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A member registered Aug 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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Holy shoot, this game was so much fun! The art and music made it highly immersive, the boss was so easy to hate, and it was counterintuitive yet fun to try to think in terms of absolute space instead of just pressing right to move forward. Everything about this game was masterfully crafted, and even with a team of three, it's hard to imagine that all this was built within a week.

I can only give tiny pieces of constructive criticism - first of all, the initial part of the game was a little confusing, and I almost got lost a few times just because I was surrounded by islands and didn't have any idea which direction to head. I eventually figured out that I had to go in the down-right direction the entire time, but some kind of direction indicator near the start would prove itself very helpful in my opinion. Second of all, even though I was able to beat the boss eventually, the laser pretty much got me every time, especially when the outer area was filled with rainbow tears. Some kind of more recognizable warning for the laser along with more places to hide when the outer area is filled would've made the boss fight more enjoyable for me.

That's about all the feedback I can think of, overall this was a super polished game and is easily my favorite I have played so far. Thank you so much for making it!

Totally agree, education games in general are hard without spending loads of effort just to teach players the underlying concepts, which takes a lot out of the "playing" part of the game.

I did want to have a 'how much more speed is required' indicator of some kind, but had to go with the simple progress bar at the top due to time constraints, which doesn't work super well for numerous reasons. I do think the trajectory indicator you mentioned would be the best option since it would give players an intuitive understanding of how an orbit works in the first place, but I don't know if I have the required physics expertise for such a task. I will definitely try it later though!

Also, I had never thought about just giving the player an orbital speed requirement based on their altitude, this probably would've been a nice and simple feature to add if I had thought of it during the jam. :)

Anyhow, thanks so much for the feedback! I'm glad to see you were able to beat it, and I'll make sure to give your game a shot too!

Cool idea! I was planning to implement something similar that just renders a partial ellipse as an orbital trajectory once the altitude was sufficiently high, but I didn't have enough time. It would be cool if such an indicator could also take air resistance into account such that the trajectory starts going down towards the earth if it gets into the atmosphere. I don't know if I have the physics expertise to do such a thing, but I might try later!

I really wanted to leave quality feedback here, but my keyboard is weird and combines the arrow keys with the WASD keys, so it was impossible to play using those controls. :(

However, what I did see was amazing. The music was great and fitting for both the hard-working industrial setting and 8-bit design of the game. The art was really cool too, and knocking your boss off the edge is a genius way to combine both the requirement and theme. Overall, it looks like you put a lot of effort into this game, and I'm really sorry that I can't play through it all.

Thank you for the feedback! You make a great point with KSP, I probably should've researched how those systems work before I made mine lol. I intended the very top progress bar to signify how close the player is to orbit, but it didn't end up working well since the way I programmed it makes it significantly more dependent on horizontal velocity rather than altitude. So it only starts going up later in the flight when the rocket becomes more horizontal.

But I really appreciate the feedback, these will be the first problems I address if I ever get back to this game. :)

Of course! I'd love to iterate on this game in the future, I thought it was a super promising idea from its conception. And yes, I made sure to leave a rating on your piece of art too ;)

Yeah, I was planning to add both an indicator that shows your trajectory around the earth and some obstacles like birds, wind, planes, etc. along the way to make it more exciting, but I ended up being too short on time. But thank you for the kind words!

Cool idea, I really liked how you put in the effort to make a totally separate tutorial level that helped developed the character of your boss. Art and music were cool too. My one complaint is that it was a bit difficult to charge tickets at specific people when they were clustered into a crowd, especially when that crowd had people who were already charged.

This was a fun game, thanks for making it!

Wow, I really love the concept of having to sequentially fail to gather enough information to eventually beat the game. You successfully tricked me into going right at the beginning. The music was great too, but I do admit the art can use some work ;). I doubt I could do much better though!

I was able to get through the game just fine, and everything was very intuitive to understand. This is an overall great game, thanks for making it!

I like this game, it's nice and simple and has a super cool implementation of the theme. My mind somehow went straight to 'the edge of flat earth' after I saw the theme too, but I couldn't think of a way to implement it. But you did it well!

The movement does seem a little finicky/jittery for some reason though. It's almost like the ship has inertia sometimes but can immediately stop at other times? I can't pinpoint the exact reason, but maybe you could work on that if you want to extend this game in the future.

Overall, this was a fun game. I was able to score 26! Thanks for making it :)

I like this game, it's nice and simple and has a super cool implementation of the theme. My mind somehow went straight to 'the edge of flat earth' after I saw the theme too, but I couldn't think of a way to implement it. But you did it well!

The movement does seem a little finicky/jittery for some reason though. It's almost like the ship has inertia sometimes but can immediately stop at other times? I can't pinpoint the exact reason, but maybe you could work on that if you want to extend this game in the future.

Overall, this was a fun game. I was able to score 26! Thanks for making it :)