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Tales of Androgyny

A game about birds, bees, flowers and trees. · By Majalis

Overall Guide & Some Wishes Locked

A topic by MythicShades created Nov 23, 2018 Views: 191,703 Replies: 54
This topic was locked by Majalis Jan 20, 2023
This topic is archived. It is unlisted and no new posts can be made.
Viewing posts 1 to 26
(14 edits) (+10)


  • So I decided to spend the time to actually overhaul this whole topic post for all of ya. (please feel grateful at your own pace!)
    Table of context:
    --The Basics
    -Items you need
    --Basic starting up
    -Getting dem bonus points
    -Time to start your Adventure for Real!
    --Enemy Compendium
    -Other Encounters
    --Closing Statement and Some Wishes
  •  The Basics:
    Your basic and main melee Combo is Spring Attack and Crushing Blow with maybe some Tempo Attacks between. (powered up, those skills and some mindful tactics are all you need.)
    If you invest into Sunderer Perk you won't have to worry about Armor Breaker cause all your attacks will break armor.
    The only other melee style moves you are going to invest in are:
    Fade Away (for going into defensive stance),
    Second Wind (for when you are hit with Gut Check that kills your stamina),
    Uppercut (for after the duck and stand combos on fliers),
    Parry (for disarming enemies)
    and Wrist / Arm / Head shot to break the armor on those portions of enemies.

    Then of course you have the combo of arrows, Withdraw -> Draw Arrow -> Fire arrow. But with the ammo system in, that's only as unlimited at number of arrows you have. (Spare hunger charms sell for 50 gold each!) Arrows are really powerful IF they hit.

    Magic combos need mana regen items (get them from Golems, need at least 5 CHA), the Focus Energy you get after defeating your first Golem, and strong strategy behind them. I highly advise you don't even bother unless it's to Weaken Curse a strong enemy, hit a Ghost with Ultra Fire, or Reforge your armor.

    For further individual Strategy, look at the Enemy Compendium.

    Items you need:
    From Main Town:
    What you are going to need to buy is the basic Armor set up, Sabatons, Gauntlets, Helmet, Reinforced Shield, Battle Skirt,  Breastplate. (Paladin starts with Battle Skirt, Breastplate, and Cage of Power) Use the extra money from the Brothem Madam to afford in early game. (Pick More Gold as your answer for a bonus 50 gold.)

    From outside of Main Town: Find a Hunger Gem from a Cache Artifact (extras are great for gold accumulation, 50 each),
    Gauntlet of Strength from the Giantess Region,
    Shoes of Running from Town of Monsters,
    Helmet of Observation from Town of Monsters,
    and the Town Portal Scrolls from both Town of Monsters and the Witch of the Forest.
  • Basic Start up:
    Getting dem bonus points:
    The first thing you are gonna want to do is get them Progress achievements in Ironman Mode (each one gives +1 to bonus points. Only half in normal mode.) So you are gonna force fail, A LOT! (yes each Ironman starts from the begining again, so get ready to use that SKIP button.) So for this you are gonna need Catamite Perk (unlocks all Slut options) and Seduce Skill. In the PROGRESS menu you will see a list of things you need to get done to get these perks.

    Here's them in mostly the order you can get quickly to longer time to get:
    (??? = I don't know those yet)
    Bitch: get knotted by a Werewolf and Fail the Bitch rating.
    Harpy Wife: You have to lose to the Harpy and Fail the Cuckoo for Coocoo.
    Seat of Power: Just laugh at the Brothel Madam and say he ass is fat in the first Any Odd Jobs interaction. (you are her seat)
    Gokkun: Force Deep Throat on the Brothel ladies (Have low CHA), have the Madam be angry you mistreated her girls, and she'll sic Lura on you in the Town Streets. Lura will take you to her mansion castle and you'll go through scenes there. 
    Locked up: Fail the Anal Addict 3 on the Demon Merchant and she'll lock you up.
    Perfect Toy: Have a butt, cock, and mouth item equipped and see the Demon Merchant.
    Ass to Mouth: Pretty self explanatory, you can try with seduce tactics.
    Horse Rider: Requires you to lose to Centaurs and be taken to their area of the map. A whole adventure waits there.
    Nine Tenths: Got possessed by a Ghost, usually any kind of failed fight or you don't have enough magic.
    Bounty Hunter: Get the guy in the Town of Monsters for Brothel Madam.
    Fallen Goddess: Defeat Quetzal Goddess
    Pure Hero: Never take it up the backdoor before you Defeat Quetzal Goddess (mouth and giving the D is okay!)
    Wolf Hunter: Finish the Werewolf Hunt for the Brothel Madam.
    Queen: Lose to the Beast Huntress, fail the checks.
    Nursery: Surrender to Spider Queen, Fail all the checks.
    Number One Hero: Beat Quetzal Goddess on level 1. The trick is to never hit the "Level up" button. You can gain as much experience as you want. JUST NEVER LEVEL UP. BTW, did it first run with no bonuses with a Orc Blood Warrior. (Thanks to chat for informing me.)
    Wrong Way: ???

