Wanted to say, really like this game! I find myself appreciating the little aesthetic touches especially the 'lasagna' space station and the way the map updates as you progress!
Recent community posts
The change-up from the last demo had me thinking it was bugged at first with a line along the lines of 'where'd she go?' and then it was revealed a wax statue was in fact the thing which made a lot more sense.
I'm guessing the bed silhouette scenes were meant to incrementally progress? but if there was any change day to day I couldn't notice, it was too subtle...was there a glow towards one of the last days?
Not too big a fan of the kind of aimless repetitive tasks, I definitely see some opportunities for some little scares here and there. - the limited POV showering, the shadow of the banister post at the top of the steps - heck, I got spooked bc I thought the round banister post outside the kitchen at night was a bald head or reflection in the glass! But kinda felt like a letdown when there were none - or I managed to literally miss all of them!
Probably should change the menu when paused ingame from 'Begin' to 'Resume' as well, little nitpick. Performance could be improved, and some brightness/gamma calibration would be useful because this game does feel very dark and it's hard to gauge what's the 'intended' brightness.
It's a working demo but I'm a little peeved that the ending trigger was so hard to find especially when the windows seem to suggest you can LEAVE. And the player character's light needs a liiitle bit of adjustment. It's slightly too low to the ground so when you approach some areas like tables too closely you end up casting shadows onto the table surface as the light is blocked by the table edge.
Only unusual creative decision that sticks out to me is the third person character dialogue as a first person player character like 'he mutters to himself I hope this still works". I'm guessing this is perhaps some residual dialogue clunkiness from writing this game as a short story first?
Some of the sound cues are maybe a little too subtle. The 'thud' when enemies are against the glass (which is a pretty big deal) is a lot quieter than prev builds, and I can totally see why some people are basically brute forcing the switch minigame because the audio cues for a 'right' vs 'wrong' light position in the sequence are very similar-sounding...
EDIT: Okay so actually the glass thump doesn't even play sometimes! I've seen characters change state right in front of me without making a sound!
The sounds of like the gas hissing and Nile's door opening are fine though.
Finally beat the game!
Not sure if I'd call these bugs but...
1) In my final run, the deer decided to stop and do its grazing animation right at my door (instead of touching the door and wandering away like usual).
I had to trigger it, run back inside, then avoid my shadow as the last candlestick went out (I had already been waiting for the violin creature)
2) In another round, I lost because by the time I found the blue clown, the deer had moved right on top of it. I feel like that scenario is a frustrating lose/lose - because wait too long for the deer to move away and the clown gets you, but if you trigger the deer, you're too far from the cabin to escape.
tbh xxxmas part 2 special sucks absolute dick. for a game so obsessed with sodomy jokes the flamethrower, short range as it is, can't even penetrate enemies when one is literally clipping right behind another? can't heal while moving so I'm dying in the final fight with like 3 candies in my inventory that I'm trying to use at 20% health.
oh and to top it all off the update corrupted my arcade mode save. can't blame the devs for that but it's not exactly a positive.
If I'm not mistaken, 0.8 onwards uses Unreal Engine 5, correct? You need windows 10 minimum just to run UE5 games(the engine). So the last version that supports windows 7 is anything pre 0.8. https://docs.unrealengine.com/5.0/en-US/hardware-and-software-specifications-for...
Cool game, one tweak I'd reccomend is making hero hitboxes bigger on the back side.
In PVZ, you could stall with plants by replanting instantly after one is destroyed either to get a few extra hits in with a peashooter(if the zombie was in front of the plant enough) but mostly to just buy time with HP like via a wallnut.
In this game, you can't do that as easily bc the H-scene blocks immediate replanting, but it is also frustrating to put a shield guy right on top of an enemy and watch as the enemy keeps walking right through it.