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A member registered Jul 03, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you! Still a work in progress but glad you like it!

Really glad I played this before the jam was done. The icon drew me in and the project page is also amazing. I really like the art work. I also thought the game was very creative and unique. Not sure why a knights carrying an Easter egg but I like it lol. I like that the egg also floats up in the lava. I think giving the player some more time on the first few levels would be nice. I was trying to figure out the controls but couldn't because the lava would hurt me right away.

Hey thanks for that! I tried to keep the art as simple as possible, hopefully my skills will increase in the future! Just added coyote time, double jumping and adjusted the players control. If you play again let me know what you think!

Hey thanks again for the feedback! I implemented some changes such a slowing down the player and adding some more movement options such as double jumping and coyote time.

Hey thanks for the feedback!

Made a good amount of updates and added coyote time!

yes, I agree with the theme. I think if I could go back I would work on making a lava/obsidian tile set to use. I updated the player movement, if you get a chance to play I'd like to hear your opinions on it now!

I'm glad you liked the volcano idea! I felt very lucky to put the requirements together to find that. I just uploaded a new version with some improvements on the controls. If you get a chance to play I'd love to hear what you think!

I toned down some of the controls and added double jumping along with a coyote jump. If you get a chance to play it let me know how it goes!

Hey, I really appreciated your write up and implemented some of your recommendations into the game! Coyote time, double jump, and lava doesn't start from the middle but rather from the bottom giving the player a chance.

Hey just played it again! The player feels a lot better around the lava and the dash is significantly easier to visualize and understand what it does.

Glad you noticed the hiding paths. Good eye!

Alas I was unable to beat the game after 40 tries... Echoing what everyone else said great art, music, design, very challenging and rewarding. Only critique I have is the coyote jump is very small compared to the regular jump. I tried to use it on the very first section to fall and mid air jump over the lava to save time and it was surprisingly not able to make it over that. Great game, can't wait to see more of yours! Glad we both like difficult games.

Very fun game. I liked the art very much, especially the way the lava lights up. I thought the levels were a good amount of difficulty as well. I was a little confused way I couldn't walk back over the hardened lava at first because it seemed like a player would be able to since it's cooled. Reminds me of the old school Pokémon gym puzzles which I really like!

I ended up digging though your profile and found the car game, I'm very excited to watch it's development!

Thanks for the feedback! I agree with the critiques you gave and agree parts of the game could meld together better. Never thought of making the lava going down the sides... I loved your game btw!

Loved loved loved the art in the kitchen with the dog. Also really like the amount of story/information you guys provided inside of the game instead of on the web page. I found the controls to be unforgiving and I died a lot which made it hard for me to progress all the way through. I also couldn't play it in full screen so that may be the reason it felt a little hard. I really like that you guys gave it some extra spice as well with having a narrative about the game. I gave the judges food poisoning a lot lol.

I was very impressed how the camera moves between scenes. I really liked how simple and good the art is. Unlocking items to go farther was satisfying as well. My only critiques are that the music loop seemed short, and the flying part to get through the hole felt a lot harder then the rest of the game. Loved that ending though what a cool way to reward the player.

(1 edit)

I'm glad you liked the sand dropping! I appreciate the feedback on the control and will remember that for my next game. Thank you for the comment about the uniqueness.

Yes that was my roommates complaint as well seems that I should listen to him next time. Thanks for the review!

I'm glad you like the music and the zoom! The zoom felt needed to show the full hour glass

I think you did great even if it was a crunch. Felt very full for only 48 hours. Can't wait to see you make more game/assets.

Yeah the car controls are very fun! I ended up messing around trying to do 180's and 360 with the car. Wasn't quite sure of the objective. I think a simple timer would be great. Overall I'd like to see this car more realized because I feel like it's the start of something really good. Even if it's not in the context of this game.

Thank you for the kind words ChillyField. I was very inspired by watching an hour glass. When the sand falls in an hour glass it slowly makes a dome shape at the bottom resembling a volcano. I am very fortunate to have made that discovery.

(1 edit)

Goodnight? Love the multiple ending I got all/most of them. Wasn't sure what to do with the lava bucket. Overall really liked the game.

Got trapped under two green houses with legs and then got ripped up by some discs. 10/10

Love the reverse idea of fire running away from ice. Game controls really well and the dash felt awesome to use.

I'm the best slime dad, no baby left behind. Loved the art, awesome you have multiple levels, great concept. Awesome game icon as well!

Let it burn baby

I  love the art style reminds me of Pizza Tower, very quirky. Along with the music as well. I really like the vibe of these game and my only complaint is that I want more of it!

Art is very sick and so is the music! I had some trouble with the soul matching but I think If I played more it would come easier. Overall I really like this game and thought yo guys did a really unique game with the given theme and pre-req!

Impressed you used miniscript! Did you make the mountains in the background they look awesome! I really the concept of the game and I also found it to be hard to dodge the lava rocks. I did like the noise of the rocks hitting the helicopter though.

What a pretty looking game. I really like the idea of having to save the flower on the guys head. I've also never seen a game like this before so it took me a few tries to understand what was going on but I got the hang of it. The art is also fantastic you really nailed the  lava vibe

Very fun

I've never played a game like this before, unless Super Monkey ball counts so I found it to be really interesting. I really like the asset pack you use and the lava floor is a nice touch as well! The music is also a really nice fit, doesn't make me lose concentration but I can still enjoy it!

Very cool! I like how the lava slows down once you surrounded by it. I like the controls as well, I found it was pretty easy to control the guy. I did a little confused by the items on the ledges, I thought I would be able to read or use those but I couldn't. I also really like the snow background as well.

Very fun  platformer puzzle game glad I played it!

The use of visual clues in the game was very creative/helpful. I found myself looking around when I got stuck in a certain room seeing if I could find any hints to help me move along.

Having a map was also extremely nice. It was also very cool to see some spots that were right in front of my nose but I just hadn't noticed before. Also being able to see the blocks on the maps was a huge help since I feel like I didn't have to spend my time trying to find all of my blocks blindly.

Game felt very smooth and responsive I enjoy controlling the cat around. Wall jumping was hit and miss with me. Sometimes it worked great, but sometimes it wasn't really working with me.

I do feel like I may have ruined the game for myself since I was able to wall jump all the way up to the invert block and didn't find the mid air dash block until I was basically done with all the puzzles.

First block I got was a bit confusing because I kept picking it up and dropping it right after. I'm believe this is because I kept holding 'J' after I picked the block up. I think if you have it to were you can't place a block until your done holding 'J' then this would help clear up the confusion.

As far as the visuals I liked the minimalist thinking and using visual clues to help guide the player. I am not a fan of the yellow/grey/black color combo. 

Wish this game could run as an application instead of being stuck in a windowed box. Also controller support would be awesome!

Music was awesome and I loved how it went with the splash screen!

The ending is fantastic I love the cat's little home!

Overall very fun creative game I totally recommend!