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The letter delivered at the edge of collapseView game page

The world is on the edge of a catastrophe. Will you be able to deliver this very important letter before it's too late?
Submitted by VicoPTP — 1 hour, 29 minutes before the deadline
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The letter delivered at the edge of collapse's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Technical Implementation#1213.0833.083

Ranked from 24 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game apply the limitation (and optionally, the theme)?
The world is on the edge of collapse. You have to deliver a very important letter to the king (i.e. the boss of the lands)

Team Size

Solo (1)

What main engine/tool/language did you use to construct the game?

Which diversifiers did you use, if any?

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It almost feels like it starting to go Kaizo Mario territory :P I was like "wait, what, I have to go west?" Way to subvert our expectations and its fun having both the ability to land on platform as well as to hang from them. I failed to save the world too many times creating multiple universes in the process...I hope that's okay :P


Of course that's okay ^o^

(it is a secret that must not be repeated, but I'll tell it to you : these are not multiple universes but it is the same one ! So don't feel bad ;))


Okay so I was very pleasantly surprised here, it appeared to be a very simple platformer at first, until I got to the end of the right section and learned I was deceived and actually playing a mystery game.  Detective platformer dude was on the case, I was gonna figure out where to go lol.  I had a blast back tracking and unlocking clues to get further.  Really cool little game!


Very simple in graphics but the concept of this one is amazing. Majoras Mask vibes! I love the idea of learning each time and traveling somewhere new each time, very well done. I can see this as a full game with a makeover and bigger story!


Thanks for the feedback ;)

Majora's Mask was indeed a big inspiration for me (it's a favorite of mine)

Glad you enjoyed it :D
(P.S. also just tried out your game, it's really really awesome, I think you guys will go in the top 10/top 20)


Platforming was pretty good, however it felt really bad not being able to try the puzzle again after failing, I just had to ice myself and go all the way back. Same with the sign that says "should've gone left", I felt a bit cheated, and just jumped off and started again. Congrats on the consistent artwork, I know the troubles of trying to make your own art when programming is your forte. 


The jump feels very good, it's so easy to mess up the jumping feeling. I like the grabing and holding and how it made me retrace my steps. Fun game.


Hi, thank you for testing out my game ! I actually used real world physics on that one ;) 

Glad you enjoyed it


fun little game very simple but still like the mechanics good work


Thanks for your reply ;)


enjoyed playing this! the gameplay was immersive for me personally , finding clues and getting the door to open etc,  the story was appropriate for the theme and limitation,  and really has kept me on the edge . great work! keep it up!


Hey, thank you for playing my game, glad you enjoyed it :D


I had fun playing this. Appreciated the story elements in the intro - I like stories that don't tell you a lot of stuff but it's just how it is. Do this to save the world. Why does the king hold the power? Noone knows. BUT I DID IT!  Also suspicious amounts of lava going on :D

I think you should lean into the time loop thing because time loops are great! Makes me think of classics like Majoras Mask and stuff. Each play through uncovers new truths and tips how to solve puzzles, and tips on how to get to those tips. It's like a match-2 memory game played out over and over until you know where everything is, and you can do the flawless run!

I actually appreciate the "no hand holding" puzzle. I recognized it right away to be that and tried to remember without writing it down, then ran over and I forgot, so had to replay that section again lmao.


Yes, the king is in power but is really incompetent and he needs replacement. That's why a force from above (destiny ?) chose you to take his place with a remarkable entry (a mission that will make you hero through saving the world from collapse). The lava represents the previous failures of the king, hence their suspicious amounts. The cave under the bridge represents the inner quest needed to understand the world. Only those wise enough are able to skip it. That's just one interpretation lol :D

Majora's Mask was actually a big inspiration for me because it was a game I really loved back in the days. I think I might try recreating it in 2d godot (that is if I have enough time and skill lol)

Thank you for trying my game out ;)

P.S. Really liked your work, is there any chance you participate in other future jams ?


A good interpretation indeed! If Majoras Mask can have crazy fan fiction, then yours can too haha.

