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A member registered Aug 25, 2024

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Thanks, ill try it out!

This would be amazing. I would love to have like a command center monitoring the whole area.

Hiya! I am loving the new update, but I have noticed something. Shadows tank the game's performance. I manage with about 35 to 50 fps while im in base with shadows on 1. When set to 0, I get a buttery smooth 60 fps. I don't remember having this bad of performance issues on Version 0.7 or 0.6. Does it have to do with the way shadows are drawn?

Also thanks for adding the Moon!

I see. The software isnt detecting my leap motion device, but I'm not sure if that because the leap motion isnt technically a camera or if its because of the newer hardware. Anyway, thanks!

One more question: how do I enable shaders? I notice there isnt a lighting model/ shader like there is in vseeface. Does the software come with shaders or do I need to download some?

Got it, alrighty thanks!

Hi again! I wanted to ask about Ultraleap and leap motion compatibility, I understand that the webcam is using the older software, but is there anyway I can get my Ultraleap device as the dedicated hand tracking device, or is that not possible due to Ultraleap 2 using the updated Gemini software?

(1 edit)


FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/video/dev/v4l/by-id/usb-Nexight_Inc_NexiGo_N930E_FHD_Webcam_AN202208240001-video-index1'

seems to show up after the first boot. I think it is indeed a bug, calling for the camera in the wrong location.

On further investigation, this seems to only happen when enabling v4l2? Not enabling it seems to work.

Removing the file and replugging in the camera seems to have done the trick. Thanks! I'm really looking forward to using this for streaming! There really needs to be more Linux support for these kinds of things. 

(2 edits)

That worked! Thank you! I now have another issue: I was messing with some of the options in the Dashboard, but an option I switched to made the program crash, and now I cannot start it again. Is there like a reset dashboard ability?

Edit: I discovered that I didn't have an audio library installed, but now I have the issue of it crashing on startup. The actual errors seem to be the following:

Warning: unable to auto-locate config files in directory named by "<auto>etc/panda3d".


FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/video/dev/v4l/by-id/usb-Nexight_Inc_NexiGo_N930E_FHD_Webcam_AN202208240001-video-index1'

I have a 


but not a 

'dev/video/dev/v4l/by-id/usb-Nexight_Inc_NexiGo_N930E _FHD_Webcam_AN202208240001-video-index1'

(1 edit)

Hello! I am trying to use the executable to start this, however it crashes before anything even shows up. Very briefly a window appears, but immediately crashes. I am using Kubuntu, which is Ubuntu but with KDE Plasma Desktop Environment, its a clean install, and I have attempted to change the endings of the executable to .sh files, but with the same result.

This is what I get when I attempt to run it through terminal:

Warning: unable to auto-locate config files in directory named by "<auto>etc/panda3d".
:display: loading display module:
Known pipe types:  glxGraphicsPipe
(all display modules loaded.)
:ShowBase: Default graphics pipe is glxGraphicsPipe (OpenGL).
:display: Created output of type glxGraphicsWindow
:ShowBase: Successfully opened window of type glxGraphicsWindow (OpenGL)
:audio: Using default OpenAL device
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1000:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1000:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
:audio(error): Couldn't open default OpenAL device
:audio(error): OpenALAudioManager: No open device or context
:audio(error):   OpenALAudioManager is not valid, will use NullAudioManager
:audio: NullAudioManager
:audio: Using default OpenAL device
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1000:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1000:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
:audio(error): Couldn't open default OpenAL device
:audio(error): OpenALAudioManager: No open device or context
:audio(error):   OpenALAudioManager is not valid, will use NullAudioManager
:audio: NullAudioManager
:display: Created output of type GLGraphicsBuffer
:shader: Preprocessing shader file: krender/shader/shadow.vert.glsl
:shader: Preprocessing shader file: krender/shader/shadow.frag.glsl
:display: Created output of type GLGraphicsBuffer
:display: Created output of type GLGraphicsBuffer
:shader: Preprocessing shader file: dof.vert.glsl
:shader: Preprocessing shader file: dof.frag.glsl
Loading plugin settings
Creating plugin instances ...
:gobj: Loading texture plugin/../../../plugin/gamepad.png
:gobj(error): Texture::read() - couldn't read: plugin/../../../plugin/gamepad.png
:gobj(error): Unable to find texture "plugin/../../../plugin/gamepad.png" on model-path /home/jacob/VTuberWebc

Traceback (most recent call last):  

File "vtuber_webcam.pyx", line 362, in init vtuber_webcam  

File "vtuber_webcam.pyx", line 196, in vtuber_webcam.App.__init__  

File "gamepad.pyx", line 312, in plugin.gamepad.VPlugin.create  

File "gltf.pyx", line 89, in plugin.gamepad.glb_read  

File "/home/jacob/VTuberWebcam/release-lynx64/lib/python3.12/site-packages/kphys/", line 95, in update

self.load_texture(texid, gltf_tex, gltf_data)  

File "/home/jacob/VTuberWebcam/release-lynx64/lib/", line 521, in load_texture
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'filename'

I dunno what any of it means, or if maybe im stupid for trying to launch it from terminal. I'm looking very forward to this program, and I wanted to use it over VSeeFace, so I hope whatever is wrong is an easy fix, either for you or me!