    Some of those you can get more than one per Ironman attempt. Ass to Mouth, Bounty Hunter, Fallen Goddess, Pure Hero, and Wolf Hunter are not Game Overs.

    Time to Start your Adventure for Real!:
    OKAY! You've done everything up till now. So time to spend all them Bonus Points you have. The best investments are to (I advise in this order) bonus Stats, Perks, Skill, and a Key. Perhaps some gold or whatever else after that.
    The only real key difference to playing any of the Races is with Elfblood and OrcBlood.
    Elfblood you will want to NOT drink the water in the Dark Elf encounter so you can have sexy times and boost your EXP.
    Orcblood you will want to drink and get 50 food rating from it. (Else if you don't and you have a party YOU WILL STARVE, even with a hunger charm.) Also perhaps try not to encounter any party members on the map until you need to.

    For most of the Classes you will want to boost your lowest stats. This can be a bit tricky and require a small bit of planning of the use of the Perks Well Rounded and Specialist. Ideally you'll want to get your CHA to at least the max of 8 for most scenes to be done. And enough MAG to be able to blast away Ghosts with Ultra Fire and Reforge your armor. (so about 5-6 MAG on average unless you're already a Mage)
  • Enemy Compendium:
    Quick note: These are tactics beyond the basic Combos listed above. So always expect to do the basic Melee combo all the time unless otherwise stated. 

    Wereslut: If you defeat a Wereslut with too much STR stat, they will rape you after. (Which kinda doesn't make much sense to me, how do they rape you if you are stronger than them?!) EDIT: Seems this has been changed to Sent / Smell. Your best strategy is to rape them first in battle if they are the in-heat version. You can normal smack away the feral kind no problem. 

    Harpy / Elite Harpy: Same fight mechanics with either version here. When they go into their swooping frenzy you will want to DUCK every time they attack and STAND each fly up they use. (Easier to see this with a strong PER stat) When they are done they will use a Low Attack. This is when you use an Uppercut to go into the offensive from the kneeling position. (Or just advance and attack.) They will try to swoop your mouth with their bird noodle, use another Duck to dodge it.

    Slime: Fight wise the same as most, they are just really hard to grapple. Though you can always just smooch and go in. If you try to stab the core after fighting and you ain't fast enough, it's game over.

    Brigand: Might try to use a Gut Check to sap your stamina and some grapple tactic, but pretty normal otherwise.

    Unicorn / Centaur: You can get in a Low Attack and Fade Away before going into a Block Frenzy till they are done shooting all their Arrows. Fight normally afterwards. EDIT: Unicorns seems to not spam arrows now. Just the Centaurs.

    Goblins (either gender): They have EXTREMELY strong libidos so winning via making them submit will be hard. If you stick to the combos and have strong enough stats they get swatted so fast you don't really need tactics. Otherwise they will try to rape you almost constantly if they ain't attacking.

    Orc (Urka): Bash her armor, parry her weapon, basically again a normal fight pattern.

    Adventurer (Trudy): Only difference is the after battle text you get. Again a normal fight.

    Ogre: Now these can be a bit brutal to your armor and shield.  They will do a lift club then attack. Difference between this and the Harpy is you can constant attack during these.  Best strategy is to just be tougher than them and spam the basic combo and make them bleed quick. You can disarm them however. Don't even try Seduce unless you WANT that giant Ogre all up in you. (Doing so doesn't add to Size Queen perk.)

    Beast Mistress: These will try a strong offensive off the bat. You can counter with your own strong offensive right after, so going into defensive at first might be best. you can insta defeat them with a Seduce, but if your AGI is too low they rape you.

    Arachne: She'll probly try to knock the wind out of you then go in for the rape. Otherwise another normal fight pattern.

    Golems: Bash the armor off and quick defeat them. Another normal fight.

    Ghosts: Melee doesn't do anything. But all you need is one Ultra Fire and it should be a one hit KO. (You'll lose 10 health from their attack in the process.) If you want an extra PERK point, only get with nicer ones that don't look all darkened and have enough CHA (about 6) to let them down gently. 

    Naga: Same as most fights, watch out for Gut Check as usual, don't pick their mouth after the fight cause that's Game Over.

    Quetzal Goddess: SPAM DAT COMBO! She'll be dead before she can get even two-three attacks in. If you don't have Goddess Blessing from the Witch of the Forest, it's instant Game Over if you try to fight.

    Mermaid: Another normal fight.

    Dullahan: Another normal fight.

    Wasp: Combines some Harpy Tactics (Duck and Stand) and some Gut Checks. Otherwise bash that armor and beat them down.

    Doppelganger: Another Normal Fight, although any rape you do to it is also done onto you.

