Hello, my name is Sven and I am the owner of Reviews by Supersven
I am looking to play games for our youtube video with webcam and commentary. My wife also likes to join regularly!
Your game will also be advertised on all our outlets and channels. I am promoting multiple games from Itch.
Like Hunter Hunter or Burgo.
This is our current network where we will promote your game!
These are the numbers since May 1st
The weekly newsletter has 329 subscribers
Facebook has 3.847 followers/likes https://www.facebook.com/supersven1234
Discord has 118 members https://discord.gg/CY46KKC
YouTube has 218 subscribers https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_eWg-swjg5lRlDgWLf1IFQ
Steam has 1.314 members https://steamcommunity.com/groups/gamingreviewsbysupersven
Twitter has 142 followers https://twitter.com/SimoneKrijgsman
Traffic on www.reviewsbysupersven.com in the last 30 days 1089 Visitors and 1783 Visits.
A promotional video costs 15 dollars for a huge boost to your game!
Interested in how a promotional video looks?
These are just a few examples!
If you want to order, or have more questions either ask here or send me a message on Fiverr.
This is where you can order a promotional video if you are interested: https://www.fiverr.com/supersven/create-a-video-review-of-your-game
I hope to be working with you soon!