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Link's Awakening DX HD

PC Version of The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX · By linksawakeningdxhd


A topic by davehx created Dec 13, 2023 Views: 7,379 Replies: 47
Viewing posts 1 to 22

Firstly, this looks amazing, very well done.   I have noticed a couple of issues though


I just completed the first dungeon and it has not got stuck on the "Instrument award" section.  It's stuck with link holding the instrument above his head, the "sparkles" are falling into the instrument and the instrument is changing colours.  The game hasn't crashed as I can still press Start to bring up the menu. If I choose "Exit to the Menu" it takes me back to the file select screen and I reload the save.  It starts at the dungeon entrance with me having beaten the boss but no instrument.  If I go through to collect it again, the same bug occurs (tried five times now).  AS this means that I cannot actually collect the instrument, the game does not trigger the "Bow Wow kidnapped" upon return to the village meaning I cannot contine the story


This one is nowhere near as important.  The Trendy Game speed is not correct (if attempting to make an exact match for the GameBoy version).  Either the crane is moving slightly too fast or the conveyor is moving slightly too slowly (unsure which).  Not a huge deal, but thought I'd mention it in case you're going for 100% accuracy

I think I figured it out for the first bug, I had exactly the same

Don't skip the dialogue too fast, let the jingle finish when you collect the instrument, and then press a and you should be ok

Just did this and it's still bugged out and won't progress the game

I had the bug on the first boss, restarted a few times and then somehow it didn't bug. Now I'm at the second instrument and the bug happened again, I've restarted several times and let the jingle end and then pressed A but the bug happened again. Fiddled with the settings and still the bug keeps happening. Can't progress.

Same thing in the second instrument, tried a few times with no success

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This "getting stuck while the instrument is shining in Link's hands" glitch has happened to me at least four times throughout the game. The only way I would get past it is by closing the program (and not just resetting it), re-entering the dungeon, (luckily the boss stays defeated) and then trying to grab the instrument again. Sometimes it stays stuck again, but eventually on further tries, it doesn't get stuck, and the game progresses on.

HOWEVER, I just finished Eagle's Tower (Level 6) , and it did it again. Unfortunately in order to enter the chamber with the instrument, you have to have a stone door open itself, which only happens right after the eagle boss is defeated. So when the game got stuck with Link holding the instrument over his head YET AGAIN, I closed the program and reopened. Boss is still dead. However, when I walk up to the door outside the instrument chamber, it doesn't open. As a result of this glitch, my game save is permanently locked at eagles tower, which is pretty late game (and the most frustrating dungeon of all!) so I'm pretty irritated about it. I don't know programming or else I'd look in the code and open the door.

If anyone figures this out, let me know. I'll post again if I figure it out. 

T_Rainman - just try resetting and trying again. When you get to Eagle's Tower, make sure you make a backup save before fighting the eagle boss, so if the glitch happens again, you won't get permanently locked with no way to get the instrument!  :)

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Okay! I figured out a workaround. If you go to the folder "Links Awakening DX HD\SaveFiles", and open the text file "saveGame0" in notepad, you can turn on and off different flags in your game's save file. This is assuming the saved game you are playing is the topmost save (which is savegame0, the second save is savegame1, etc.).  Make sure you open the text file "saveGame0" and not "save0", which I believe is flags for items instead of events, as well as debug mode (see my note about that at the end for debug mode, which is invincibility!)

Since you're having problems getting past the first level's instrument (which keeps glitching out), you can turn the flag for receiving the first instrument from "off" to "on" this way.

In notepad, go down to the line:

s d1_instrument 0

(I'm assuming the d in d1 stands for dungeon number 1; as you progress through the game, d2_instrument 0 and d3_instrument 0 appear, and so on).

change "s d1_instrument 0" to:

s d1_instrument 1

Then save the file. This should save your game as if you have the instrument. I don't know if this will force the owl to appear as you leave the dungeon or not, but here you go.

