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Strive: Conquest

A successor to first Strive For Power game, currently at alpha stage · By Strive4Power

I hate Daisy, now.

A topic by Orlandar created Jun 21, 2022 Views: 1,749 Replies: 6
Viewing posts 1 to 4

I've been playing Strive: Conquest for quite a while now. The story development has been quite engaging, the mechanics are unique, and no matter how distracted I am with other things, Conquest has offered me something to step back into to change gears for a bit.

There have always been aspects that are teeth grinding. Mana doesn't regenerate at a useful rate for Caster classes. Alchemy materials are difficult to obtain, and cannot be cultivated at the mansion. Sexual and Social classes overlap to a point of almost being identical. The Debt is burdensome and needlessly eats up resources at the beginning. One cannot create well-balanced Master Characters with Excellent Factors. The Advanced Mode doesn't offer the amulet you get for completing the first stage, forcing one to start completely fresh with every update. Slave trading isn't a viable source of income. Gender switching has yet to be implemented. So many of the numerical values are either so complex they seem to be arbitrary, or they are completely arbitrary to give an illusion of complexity. 

Though frustrating, these aspects could be overlooked or worked around to some extent or another.   This brings me to the focus of my present criticism. The addition of Traits to the game has now completely broken Daisy as an even remotely useable character. Daisy's only positive factors are Sex and Charm (setting aside Timid and Tame for their more complex roles in Obedience). In short, Daisy's principal function is Social rather than Labor or Combat. The new Trait that she has been given is Coward, which prevents her from using any Social skills whatsoever.  So what good is she now? 

Honestly, it would have made more sense to introduce positive Traits now, and only add negative Traits once a means for removing them had been implemented. As far as Daisy's character and storyline are concerned, Clumsy would have made a much better detrimental Trait. If Daisy somehow drops the Coward trait in the course of her storyline, the proper place to do it is after her Sextoy training, which doesn't happen.  And even then, it's really late in her development.  Usually, her training is her 6th or 7th class for me.  In my personal opinion, you're taking a fairly decent character and making her completely useless.

This was brought up on the discord channel and I believe Maverik said that there would be a Daisy adjustment on the next update. Something like removing Coward after her training at the Servants guild. Also, you can buy Soul Stones that you use to remove traits. I just bought one at the Elven shop. You can also manually remove it by editing your save. 

I'm glad to know that this has already been addressed. I wasn't finding it here, so I thought I'd speak up. I agree that the trait should drop after her Guild training. Especially if one goes the "fucktoy" route. I still think Clumsy would be a better choice, overall. Or if Coward just made her less effective rather than a total lock out.

The Elven City shop feels pretty late in the game to make that kind of correction, but it's good to see that the mechanic is already in place. Maybe I'll see about writing a Soul Stone into my inventory. It's times like this that I miss the Lab from S4P.

 I'll take a look at the save data. I haven't done much editing for Conquest.

Thank you, this was very helpful.

I will give some advices about your other issues. 

1.Mana regenerates much faster if character is resting instead of working. You can also take succubus class to drain mana once a day or get lot's of experience. 

2.You can create master with all factor mastered. You can pay your experience to increase them later.

3.Amulet is ok, but you can ignore it. It doesn't give you that much.

As I said, these issues all have workarounds. I am well aware of them. I was simply voicing my frustrations before getting to the main point. As to your suggestions:

1.  The point is that using all three charges of Fear and Sedation, with 6 or 7 Caster classes, Great Magic Factor, Good Wits, still leaves you with almost 0 mana increase from day to day.  It's ridiculous. At those levels, magically maintaining my flock shouldn't leave me dead in the water for almost a week, work or no.

2. Yes, That is true. It's true for all of your characters. I am not talking about how to build a character over the long haul, I'm talking about creating a balanced character at the start. One has just enough points for a Master Character to have 1 Great Factor, 1 Good, 1 Average, 1 Poor, and 1 Terrible.  A decently balanced character who excels in one particular area and progressively diminishes in others. Slave/peon characters, however, have the ability to be Excellent, Great, Good, Average, Poor, and 2 Terrible. Yes, Servants have 2 additional stats to stack, so it makes sense that they have more points to work with. However, they get to have an Excellent Factor without breaking the progression. I simply think that the MC character should start with enough points to be Excellent to Poor instead of Great to Terrible. 

3. That is your opinion, and you are welcome to it. I, however, feel that the amulet is worth having. Is there another equippable object that gives you a bonus to all of your proficiencies? I haven't found it yet.  How much better are those bonuses?  What slot does it equip to? Unless and until Maverick adds enchanting to the item creation process, the amulet will continue to stand out significantly over other options. Especially on a Master Character.

If I recall correctly, isn’t the amulet an additional reward for going above and beyond the requirements to advance? You get it for obtaining the support of all 4 guild, not just the 3 that you need to push forward. If you choose to skip the lead up it would, to me, cheapen the reward if you just got it anyways.


With all due respect, a lot of your complaints seem to come down to making an already easy game even easier.  Of course MP is going to be a significant limiting factor to caster classes, otherwise they're better than social and fighting classes. Of course the 100 gold starter slave is a fixer-upper, you already got a freebie slave. Of course your stats aren't very good at the start of the game, all you need to do is put experience points in them to make them go up. Of course you don't get the super-cool stat-boosting item if you choose the cheat start, you chose the cheat start. And most annoying of all: of course you have a debt to pay, without it there is literally no limiting factor at all and you can just make time pass to have money, experience, and resources fall into your lap.