Genre: Comedy RPG
Engine: Gamemaker Studio 2
I have been quietly working on a game for IGMC and I figured I would share what's going on with the game's development. I'm a one man team, I have been doing programming and graphics in Gamemaker Studio 2 and have gotten fairly far with the core game features. I'm always open to ideas if anyone wants to share some thoughts.
TLDR: The goal is to make a unique, funny, and engaging game that pokes fun at other games like Pokemon and games with micro transactions. I would like to have the finished product have the same general tongue in cheek vibe as Sam and Max: Hit the Road, Day of the Tentacle, and Conker's Bad Fur Day. I have the outline of the main story, the over world map code is functional and the card driven RPG battle system is in development. ---
I have the world exploration system developed and have a test map but I am focused on getting the battle system up to snuff right now. If the core battle system isn't fun the game won't be fun, so I have to focus on the game loop an make sure it's rewarding. The idea is that through battles and exploring and interacting on the map you get cards that let you do different attacks. These cards are put into your collection and you can choose a set of cards to make up your battle deck. I hear the concept is similar to Mega Man Battle Network but I have never played those games.
Here is a view of the main character in the world map, for now I'm just calling him the raccoon. Everything is really bare bones right now but I am making a lot of progress on stuff that isn't visible.
The battle system is set on a grid where both you and the computer have a portion of the grid and play cards in real time to try to hit defeat each other. Notice the raccoon's emotional support bear.
To Do list:
- Finish core battle system elements
- Implement cut scenes on world map
- Implement Dialogue System
- Animate card attacks and create corresponding card artwork and data