Here are my first feedbacks playing version 1.2.1 demo (with no order) :
+ Thanks for native Linux, no issue so far on my Manjaro.
+ Overall feelings are quite good, "but"
+- from itchio app, game doesn’t run, must go to local folder and run the MercTactics launcher manually
- drag to move is fine, but a click once to target, click again to confirm, would feel better IMO
- same for shooting, click to target and see details, click again to confirm, would be good
-- driving around to reach shop, recruit, heal etc is no fun. I read you want to improve battlescape first, geoscape later, so there is hope !
I would prefer a "base" instead, but not sure if you can or want to do so. Maybe at least a mobile truck with some basics, instead of the jeep ? Maybe let the player select a few nodes to have camps/bases, with some steps to improve them with money, reputations, something, and attracting bandits to attack ?
- Free camera please ? also when i switch camera, the direction are inverted too, ie right arrow moves the map to the left.
+- Mouse customization, so i could use MMB to pan the view, LMB to select, RMB to fire, Thumb mouse button to open inventory, etc
+- A way to remove roof, without having a unit inside ?
+- Deployement is too often similar, a road, some buildings, an open space to deploy first turn i run to cover and wait for the AI to attack, as they always find me it seems.
- AI was "stuck" a few times, while my men where behind heavy covers, untouchable. I just stand, shot, kneel, the AI shot at my cover, repeat until victory.