I solved my issue with the door in dungeon 7 "Eagles tower" by changing some of the flags from 1 back to 0, or 0 to 1, etc. Eventually I figured out what I needed and turned the flag for the locked stone door on (from 0 to 1) but kept the instrument as unobtained (0) so that when I entered the chamber, the door was open but the instrument was still there.

I hope this helps!

(Note: if you would like to turn on invincibility, then you can do so by opening the other file, "save0" and change

b debugMode False


b debugMode True

...and when you open your save, you won't lose any hearts when you get hit by enemies!)


having the same thing on the same dungeon (eagle's tower) do u remember which flag was it that solved the locked red door for you?

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It was a few days ago so I don't remember exactly what I did, but I tried all variations of 0 and 1 on these lines of code:

s d7_enter_I 1

s d7_instrument 1

Try alternating the ones and zeros. There was one combination that opened the door but the instrument was gone. You would assume it would be:

s d7_enter_I 1

s d7_instrument 0

Try that and if it doesn't work, then reset and try again. I think it didn't work for me at first but then worked. Good Luck!

thanks, i'll try it out.

in saveGame0 edit:

s d7_enter_I 1

and make it:

s d7_enter_I 0

This will make the door stand open

thanks, i finished the game a couple days ago but i'm sure this reply could help someone else down the line. thanks for taking the time and being kind enough to share it

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Similar to item 2, for the fishing minigame, I noticed that the large fish are just as easy to catch as small fish.

Another bug report: Shy Guy behavior is not accurate.  When Link's sword is charged and his directional facing is locked, the direction a Shy Guy is facing should also be locked so long as the sword charge/lock is held.  This does not occur.

I noticed a funny bug

If you die while getting flung into a pot that you can't lift, it starts playing the sound of you dying but then activates the "You can't lift this!" cutscene anyways.

One thing I found is it is possible to push two adjacent blocks in the same direction at the same time if you are positioned so Link is touching both of them. 

It's also possible to get hit by a boss or miniboss during their death animation, this actually happened to me twice on two separate occasions, so I died right as the fight ended and it didn't register so I had to redo it.

The children that warn you about Bow Wow being stolen after clearing the first dungeon dont get their trigger cleared and will activate any time you cross that screen

Seems that I can’t learn Marina’s song on my ocarina. Anybody found a way around this bug?

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Keep progressing and you'll learn it when Marin starts singing in Animal Village. No idea why that was changed here.

In the swamp dungeon, the boss key doesn't spawn after killing all the enemies in the room

Works for me, did you kill them in the right order? It goes Pol's Voice (rabbit), Keese (bat), Stalfos (skeleton).


What? No! Why? I'm a rebel

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Marin wasn't visible following me after I rescued her. She appeared once I entered a doorway.

Was able to be damaged by enemies during the cut scene using the key to open the waterfall.

The text box wouldn't close after reading the inscription on the wall in the ruins after defeating the Armos Knight.

When I go in the secret stairs under the bush by the castle after the swamp dungeon and leave I get this error and it crashes and corrupts the game, instantly closing the game when the executable is opened. I reextracted the file and copy pasted my save which let me back in but entering and leaving this underground section again caused the same bug.

Game will not start at all for me. Keep getting debug and malware errors. tried everything i could think of but no luck.

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The end of dungeon bug happened to me twice. First at the end of the 2nd dungeon, Bottle Grotto, and then again at the end of the 5th dungeon, Catfish's Maw. Both times, closing and relaunching the game allowed me to progress.

Other bugs I've found:

-Interacting with the Face Shrine keyhole opened the door even though I didn't have the Face Key yet. I only have one save file, so I haven't been able to test if this will happen in every playthrough, but I had just been told by the owl that there were two shrines I should check out, one to the south and one to the north. The one to the south is where you get the Face Key, but I went to the north first instead, and was able to open the Face Shrine and enter without first getting the key.

-The Armos Knight in the ancient ruins south of the Face Shrine (where you get the Face Key) can only be damaged by charging into him with the Pegasus Boots. In the original game, he could be damaged with the bow, or with a charged spin attack.

