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A member registered Dec 25, 2021 · View creator page →

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Does this app allow one guide along with guest players or cooperative mode?  Thanks.

That's great! Thanks! 

Actually what brought me to this project was a reddit conversation about ttrpgs that provides epub files 😁

Thats the hard work on supporting other formats apart of pdf. 

Wow that would be amazing. Really lf enjoying more ttrpgs in my E-reader! Thanks! 

Also are you working on more Shepherds material or other ttrpg projects? 

Hello. Just bought the Shepherds bundle. It seems there are really great ideas so far! Any plan on making an epub of this scenario the same way the core rules has? Thanks. 

Oh thanks the answer I will give it a shot once again!

(2 edits)

Hello. I am getting these errors with the demo scene within the assetlib version of the addon running on godot 3.5.

No config file found. After login, it will be created at "user://playfab_client_config.cfg".

   At: res://addons/godot-playfab/PlayFabClientConfig/

ERROR: Class 'EditorPlugin' can only be instantiated by editor.

   at: instance (core/class_db.cpp:516) - Class 'EditorPlugin' can only be instantiated by editor.

ERROR: Class type: 'EditorPlugin' is not instantiable.

   at: _new (modules/gdscript/gdscript.cpp:66) - Condition "!o" is true. Returned: Variant()

Also, do you have any video setting up everything from scratch?

It is hard! Nice submission overall but I died a lot xD

I was not able to implement a lot of basic features cuz lacking of free time during the GameJam. Thanks the feedback! All of your feedback will be very useful once the GameJam ends. Thanks once again!

Nice experience. Project is really polished!

Thanks the feedback!

Yeah. Sound is great!

Great job! I really like the idea and aesthetics. But have you tried making the remain bodies maybe more heavier. I feel it is too easy to move them.

Thanks the feedback! Definitely fix the player's speed will be my main focus once the game jam ends.

Hello. Gradually increase the initial enemies spawn is something I didn't take into account till your reply. Thanks the feedback!

Yeah that was something I noticed after build the webgl version so didnt have anymore time to solve it. Thanks the feedback! I am taking notes on everyone feedback looking for v1.0.

Thanks the feedback!

Great job. This project is really polished.

This game looks and feels really well. Nice job!

I got some inspiration from the old Ice Climber. I loved that game when was a kid. This is a game that I will get done for sure.

Thanks the feedback!

Yeah there are some funny bugs yet xD

The one you mentioned is something on the slippy physic material I guess.

About the initial dialogue. Had to decide between implement a skip feature or saving data into localstorage. I thought a skip key would be faster to implement but definitely dialogue not showing at all is needed too.

Thanks the great feedback!

(2 edits)

Yeah there is a little issue with the velocity once you touch any border of the screen I was not able to solve in time before deadline. Thanks the feedback. It is really cool to seen how people notices all these minor issues in the game. I don't know why but it feels rewarding somehow. Thanks again!

(1 edit)

Yeah that is one of my favorite mechanic as well. Too bad it is not completely implemented, it is still missing the game over screen when trash reaches the top. Thanks the feedback.

It is so nice to get all this feedback. Thank you.

Sounds nice to me. Will try something like that on lvl2+ 

Randomly changing garbage and trap positions.

Thanks the great feedback once again!

Wow nice to know you were able to complete the level! Thanks the feedback.

Thanks the feedback. Really appreciate to know how the game made you felt.

Thanks the feedback.

Yeah that was an issue I was not able to solve in time before submit deadline but I will do it for sure after Game Jam ends. Thanks the feedback. 

Great presentation. Lovely job.

Nice visuals. Love low poly.

Nice work.

Interesting idea. Nice done.

(2 edits)

Interesting aesthetic, nice!

Nice presentation. Environment is great.

Feels really nice. I like what it conveys.

Nice job. A bit confused with the left click attack but nice presentation.