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A member registered Mar 06, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hey Michael, it was really good to see your games at the showcase. Although the video sharing framerate was a bit low, I was able to get a sense of the pressure and horror from the art style, effects, and audio. Overall, well done. I wish you continued efforts and success in your future projects.

Hey Rui, I'm glad you took on the work of feature development very well and finished it well. Your arrangement of each function was very concise and clear, which saved us a lot of time in post production. I hope you will continue to do so in your future projects and wish you success

Hi Theo, I agree that the missing audio had a very bad influence on the demo. The lack of audio makes our demo lack of atmosphere. I am looking forward to making up the sound effects and seeing the final results if we have the chance, maybe we can use it as the final assignment of sound design course

Hi Brandon, although the level part has encountered some bottlenecks now, don't give up. Maybe looking at games of the same type will inspire you, but don't forget to test the levels after the design. I hope your project goes well and I look forward to seeing your levels during showcase week.

Hi, the name of the game sounds like it is a horror game with a very good theme. The sound effect design will be very important and I am looking forward to the sound effects in your game. Your notes also reminded me that there is a bit of a sound element missing from our project, and maybe that's something we'll have to address later.

I'm very happy that your project has reached the final stage of improvement. Although there are some minor problems, I find that you are mainly responsible for this part of the code and I hope you are doing well. I'm looking forward to your cutscenes, whether in the form of CG images or animations.

Hey Harrison, I couldn't agree more, the implementation of this level will represent the viability of art materials. I hope that we can replace most of the assets into gray model levels before testing next week to help us gather players' opinions on the art scene.

Hi Mikey, It's great to see the progress you're making with shading and animation, especially as a newbie to this type of art. I strongly recommend that you continue to use Aseprite to create pixel art materials. This is the best software I have ever used. For animation, I recommend using a lower frame rate to focus on the performance of key actions. Keep it up!

(1 edit)

Sometimes I feel that abandoned ideas will no longer be mentioned or have any effect even if they are placed in the stretch area. Maybe we should delete the pending area in the Sprint plan

I strongly agree with using pre-production to align the team's vision to avoid redundant or useless new ideas. But I also personally feel that too much focus on documentation and planning can sometimes lead to team laziness and falling into rigid patterns.

If we, as designers, document our ideas or opinions, they can often evolve into a clear and meaningful design. I'm glad to see you doing this and I wish you every success with your project next semester.

Hi Rui, we mastered game planning this semester, from research to articulate a comprehensive plan, which has also aligned me with the team's goals.  Prepared for challenges, I'm eager for the upcoming semester's success. 

It's great to see that your team recognized this issue last semester, and I believe this change will make our collaboration easier and more efficient this semester.

Hi, Mikey,

I’m glad you’re doing research on the topic of social media addiction, and the highly social game genre like FOMO. I think your idea of making a serious game is very consistent with your theme. You can use unforgettable storylines or game results to make players aware of the serious problems of this theme. However in the end you decided to focus on the theme of artificial intelligence. But I think your idea of focusing on serious themes is still very suitable for the new themes, especially the current development speed of artificial intelligence and the uncertain future direction.

I really like the idea of assisting the king in verifying the authenticity of information, particularly considering that various in-game systems such as food and money are intertwined with the quality of information. However, I'm also curious about how will you specifically integrate this into the gameplay of information discernment, as adding too many systems might overshadow the importance of discerning information in the gameplay. I'm looking forward to your follow-up and results.

Hi Rui, I really like the decision-making part you set up in the game. For example, players can choose the economically costly way to protect the environment, but they can also carry out transportation in an environmentally damaging way due to cost issues. This reminds me that in "This War of Mine", players often have to make the choice of annihilating humanity when it comes to survival, which can bring very profound reflection and understanding to players. I hope you can add unforgettable reactions to the consequences of different choices.

Hey Stewart, I still remember an effect I learned about in my previous economics class, the Matthew effect, which refers to the accumulation of advantages happening faster when someone already has some advantages. When I combine this with the principles of wealth distribution that you've studied, it becomes clear that, for the remaining 95% of the population, catching up with the top 5% is nearly impossible. Additionally, I understand that relying solely on policies or expecting the wealthiest individuals to help the majority of the poor may not be a feasible solution. Your approach to fostering empathy seems to be a very promising way to address this problem

Scared me