Hello, thanks for making this awesome asset! I have a question, are we allowed to edit the colours of the gui images? For example, everything is white and purple on default. Can I change it to black and red?
Thanks. :)
You are allowed to edit the assets as you need to, but you will need to edit them yourself. If you go into gui.rpy, you can use find and replace to replace the hex codes, and an image editor to edit the solid assets (like the buttons and base images). Let me know if you run into an issues with either 馃憤
Hello, I've run into a little issue. I've recoloured the textbox to black but there are these little white dots on the rounded edges that I can't seem to get rid of. I'm using GIMP to edit it and I don't know much about editing images. Is there a way to get rid of them? I've tried using the fill bucket already.
I assume you're referring to the jagged edges, correct? I'd suggest use the Hue/Saturation tool instead of the fill tool for adjusting color of any base elements, then using the fill tool for any icons/foreground elements.
If it's confusing, let me know. Instead of Gimp, I'd suggest Photopea (it's a free online software), or if you have it, CSP/Paint Tool Sai. I've noticed the jagged edges issue a couple times in Gimp, so just a fair notice.
Hey, I'm still having trouble trying to edit it myself. I managed to change the textbox to black using colorize in Gimp. I tried what you said for the quick menu buttons/ icons but it didn't work for me and I found Photopea too hard to use. I also downloaded Krita and tried with that. I did get it to work at one point but the jagged edges were there again.