Amazing!!! Great job I had a bit of an issue understanding the 1,2 and 3 mechanics, as well as understanding that I needed a key to open doors, but I love the atmosphere!
Ziro Dev
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I hate you xD, this is an amazing game, visually attractive, reminds me of paper Mario. It's super addictive, I could play it for hours, as a matter of fact if you ever made it a smartphone app, ill be the first one in line to get it, congratulations team, I hope you win this jam, had a blast playing your game.
you should expand it into a full game.
The controls are quite weird, sometimes you need to press enter, other you need to use the mouse and sometimes, you must use space, I think that could be ironed out and choosing either mouse for every button, using WASD and space or the arrows and enter, but not all at the same time, over all good game
What a game! this is the only entry that I've tried that m actually sad it's over, it's addictive, you should make it a longer game!, it has so much potential, visually it's amazing, It's not too punishing, allowing you to just restart the current fight instead of all 3 bosses again, the controls are well implemented, and I think everything can be discovered without the need of a longer tutorial, amazing work! I did I small glitch in the last fight, if you rush at the beginning of the round and stand right next to the enemy, the bullets won't harm you, which made the game way easier lol, but even with that I had a blast, congratulations!
It's really well done, quite long (not that that's a bad thing), for such length I would recommend some power ups (could be just a way to recover health), or check points (then again this is just what I would like xD) the game looks great and it's well programmed, my only complaint is that I cannot find the theme, "On the edge" you could have made it more evident :) overall great game.
I really liked it! the only thing I think you could improve it's focusing a little more on the theme, during game play, you don't really see the "boss" or "on the edge", you could make it more evident :) outside from that, the game looks great, it has a nice balance on challenge vs reward and overall it works great, didn't encounter a single bug.