couple gripes with the mechanics and game itself. 

Judging the art of the character I feel the game should've stayed top down, would've been more interesting with timed attacks play through their animations fully, rather than a floaty 2d game with an attack that can be increased with an auto-clicker or how quickly you clicked.

The enemies look nice but with the current movement the ground enemies are way too fast and annoying to hit from above them. No visual or audio feedback like hit-stun or whiting/reding up the enemy to indicate they have been hit, or a health bar on them to follow how healthy they are and they are too healthy for my taste (the hp bar is optional tho, just needs receptive hit feedback).

Very nice use of the theme, enjoyed the breaking down of reality.

First play through I thought something was bugged and stop before the double jump because I was missing way too many bananas. After restarting I felt it was wrong to have to back track to the dash upgrade so I used a trick I found to wall jump up a little and grab that upgrade first. 

Found the UI only accounted for having the double jump first so it said double jump instead of dash.

Pretty fun with a touch of difficulty near the end, with more levels and polished movement and visuals I can see my self playing this game through.

The turning seems to stop if you move your mouse all the way to edge of the screen.

Overall atmosphere is pretty good. It's just missing some mechanics and/or overall objectives, as well visual and audio queues.

Nice style, feels like could be a fun little VR game.

Having to spam shift to go up and down is a bit annoying, and not having enough articulation to rotate forward/back is slightly tedious, but you in fact a horse which would make some sense.

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Thank you for the comment.

I would've done a couple more minigames though most of the stuff here I was making for the first time so it was a little bit much to put everything together. 

As for the wires, I would like to think of the wire tangling as a little bit of a feature by making sure you untangle them a little before plugging them back in :^) (even if there are instances of the wires just clipping through each other).

Game bugs out and stops all character movement and actions becoming unplayable, does not really fit any of the themes and was made way before this jam's duration.

The pixel art and animation is charming, even if the zoomed shot of the spaceship is a bit phallic.

The horizontal spacing in this game is wonderful and feels fun and bouncy.

The vertical spacing on the other hand. Well I'm happy there isn't a death count. ;'^)

I keep bonking on thread the needle lasers, and it took me forever to figure using the dash to cancel my Y velocity, even still, the jump feels right, but fall down farther into a pit with even faster acceleration feels really hard to pinpoint correctly. The difficulty curve feels ok for everything except the super tiny lazer walls.

Fun figuring out the best way to use up the oxygen for some jumps, the geyser jumps are really satisfying. Would prefer to hear less breathing in my ears, but overall atmosphere (heh) was pretty good.

Really fun concept, movement required a little bit of trial and error with a lot of guess work with the loud beeping.

Like the repelling, although got stuck half way through when it didn't let me climb over the top of a wall.

Very pretty, little bit too wobbly at the start heh. The jumping takes a little getting used to, the lava feels way closer than it actually is with the isometric platforming.

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I'm not quite sure because it has happened with both the gravel and the stone, but eventually after I use up a couple items and keep playing, I get an error message in my browser if I pick something up, don't know what really triggers, maybe an out of bounds error in an array, usually happened when I had at least more than 1 slot available. Perhaps it could also be an item trying to assign itself to multiple slots.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The jump is very floaty, almost to an uncontrollable degree. Also the randomized spots for the apples are hard to predict and jump around consistently. Would've preferred they spawn in set lanes you could jump or slide through with faster motion.

Rats rats, we are the rats! Mouse goes nyoom.

Fun concept, would've enjoyed more. Would prefer the enemies to turn slowly and be reactable rather than them flipping. Some corridors are a little too tight and I would end up getting pushed all the way back by the enemies making it more of a waiting game. But still pretty fun.

Simple but fun endless runner.

Cute game, responsive character, although had a bit of trouble timing the sneezes for bigger jumps.

Really fun platforming and responsive, very clever use of purple blocks. Check points were forgiving but just right.

Cute game. Having a couple issues, inventory getting full and cant keep pick more stuff up, or the game sometimes crashing randomly when I pick an item after a while. Otherwise reminds me of stardew valley but in space.

Feels like the camera drags a little too far back, not giving me enough time to react to a wall or slide unless I know it's already there, but even then it's still very difficulty with the lack of time giving to make the input, sometimes I feel I have press way too early get the input. Very zoomed in even when maxed.

Always strivin' for slightly above average aesthetics B^)

10/10 - Would *phoooOOOooow* again.