I had a general question that I wanted to ask the community. Mainly as feedback for my future projects and curiosity. What protagonists do you enjoy playing as the most: first person or third person?
First person protagonists are usually blank slates with no appearance and in most cases personality. They act as the surrogate for the player in the world of the game and it's supposed to be easier to project yourself onto them and become immersed
Third person protagonists are stand alone characters that can be visibly seen. They have their own backstory and personality and are designed to mainly have the player follow them along in the story like you would for the protagonist in a TV show
I have always had a first person protagonist for my projects over the years, but I'm wondering if that's still something that people enjoy or if they want a main character they can relate to and follow
What do any of you think? First person? Third person? Both? Or none?
Thank you for reading!