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A member registered Feb 16, 2019 · View creator page →

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An outstanding game, as many have already said.  I wish I was able to replicate your level of writing and gameplay - you did an excellent job, and I'm excited for the full release!  Keep it going!

Great work, loved the crispy sprite art.

I can tell you worked very hard on the final boss.  Good work!

Great idea for the theme!

Great Submission!

Very interesting and innovative mechanics!

I will, thankyou!

I do have a few "word" attack prefabs made, but to fix the problem overall - I'll add a delay between the text displays and the attacks.  Thankyou for your feedback!

Forgot to mention - you can hold SHIFT to go slower for more precise movements!

Great art!

Great work!  

Good game, but I'm having some trouble playing it.  I think the game might be broken for me?  Half of the time, a prompt appears to connect the sockets, the screen flashes with a bunch of sockets for a frame, and then I lose a charge instantly and it moves to the next game - which can end up being the socket mini game again.

Great framework and crisp controls, I would love to see this game become action intensive!

You did very good - excellent visuals, audio, and design. 

Good style!

Thankyou for the insightful review!  The tutorial button is supposed to wheel on a graphic from the right side of the screen, but I forgot to scale the UI with screen size, so it might not show up on certain screens - sorry about that!  The tutorial was made 13 minutes before the deadline!

Based on your feedback, here's what I'm thinking...

1 - Fix the tutorial

2 - Add obstacles with weakspots, encouraging a change in rotation

3 - I'm glad you liked the bounce power up!  I won't change it - but I'll try to make the other options more appealing, adding more damage multiplier to strength and making the enlarge power up help deal more damage the further away an object is from you.

And to answer your question, the score is equal to how much experience you got.  You get experience for swinging based off of the speed of your sword, dealing damage, and getting kills.  I'll make the map regenerate resources in a future update to let you keep going!

Again, thankyou for your detailed feedback, I'll do my best to make it better!

Character customization is awesome, I love powers and the timing of attacks.  Very good gameplay, fun and addictive!  10/10

Outstanding effort, animation, and character designs.  I would love to see more variety in the timing minigames for attacks in the demo!

I think it could be improved if you display the controls.  The comment you left on the page is helpful.  I do not see the login page though, it does not show up on my computer.

Enemies are on the way!  After rating is over, a lot of comments have suggested for the game to continue and for enemies to start spawning - so I promise you it will happen in the game's first update!  Stay tuned friend! 

Great sound design, and great sense of humor!  Beat the full game and unlocked the golden room.  It did have severe performance problems after the game has been running for a minute, and the cutscene took about 90 seconds to load, but besides that,  this game is a memory seared into my mind for eternity.

Pretty good game, good use of theme and graphics!  My only complaint is that the game is really easy, you can beat every wave by standing still and doing nothing.  Enemies only deal damage to you when they enter your hitbox, so if you stand still you never take damage, and a full heal costs 10 in between waves.

Fun, Funny, and good.  Good work!

Oh, and I'm using a laptop in case physical screen size might effect this...

I don't think the game renders properly on my screen.  The game looks really good though!  I won't rate it yet just in case I'm doing something wrong.  Is there a fullscreen key that isn't f11?

I love the concept of the gameplay, humorous too - but you can't go backwards.  That by itself isn't bad, but it's very easy to lose the boulder by accidentally flicking it behind you...  So I have to restart frequently.

I like the controls and the design of the game, beat all 6 levels. It's easy to get soft-locked so I really appreciate the reset button and the vehicle flip buttons!

Great Entry!  Very unique game mechanic.  I love the variety of obstacles - the furthest I got was 79 seconds.

It takes awhile to get to the destination, but otherwise a solid game overall.  Maybe new things should happen throughout the night?

I went to the fixed version on itch.io, but I can't understand what to do when I get to the twitter page.  The main character is a creep, right?  Are we supposed to leave a mean comment on her code?  I tried clicking and typing on everything on screen; but nothing seemed to have any effect.

I got you, I'll add more enemy types if enough people really like this game.

Innovative!  I love the controls, the concept, and the enemy attacks.   Very well balanced, too!  The best strategy I've found was taking out the catapults on the corners first and getting the attention of the archers on yourself - that way your army doesn't die since they can't dodge arrows like you can.  Took me about 3 minutes to tear everything down [after a couple failed attempts, granted!]

It's more that *holding down the button*, while useful for the levitation, is the same button for jumping and increasing height.  of there was a delay before hovering would consume levitation, it would be much easier to focus on gaining height over hovering midair to reach certain platforms.

I'm happy to hear you got that!   As for the map, it's only a 60x60 tile grid.   Sounds like you've beaten my challenge!  We plan to make object refreshments and new maps as the game goes on, so stay tuned after voting is over for a big update!

Of course!  We have enemies planned, they were just cut for the scope of the jam - look out for volcanoes, mountains, avalanches, and other enemies!

Tight platforming, and good music!

Great game!  I love the extra animations and crisp sprite art.  You  have some solid platforming, and I enjoyed the spell casting as well.

  A couple issues: you can phase through enemy attacks by walking straight towards them, placing you behind their sword hitbox.  The jump is a bit hard to control since you have to release the button as soon as you press it to avoid wasting levitation - which is harder to do with a higher frame rate.

The start and tutorial buttons didn't scale correctly so they are a bit small, tucked in the top left corner.  Sorry - I'll fix this after the jam rating is over.

I got as far as level 7 since I couldn't figure out how to het past the lip on the left side.  Great game, good gameplay!