Hey you shoudn't be praising me on your own game site lol. I guess I'll be eyeing some good candidates for jams. But it's both good and bad they are time restricted: it keeps focus on point but it also has to fit into my schedule ;P


Fun game, I found that I was getting a little frustrated when I got to the color puzzle bc its not immediately obvious your suppose to climb the wall. but I found it in the end. good job


Hi, thanks for your reply ^_^

I thought adding help on puzzles would be frustrating to some players (like handholding),  so I took the freedom to not do it

Glad you figured it out !


I enjoyed the gameplay, but I think the game should have more to explore. The level design seems a bit random at on or two points at the bottom of the screen, but it was definitely fun.


Thanks for your reply ! Unfortunately I had a lot of things going on so I had not much time on hands to implement a lot of puzzles. I also had to keep in mind that the game should be able to be beaten in under 60 seconds and I really did not want to overshoot. It's definitely something I will try to make better in my following entries ! Thanks for your feedback :)


Game reminds me of Noita in how you learn something each playthrough. Cool concept!


Noita out of all things ! It's been a long time since I played it (over a year I think), I will also check out your game ;)


Good game! very interesting concept!


Thanks !


Nice little game! I liked the concept of gaining more and more knowledge on each playthrough!


Thank you for your kind words ! Glad you enjoyed it :D


Love the game! I like how snappy the controls were, it really put a nice game feel on it. I also like how the player was able to get smarter with the game as more iterations are executed. Great Job!


Hi, thanks for giving my entry a try ! I was inspired by Majora's Mask. Had I had more time, I would've put in more puzzles

Thank you for your feedback, your entry was fun too !


Found this Speedrun strat which you can get an insane speed by spamming the jump key(I used a macro)

I really liked the puzzle and the game but i had fun messing with that mechanic too, lol

nice work!


Haha, nice one !

The multiple jump is a relic of the early prototype of this game. It was meant to be an endless vertical scroller and I figured out that not all the code should be thrown out the window and some things could've been fun for some players to figure out on their own (I also used this strat to playtest lol). Some other code like a 10% speed boost for each ledge you grabbed before hitting the ground and different frictions for each type of ground did not make it though :(

Anyway, I'll be sure to check out your entry as well ;)


Cool game ! The ledge grab is nice and that little puzzle with the colored lights was cool. My only critic would be that the text on the billboards was really small and hard to read.

Was fun ! Good thing the world didnt collapse !


Thanks to you for not letting the world collapse ;)


Wow, I really love the concept of having to sequentially fail to gather enough information to eventually beat the game. You successfully tricked me into going right at the beginning. The music was great too, but I do admit the art can use some work ;). I doubt I could do much better though!

I was able to get through the game just fine, and everything was very intuitive to understand. This is an overall great game, thanks for making it!


Hey man, thanks for playing my game !

The concept of going back through the world to get information came from my favorite game (Majora's Mask) and I was really happy with trying to implement it here

Yes, making art is really difficult but really fun (especially when using paint dot net lol). I know the result isn't as beautifull as what it could be, but I really enjoyed seeing my terrible drawings take life.

Your game was really cool too ;) Also enjoyed it !


Hey man I dont get it I go back left to west but I dont see nothing and I dont have platform to go


Hey dude, 

The plan is / was to throw yourself into lava so that you respawn. I admit that it could've used a bit more clearness at that point


ah, I will try it again then


A fully developed entry. It has sound, art and it looks like all planned mechanics are implemented. I liked the design that made me explore all possible areas and the game was not too difficult. I see that graphics are a struggle for you so I appreciate that you pushed through. Keep practicing and belive in yourself. The sound was too overwhelming, I would adjust the volume mix. The platform had missplaced coliders but I was able to figure them out.


Thank you for your kind words ! Glad you liked it :)

Indeed I am more of a programmer than an artist, but I had a lot of fun drawing all the terrible assets, and that's what counts hahaha. The game originally had a whole other plan ahead ("endless" vertical scroller) which is why some things were a tad off