I'm not sure if this is the most suitable forum but I've posted here in the hopes that the most devs will see it.
I'm left handed and play (as well as develop) games on a laptop using a trackpad instead of a mouse. I try to play any interesting games I find on Itch but often come across issues with their input scheme. A lot of devs use the classic WASD for movement and mouse/trackpad to look around but don't provide alternative keys or the option to redefine them. Since I feel most comfortable using my dominant hand on the trackpad I end up with my hands crossed in an awkward, uncomfortable position and generally give up on the game. I'm sure there are other left handed laptop based players with the same issue, and also people who for whatever reasons don't want to or are unable to use WASD controls.
So after all that preamble (!) my basic plea is, please provide alternative 'left handed' controls when making your games. At least bind the arrow keys and perhaps IJKL to movement and provide 'left handed' alternatives to any other keyboard controls. For example if you have F as your action key for players using WASD perhaps also have H for people using IJKL and Shift for players using the arrow keys. Space is a good choice for a common action, like firing, as it can be easily reached with either hand. If your game needs both WASD and the IJKL/arrow keys for input then give the option to switch around what they control. For example I have a game where WASD controls movement and IJKL/arrow keys control the direction of fire but I give the player the option in the settings to switch them around.