What's the best way to report bugs?
Hello! I'd like to know the paths to all the files the game and all its previous version used in order to do a clean install. I find an insane ammount of bugs, so much so that I can't imagine it's normal and that there has some corrupt files or compatibility issues between versions. I'm not sure gonna be able to list all the bugs, though, but if this fails then I will to help out.
What about data files, where the setting values are stored, like keybindings, as well as the place where it saves the fact that I've entered the password. Even when I delete everthing there are some information that are maintained, leading me to believe there has to be some cache of data somewhere... I checked roaming, appdata and MyGames and there are BBS files there, but deleting them doesn't reset the settings, so it has to be elsewhere.
Ahh good question. If you know anything about Unity we are using the PlayerPrefs to save settings ect which are stored in the registry files on windows. You can reference the below article to find where the keys are being stored.
SOLVED: Where is Unity’s PlayerPrefs stored on Windows? | by Spobwoode | Medium
I’m having problems with wall jumping not working (at least for jade), double jump sometimes doesn’t work (second bump doesn’t make you jump any higher), sometimes player freezes after attack, sometimes player is no longer able to attack (only walk and jump). Problems are so frequent it’s somewhat difficult to beat even one level without having to restart due to bugs :c
Hi Lapsio!
Double jump and attacks failing we discovered was relative to the frame rate. Enemies now unload from the render pipeline when off-screen, and their scripts have less calls per second. This lead to a substantial improvement in response time for player actions on the debug stage.
Normal stages still eat some memory, we plan to unload chunks of that as well.