Rose Bullet Early Access Ver.0.7
Before reporting bugs, make sure they aren't listed below!
In that case, feel free to report them in this post!
[Game] The hunter is awake. He must prepare, set off, and kill the count. 路 By
I downloaded the demo yesterday and am trying to download the EA rn, both times I've had a similar trouble, download is super fast, but just opening the folder and then extracting the files goes like extremely slowly both times? any ideas on cause? demo was absolutely fantastic so can't wait to try the EA and updates
On the uncensored version, my computer wouldn't allow me to extract all files and stated the folder was empty.
When I double-clicked on the ZIP folder, I was able to extract almost all of the files from there, but there was a data error on D-DreamZ2.rpgmvp.
I downloaded and extracted version 0.9.3, then copied the files from and replaced the ones that were the same.
The game was still censored, so I tried deleting all the files and downloading only the files. When I did so, the game wouldn't open, and I received a message saying the files had been moved or deleted.
As far as I can tell, there seems to be no way to play the game uncensored.
I'm guessing the bug report is here? so i'll do my best listing what bug i found along the way. I'm doing nightmare mode. pls mind spoiler alert and i'm playing the steam version 9.8 of Rose Bullet.
- In the graveyard when i'm doing the prayer thing when pressing the cross icon there were times where i'm stuck and cant do anything. i can't press the cross icon to stop the animation too. I tried pressing the dog icon near the health bar and i thought i can get unstuck when i press the menu but nothing happened.
- The character menu when i want to see what's in my inventory it's a bit janky. for example, when i pressed the key button the character is gone, but when i pressed the paper one suddenly the hunter's drawing appeared again while the contents inside is blocked behind him. And when i pressed the bag one something kinda happened and sometimes it's not? like the icon changed only when the hunter's drawing blocking the screen and when i pressed it again he's gone but the content is from the previous stuff.
- Sometimes the grim reaper card when drawing the fate card kept appearing after the blessing is triggered to change the card. this happens when i'm putting my head in the hole to grab money in the mansion. It's gone when i clicked the equipment menu (the big box on the bottom right)
- When i'm cutting the vines the sword broke but when i'm cutting the next vines it still cut with the sword lol.
- I'm doing the retro game heartbreak room and i spam quit. when i'm done with the clicking and got the money, the hunter quest menu still appear in front of me and i can only start the mini game. it's pretty funny tho.
- I'm starting the retro game and fighting the slime after recruiting the king, i killed one slime and one of the other slime gone.
- Summoning the demon, i remember the book wrote it as blood O but the one that opens the trap door was blood B, ig the guy did some trolling while writing the diary.
- When i finished the retro game, my wolf doggo is gone from my party? idk at what point he's gone but he's gone.
- When i'm doing new saves, suddenly don't have the companions' pixel drawing on it, idk if it's after the retro game or after i fought the scorpion vampire.
- The book kinda hinting using blood rose on the woman vampire cuz her blood always drenched in blood? I spamming it in each of her phases and nothing happened (well i got 1 damage from clicking the red rose). i might be wrong cuz idk what's the purpose of blood rose for now.
- Entered manor 3F, Left Hall. my hand mirror is gone, when approaching the red door, the guardian statue is gone.
- Pressed the button after interacted with the painting, the stair appeared but i can't interact with it.
- I'm back at the village and went to the pub to make the hunter drunk. i drank 3x and it said i'm drunk but when i try to see the stats in character menu there's no drunk debuff and i can't read the diary. after i drank the 4th time, woke up, and drink 3x again, i'm able to open the diary (this is my 1st "sleep")
- After i enter the office once, i can't enter again cuz it said it's locked. i've looted inside it tho.
- So i've returned to the scorpion vampire to get the bad ending cuz i've beat him once, after i got the king's sting ending the screen turned black with bgm. i can still blindly click smth and i've opened the hunter case and the screen returned to normal.
- Not sur if it's intended or not but the spike trap room (2nd floor, enter door with a lot of spiky vines) have 2 path ways but both of them lead towards the woman vampire. Just writing it here just in case it's not intended.
- The office still locked even though i've entered it before, but after i reenter the Hall and spam it hard enough i finally can enter it.
- After i used bless in Mama's room to get the ending, i kept automatically use bless when i reenter the room.
- After i got the bad ending from the graveyard, the screen turns black and only the bgm is heard. i can still clicking blindly to the hunter case to get out of the black screen.
Right now my progress is kinda halted cuz idk how to progress and these are all i found for now and i'll add it if i find anything else. Idk how to continue tbh.
- I didn't get the cursed effigy cuz the one book in the library told me to not touch it
- I can only find 2 companions, the zombie and wolf
- I've opened the cellar and met the demon but idk what to do after tha
- I finish Mama's room scenario, i can only get to 4th prompt. it's either i get kicked out or get the bad end
- I can't enter the red door, so idk how to even meet and fight Count Varris.
- Idk what's the mirror, the ring, the guardian statue are for.
- Idk how to get the 3rd disc
- I got the rose box but idk how to open it.
I only ever rested twice so i'll see if anything happen if i spam rest.
Sorry for the wall of text. Hope these helps!
I can confirm that some of the bugs Reid mentioned are still hanging around as of the most recent update 0.9.9u. Here are the bugs I have encountered so far:
I am also stuck since I don't know how to make progress. I can't use any of my items and I have no idea how to deal with mother. I was able to find the big zombie in the graveyard, but I don't know how to defeat it since my weapons break after a single swing. Besides the zombie, the mirror with the eye icon is non interactive for me, and since I still have the auto bless bug I can't really deal with mother on my most recent save, and I don't know how to deal with her anyway. Its unclear to me if I can't progress because of bugs or because I missed something. I will take a break for now until I can determine if I am softlocked or not.
EDIT: I was softlocked because I blessed the mother and so it kept auto blessing, preventing me from getting the 3rd ring. It is also possible to open one of the rooms without getting the key at all. All of the above mentioned bugs I found in my Awake playthrough, in case that matters. I havent figured out how to get ending z so I am going to have to look into that more.