-I found myself unable to leave a cave once (Link was just pushing against the opening as if it was a wall). This was in the cave at C-2 (the right entrance) after I'd jumped off of the ledge inside (the one with the green skull). After a few moments, Link disappeared and reappeared on the ledge, and I walked down the stairs and was able to leave the cave. I haven't been able to reproduce this.

-My game crashed once while leaving the cave at L-9 (I think? I'm not 100% sure which cave it was, but it might also have been the fairy fountain at I-8... I wish I'd written it down as soon as it happened). When the crash happened, it displayed this message:

Index was outside the bounds of the array. at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary'2.TryInsert(TKEY key, TValue value, InsertionBehavior behavior) at ProjectZ.InGame.SaveLoad,SaveManager.SetString(String key, String value) at ProjectZ.InGame.GameObjects.NPCs.ObjMarin.StartSinging() at ProjectZ.InGame.GameObjects.NPCs.ObjMarin.Activate() at ProjectZ.InGame.GameObjects.NPCs.ObjMarin.Init() at ProjectZ.InGame.GameObjects.NPCs.ObjMarin.Init() at ProjectZ.InGame.Map.ObjectManager.LoadObjects() at ProjectZ.InGame.GameSystems.MapTransitionSystem.ThreadLoading(String mapFileName)

EDIT: I've reached Eagle Tower, and I have a few more bugs to report.

-I was able to lift up the skeletal remains of the flying rooster in the cave below the rooster statue without playing the song to revive him. I found myself holding the flying rooster, like normal. But he wouldn't follow me out of the cave until I played the frog's song.

-Sometimes, you can't pick up the flying rooster from certain angles. This has led to me getting softlocked at the end of narrow corridors, unable to lift the bird, but unable to walk past it either. Exiting to the title screen and reloading the game resolves this.

the keyhole of the face Shrine have the wrong key , in the code is use the fishkey to chek the lock.

Speaking of Rooster bugs, the Rooster sometimes has a physical collision like a wall or stone or bones, which could be related to the bones issue.  Mostly I see this when transitioning between squares on the map or transitioning squares in the caves, but sometimes just entering a cave does it.  Additionally after obtaining the Rooster, (but before completing dungeon 7), the rooster is actually there with you inside dungeons as well, just invisible with a pickup ability turned off.  The rooster has collision like a rock or bones during the entire time you are in the dungeon which has resulted in a soft lock in Turtle Rock by the lowest rightmost chets below the Rover's room.

Finally, the Rooster will also let you bypass needing to get the mirror shield as it flies over the flame thrower.   Or the game is just giving you invincibility when riding the rooster. 
The flame thrower should be the only thing that hurts you when riding if comparing the original.

You're bug report saved my game man!!!!! I thought armos was broken, thought I was going to have to abandon my game, thought he was unhittable UNTIL I read your bug report. 2 hits, killed him in 2 hits. I wonder why of all things he would change that

I've encountered a worse version of the instrument bug. If you get the bug while grabbing the instrument in Eagle's Tower, when you close out the game and re-open it the door to the instrument will be closed but the boss is still defeated, I can't find any way to open the door now.

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just managed to do the same thing, looks like my run is over lol

EDIT: do what this guide says: Instruments soft lock solution - Link's Awakening DX HD community -

(for the piano it was "s objectXX instrument6:1")

Specifically for Eagle's Tower, Druida found this fix

in save Game0:

s d7_enter_I 1

and make it:

s d7_enter_I 0

This will make the door stand open

Finally got to the Wind Fish Egg dungeon.... but the ganon form won't take damage and makes the battle unwinnable. Not sure why. Has anyone else experienced this??? I came so far to get here.....

use the pegasus boots

That's so weird because in the original version you can just use your spin move (if I remember correctly...). Apparently I tried every item on the Ganon form EXCEPT the pegasus boots. Now I've tried the boots, and managed to beat the game. Thank you! This version of the game is truly amazing. I played it zoomed waaaay out a lot, and realized that it's so much easier when you can view the entire map in real time.

