Thanks, ill try it out!
Recent community posts
Hiya! I am loving the new update, but I have noticed something. Shadows tank the game's performance. I manage with about 35 to 50 fps while im in base with shadows on 1. When set to 0, I get a buttery smooth 60 fps. I don't remember having this bad of performance issues on Version 0.7 or 0.6. Does it have to do with the way shadows are drawn?
Also thanks for adding the Moon!
I see. The software isnt detecting my leap motion device, but I'm not sure if that because the leap motion isnt technically a camera or if its because of the newer hardware. Anyway, thanks!
One more question: how do I enable shaders? I notice there isnt a lighting model/ shader like there is in vseeface. Does the software come with shaders or do I need to download some?
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/video/dev/v4l/by-id/usb-Nexight_Inc_NexiGo_N930E_FHD_Webcam_AN202208240001-video-index1'
seems to show up after the first boot. I think it is indeed a bug, calling for the camera in the wrong location.
On further investigation, this seems to only happen when enabling v4l2? Not enabling it seems to work.
That worked! Thank you! I now have another issue: I was messing with some of the options in the Dashboard, but an option I switched to made the program crash, and now I cannot start it again. Is there like a reset dashboard ability?
Edit: I discovered that I didn't have an audio library installed, but now I have the issue of it crashing on startup. The actual errors seem to be the following:
Warning: unable to auto-locate config files in directory named by "<auto>etc/panda3d".
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/dev/video/dev/v4l/by-id/usb-Nexight_Inc_NexiGo_N930E_FHD_Webcam_AN202208240001-video-index1'
I have a
but not a
'dev/video/dev/v4l/by-id/usb-Nexight_Inc_NexiGo_N930E _FHD_Webcam_AN202208240001-video-index1'
Hello! I am trying to use the executable to start this, however it crashes before anything even shows up. Very briefly a window appears, but immediately crashes. I am using Kubuntu, which is Ubuntu but with KDE Plasma Desktop Environment, its a clean install, and I have attempted to change the endings of the executable to .sh files, but with the same result.
This is what I get when I attempt to run it through terminal:
Warning: unable to auto-locate config files in directory named by "<auto>etc/panda3d".
:display: loading display module:
Known pipe types: glxGraphicsPipe
(all display modules loaded.)
:ShowBase: Default graphics pipe is glxGraphicsPipe (OpenGL).
:display: Created output of type glxGraphicsWindow
:ShowBase: Successfully opened window of type glxGraphicsWindow (OpenGL)
:audio: Using default OpenAL device
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1000:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1000:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
:audio(error): Couldn't open default OpenAL device
:audio(error): OpenALAudioManager: No open device or context
:audio(error): OpenALAudioManager is not valid, will use NullAudioManager
:audio: NullAudioManager
:audio: Using default OpenAL device
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1000:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1000:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
:audio(error): Couldn't open default OpenAL device
:audio(error): OpenALAudioManager: No open device or context
:audio(error): OpenALAudioManager is not valid, will use NullAudioManager
:audio: NullAudioManager
:display: Created output of type GLGraphicsBuffer
:shader: Preprocessing shader file: krender/shader/shadow.vert.glsl
:shader: Preprocessing shader file: krender/shader/shadow.frag.glsl
:display: Created output of type GLGraphicsBuffer
:display: Created output of type GLGraphicsBuffer
:shader: Preprocessing shader file: dof.vert.glsl
:shader: Preprocessing shader file: dof.frag.glsl
Loading plugin settings
Creating plugin instances ...
:gobj: Loading texture plugin/../../../plugin/gamepad.png
:gobj(error): Texture::read() - couldn't read: plugin/../../../plugin/gamepad.png
:gobj(error): Unable to find texture "plugin/../../../plugin/gamepad.png" on model-path /home/jacob/VTuberWebc
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "vtuber_webcam.pyx", line 362, in init vtuber_webcam
File "vtuber_webcam.pyx", line 196, in vtuber_webcam.App.__init__
File "gamepad.pyx", line 312, in plugin.gamepad.VPlugin.create
File "gltf.pyx", line 89, in plugin.gamepad.glb_read
File "/home/jacob/VTuberWebcam/release-lynx64/lib/python3.12/site-packages/kphys/", line 95, in update
self.load_texture(texid, gltf_tex, gltf_data)
File "/home/jacob/VTuberWebcam/release-lynx64/lib/", line 521, in load_texture
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'filename'
I dunno what any of it means, or if maybe im stupid for trying to launch it from terminal. I'm looking very forward to this program, and I wanted to use it over VSeeFace, so I hope whatever is wrong is an easy fix, either for you or me!