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A member registered Nov 05, 2020 · View creator page →

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Yes, endless mode seems to be gone. Neither F12 nor playing through the game works.

Thanks :D

Thanks, glad to hear that :)

Thank you very much :)
Yes, running out of dice is maybe the biggest flaw the game has right now! Will try to fix it after the jam.

(1 edit)

Cool artwork! It has some kind of claymation vibe to it, what I really like. The stories are odd, but I mean the good kind of odd. I like it!

I had a fun time shooting 'likes' at animals :D

Eerie atmosphere and great sound design! It would be nice to have a display for the lamp fuel.

I liked the tutorial and the art style! After a while I got a bit overwhelmed by the incoming books.

Really cool idea! And very cute visuals and audio! Lovely. At first I didn't like it because I played the html version, where the viewport is too small to play the game. You should probably fix that, because people might turn away without realizing what a great game this is!

Solid gameplay and good puzzles! Well done difficulty curve. Only the music can be a bit distracting.

What a lovely game! Cool idea and good execution! But can become a little hard for none native speakers like me.

(1 edit)

Wow, great entry! Nice graphics, eerie atmosphere and tight controls!
There was only one thing I didn't like: I've had a quite powerful character but then I got the spin upgrade, after that I had a hard time hitting the enemies I wanted to. Especially the archers became very difficult to fight with that.

Have look at these, maybe there's something you would find fitting:
They're mostly (maybe all) licensed under Creative Commons with Attribution. So you can use them for free if you credit the author.

Very cool game! But it needs some instructions. I nearly quit right at the beginning, because I didn't understand I could do double jumps. And then I wouldn't have seen all the awesome book worlds.. It's really impressive that you've created multiple 3d worlds with very different styles within such a short time span!

I like the graphics and lightning! I would love to see a somewhat eerie soundtrack added to the game, that would give it an incredible tense atmosphere!! Because the mice can be quite scary..

Thank you very much! Yes, getting stuck without a way to get new dice is an oversight by me. I'll fix this post jam.

The beginning of the game is such an original concept! And I really liked the fluid movement.

Fun, short experience with really impressive art! The main character is just lovely!

(2 edits)

Very enjoyable! Lovely art and atmosphere! But I couldn't finish the game. To the upper right of the starting area there is an area with lots of rocks and I wouldn't fit through the path below by maybe one or two pixels:

Glad you liked it! After the jam I will rewrite the book (the code is quite messy and unstable) and expand the story.

Sounds like you had a fun adventure :D
Thank you very much for playing!

Thanks! Yes, an option to enable automatic dice throwing is a good idea. I think I'll add this after the jam.

Cool game, nice art! But a bit overwhelming, my desk was a real mess.

The sprites are lovely!