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i was playing like 20 minutes and suddenly my pc win 10 turn off a couple of times, did someone have the same bug? it appear a message somenthing like icon with a red cross someting like run .net install .net desktop runtime 6.0.5 (x64 error appear once. its already installes that update, but still happend ,

I've now put it 15.6 hours in the game trying to 100% and I'm having one single gamebreaking bug keeping me from progressing so far.

While trading the fishhook for the necklace the game freaks out a bit and i never actually get the necklace, the whole scene plays relatively normally but when i tried to go back to the mermaid the her dialogue was still as if i didn't have the necklace.

I was also having an issue where after getting the ocarina, i talked to marin and she her dialogue for teaching me the song. Though this wasn’t gamebreaking as i was able to get her to teach me the song when she is in the animal village.

Not sure if it's a bug but I'm not getting any rewards on the fishing game. I'm trying to 100% the game but I can't get the piece of heart that you get when you catch the fish under the cliff on the fishing game. It's pretty much the only thing missing so I can get 100% so it's pissing me off a bit, specially because I'm not full hearts on and I can see it all the time on my screen a single heart is missing.

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Same bug here, I also can’t pass the egg maze.

For whatever reason, the start of the signpost maze is considered the sign below the pits at the north spot of the zone, instead of the original starting signpost, the one west of pond with the tree in it. Instead that one has been marked as the second signpost in the maze, meaning when you interact with it it tells you to start from the beginning, which for a hot minute there led me to believe I wouldn't be able to complete the file.

Idk what you're talking about, here is a map from 2001 that shows the start of the maze has been that north most sign

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What I'm talking about is that sign 1 in this image is completely optional. You can start a completely fresh file of LADX and never interact with sign 1 at all and just go right to sign 2. Sign 2 is what actually triggers the signpost maze to start in LADX, not sign 1. So this remake putting the maze trigger on sign 1 really threw me off and made me concerned that the game was softlocked for a hot minute.

Heart Piece #9 in the castle in one tile above where it should be found against the lower wall

Think I encountered a game breaking bug in level 8. Picked up the key from shooting the statue with an arrow and the key in the chest in the room to the left, and got credit for neither. Now I have no keys and no way to progress.

There is a bomb wall in Turtle Rock that when you attempt to blow it up the game crashes.  It is the one in the candle snake room.

That is strange in the version I have, you can't even break that wall, in the map editor is just a hitbox wall. The error you show seems like the bomb was not properly initialized and you wanted to use the Explode function

Hmm... Do bomb arrows not fully initialize the bombs in certain cercumstances?  That could be it then.

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Not really "bugs" but I noticed some differences/issues with the game engine compared to GB:

- Enemy animations are too fast, making the game subtly but noticeably harder. Zols for example pop out of the ground before you can really react to them and sword-wielding enemies are much harder to fence with.

- You can't swing your sword while you have your shield up. The original let you keep the button held down and would automatically resume shield as soon as the sword animation finished.

- Holding your sword out blocks arrows now. The original made you time your swing.

- There's an added cooldown on sword swings. The original let you spam the button, making bosses and flying floor tiles  much easier to deal with.

- L2 sword has annoying knockback similar to piece of power. The original was a simple damage increase with all other behavior the same as L1.

- The extended grass cutting hitbox is nice for farming rupees but can be abused in a few areas.

- Throwing stones cuts grass for some reason. A non-issue as far as I can see but thought I'd bring attention to it anyway.

Lastly I know the whole gimmick of this project is zooming out the map but it really does break the game by invalidating dungeon maps and spoiling exploration. It is fun to fool around with on a game I've played to death, but it's hard to recommend as a first playthrough to newcomers. I think it would make for a better experience if map squares were darkened until the first time you visit them: it would remove spoilers and also make it super satisfying to fill more of the map. The game already does this with a few (but not all) of the secret bombable walls; extend that to the whole game and fix the other issues in this thread and I think this would be an excellent remake.

yeah, it looks like the dev flip flopped the hit properties of the red armor and the L2 sword.