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A new take on a classic idea, Fantasy World is roleplaying Powered by the Apocalypse for the 2020s. · By Alessandro Piroddi

The Scoundrel Questions and Feedback

A topic by Alex Leone created Jul 23, 2021 Views: 418 Replies: 24
Viewing posts 1 to 9

In Legwork:

The move says:

When you want to know more about someone or something >>><<< you personally devote time and effort doing recon, research and surveillance.

The trigger for this move is “when you want to know more about someone or something.” As written, this would mean that, anytime the Scoundrel wants to know more about someone or something, they would need to do a few days of legwork to gather useful info, because they would have triggered this move. (They could always take it back and say, “Oh, no, I didn’t really want to know more about them,” but if they want to know more about someone, then the move triggers.)

Is this intended play for the Scoundrel? Or is this effect unintended?


Unintended >_<

How does this sound?

When you set out to personally devote a few days doing recon, research and surveillance about someone or something >>>

I love it. Much better. Thank you so much! :D

Can you name and describe more than one Contact per time Legwork is triggered?



In Shadow:

The 1-6 option should be changed to something like:

1-6 = you are almost done when the World makes a Soft Reaction

“you have done” doesn’t really mean anything here.

Either option seems a little bit weird for concealing your presence (rather than concealing your actions). Maybe something like this would work for both presence and actions?

1-6 = you are almost done or almost out of danger when the World makes a Soft Reaction


I think I got caught in the move's jargon... looking at it now I think it makes sense to simply state that on 1-6 the World makes a Reaction.

Stating that the PC was about to hide, or almost managed to hide, but first there is a WR... is the same that just giving a WR and letting the World decide what happens with the hiding, as per normal rules.

(1 edit)

In Assassin’s Strike:

Does the person you attack have to be both unaware and unprepared? Or can they be either unaware and unprepared? I’d personally add an “and” or “or” between them, to clarify which.

Situations I’m thinking of: Someone is aware of your presence but unprepared for you to attack. Or, someone is prepared for you to attack (i.e. on guard), but unaware that you’re lurking right behind them.

EDIT: Also, the 10+ option should be:

10+ = you do it smooth, no one else notices and no traces are left behind

The person you attacked clearly would notice! The word “else” clarifies this, I think. :)


Fixed :)

In A Thousand Faces:

I think the trigger should read like this:

to disguise yourself as someone else

Unless disguising someone else can trigger this move?


Yep, the Scoundrel can put make up on others :)

(1 edit)

In that case, I’d change the move’s wording to better represent that!

A Thousand Faces

When you spend the appropriate time and materials to disguise someone (including yourself) as someone else >>>
<<< if you tell the World how you obscure their features, they can become [hard to recognise] with just a few moments of preparation and improvised materials.

If you spend 1 Supply and about one hour of preparation, they can mimic the Blood, Kin and behaviour of someone roughly their size and shape.


Fixed :)

(1 edit)

In Cogs and Springs:

I think the last sentence (“Leveraging the answers received will grant you Advantage for the relevant task.”) is unnecessary, although it could be helpful. The “Look Around” move already specifies that you get Advantage when acting on the answers.

I might change this whole move to be something like:

Add these questions to the list of questions you can ask when you Look Around:

Because, really, the only thing being changed here is that you have more questions to choose from when you Look Around.


Fixed :)

In Dirty Fighter:

during a melee

is a slightly weird phrase. I might change it to something like

in a melee fight


Isn't a "melee" in and of itself always a "fight" ?

It is, but it’s rarely used that way, and, when it is, usually means some sort of, like, “brawl” with more than one person, often kind of chaotic. This move could be triggered, it looks like, with just a one-on-one fight, or in many other circumstances, as long as they’re in melee range.

Does that seem right? Or have I misunderstood how the move is meant to be triggered?


Fixed :)

In Poisoner:

Is it possible to pick a common option and multiple [Rare] options from the same list? For example, could I make my poison both appear within days and be difficult to neutralize? Or, have one Nasty effect for days and one Deadly effect?



Pick one common option from each list.
Pick as many [Rare] options as you like, paying 1 XP each.

Cool! Yeah, those were the lines I was slightly confused by. For instance: Do I need to pick a common telltale (say, color), and then pick the rare telltale too (which is “It has no telltale”)? Or: Does the poison need to have a Nasty effect in addition to the [Rare] Deadly effect? If they pick a Rare option for a list, they don’t also need to pick a common item for that list, it seems to me.

If that interpretation is the same as what you intended, I might change the wording to something like this (although it can probably be improved):

Pick one common option from each list. Then, any number of times, you can spend 1 XP to upgrade one common option to a [Rare] option from the same list, or to add a [Rare] option from any list.

There might be a better way to say it. But, some way to say, you don’t need to have a common option in every list, if you have a [Rare] option in that list.


Rewrote the move to be clearer and more specific :)

In Underworld Network:

I’d clarify the 7-9 option, something like this:

7–9 = someone brings it to you and you owe a favour to someone unsavoury OR they just give you intel on how to get it, your choice

You could also break this into two bullet points, with something like “Pick one:” beforehand.

Right now, it’s not clear who gets to make the choice. My best guess was that the Scoundrel gets to choose, but I could be wrong!


Fixed :)