If you played this game until hard or very hard you probably start having an opinion about which heroes / items / buildings / spells is strong or weak. Please let me know if you think you some of them are too powerfull or useless.
Great game, been playing it all weekend. Got to the point where I can consistently beat normal and sometimes hard. There are some heros who I rarely/never use, namely (2), (3) and (4). Maybe there are different strategies that benefit more from these, but I just find the other ones way more useful, especiallly (1) and (5). (6) is useful for getting a fast excalibur at the beginning. I should probably experiment more with the others...
The only building I never bother using is the moat. Again, there is usually always something better to use the dice on, but that might be the way I play. I tend to ignore the weaker monsters and build up enough defence to tank their damage.
Spells for me are a back-up if I end up with bad dice, which is why merlin isnt any use, I rarely plan on using spells in advance. The only spell I almost never use is the missile one, I'm still not entirely sure how that one works, the wording is a bit confusing.
Would be interesting to watch someone else play and see if I'm missing out on a lot of strats. Seems like most of the stuff is useful in certain situations.
I really don't like how the order of the attacks from the monsters during the game is totally randomized. If you get attacked by a unicorn early vs the manticore early, how is that fair? It just makes some runs way harder than others. Shouldn't there be certain pools for what monsters can be the first attack, second attack, etc that make sense for how far along you are at that point?
The Big Wall seems very powerful and since I've started to use it, it's been very helpful. Generally I like to use anything that gets me more rolls or more dice. So Gwen, excalibur, cauldron, etc seem strong to me. I agree that spells feel a little weak to me right now, so Merlin and the spell book don't seem that useful. The market seems very useful as 1-6 gold isn't much to get the exact dice you need. Plus just building the market gets you a ton of stuff which is nice. I can't tell if Percival is good or not, he feels decent if you don't have walls since he can make all your army missions one kill stronger. Also he adds decent defense especially with armour.
Right now the most unbalanced things to me seem to be that Certain villains are way more annoying if not outright harder to face than others. Lancelot doesn't seem that bad to me as I don't use him a lot as a hero. Which ever one takes away one of your dice in the battlefield (I think Morgana?) seems to be the worst one as it straight up prevents you from completing 5 dice missions unless you have something giving you an extra dice (morning star, swords, etc). That seems way more damaging than any other villain like say the Black Knight who just kills one dice when he spawns.
The other big problem is just if you get hard to combat monsters as your first attack wave, that really screws you unfairly--like say Manticore + Gryphon.
My recent decent game. I don't know why, but I try so hard to unlock all the days even though you don't really need them.
Also, I'm not sure the brewery is giving me my gold for guys in the tavern. Do you have to use it on that turn to trigger that?
For next version I will break the one day = one mission rule. It means you will be able to make many or 0 mission in one day. I'm currently struggling with the UI problems caused by this :)
I've been enjoying the game a lot over the last few days, and I'm at the point where I can beat Very Hard rather consistently.
I feel the weakest player options right now are;
I don't feel there are any 'overpowered' options that lead to an easy win, at least at the higher difficulties. In my opinion, some of the higher-tier options are;
The items generally seem balanced for their prices. The only issue I have is that some of the consumables are just 'what a building does', and those seems less interesting. I like the different flavours of the special mythic beasts & nemesis. They all seem pretty fair to me, requiring slightly different approaches which makes the game more interesting.
I'm just going to throw a couple bug reports here as well;
Thanks for making this great game, it's been an amazing productivity killer for me :D
Had a go at the updated version - woodcutter seems a bit broken. The lock stops working so you can use it infinitely, but even if you stick to just one use a day it feels quite overpowered.
Church is a nice addition. I also like how you can do multiple missions each day. The item that turns 2 monsters into 2x(1) dice in the garrison is kind of useless now that space in the garrison is limited, you would want to save those spaces for higher numbers. Also I put a drunk (6) in the garrison and it fell out the next day, which was funny until i realised it overwrote the garrison space so I couldnt add any other dice there. Bit harsh that.