    Quick note: Now we are entering the advanced fights. So use your own sense to determine what extra needs to be done. (Weakening, Titan Strength, Reforge, Items, Etc.)
    Persephone & Helena:
    Persephone hits hard and fast so deal with that as you would such.
    Helena constant teases you and sucks you off. (some kinda cage would stop that.)
    Combined: I would say Cage of Power is your friend, but it seems you need a free cock for the fight now. So it seems impossible to win. Helena will get you off too much. If you are powerful enough you can brute force it, but the scene afterwards is a fixed ending. (you get sandwiched between them.)

    Minotauress: Overall average fight, You try to run past into the labyrinth she will catch you and prepare your butt for the consequences.

    Fire Elemental: She will spam Ultra Fire, not sure if a Phantasmal Shield helps that much. Spam your Melee if you got the stats for it. If you are going the Seduce Route, the hornier she is the hotter she is. Will you be burned and Game Over if she gets too hot? OF COURSE YOU WILL!

    Ettin: Just an upgraded Ogre fight.

    Jester: Have really high Stats and you should be able to pass most of the Games she plays. (8 or 9)  I don't know them all off the top of my head, so you'll have to learn them all on your own.

    Dark Knight: All I can say is.... Good Luck. This is the most advanced of fights and will test your combat skill to the max.

    Other Encounters:

    There are obviously TONS of other encounters and things about each of the enemies listed above. But I'm gonna leave all that for you to discover on your own.
  • Closing Statement and Some Wishes:

    Closing Statement:
    I hope you all enjoyed this little (well, rather big) list of things about this game and hopefully it has helped you somehow. Also It might be nice if this got a Sticky to keep at the top of the Chats about this game.

    Some Wishes:
    More doming scenes and Mechanics. (Cause that's just me, even in terms of power bottom.)
    New Perk Skill: "Dominator" adds +2 per skill point to increasing stats in your favor in Grappling / sex positions.

    More Races for our hero. Unlock through Endings.
    Goblin (+3 CHA, -1 STR and MAG, start with more sex skills / perks.)
    Centaur / Equine (+3 AGI, -1 MAG and CHA, Has horse dick.)
    Ogre (+3 STR, -1 PER and MAG, Access to bigger cock size and more doming scenes.)
    Spidoo (+2 MAG and PER, "Spell" Web shot immobilize enemy for a few turns.)
    Ghost (+3 MAG and CHA, -2 STR, access to bigger cock size.)
    Demon (+3 to all stats, start with Cock / Anal / Mouth Addict maxed, but can ignore bad ends )

you know being top just means the position they're in- you can be a lady and a top. it's called cowgirl.

Deleted 5 years ago

My questions is strictly about the werewolves.

I'm doing the quests for the Brothel Hostess. I met the witch who started the problem and the Brothel Boss says you need to get a sample.  keep fighting werewolves and winning and letting them bang and still nothing is put in the bottle. I even did handjobs in battle and it didn't work. What do you do to finish the Brothel Lady's werewolf sample quest?

Either get the Adventurer Trudy to fight or you're getting knotted. And it's gotta be an Alpha version not feral. When done, talk to Brothel Madam again.

Oh. Okay, I see they need the sample from the original catalyst of the curse. 

I've never see an alpha werewolf. I guess they're more up northeast.

I asked Trudy but he lost. I wonder if that effects anything?

Getting "knotted" is a game over?

Doesn't seem like they're effected by anything.
Too many times, yes

Man, I gotta say, the new World Map graphics are neat-o! Also, Seems my overall strategy is still a surefire way to keep them nasty opponents down! (YES THIS IS A POST TO PUT THIS BACK ON TOP OF COMMUNITY COMMENTS! I admit the shame in doing so!)

New battle screen takes a bit to get to know, but it's nice. (Lust meter is still a bit wonky to know). Also major problem, With the large map points, they block smaller map points behind them. Suggest working on the click-able area they effect? Also bump back up. (I AGAIN ADMIT THE SHAME IN DOING THAT, perhaps you could sticky this topic for others?

(1 edit)

OK. Just started the game. Only level 10 and already covered in terrible bad titles.

I need help bad. I'm always hungry and penniless. I like the sex scenes but I want to just beat the game and stop being Game Over prone. 

I played the gold saint like class at start, and completely ruined it. I'm good at fighting now, and I see your tips here. But food never is mention much in game how to handle it. I never get a chance to eat it at camps when I buy it. It's always gone right away. And when I walk around at day 40+ ogres are everywhere even when it doesn't say they are. I guess my perception is low. I went for a more STR, DEF and charisma set up. I got a little of everything now, but still no super good results. 

I get GAMEOVERS all the time and when I do it feels like I can't avoid them. I even have both companions but no way to remove the crappy titles.

Too long, didn't read? Here's my problems.

If I get hungry on map again it's game over with the beastmaster BS. Same with talking to the gadget merchant. Same with the size queen title for Ogres.


Favorite thing in the game other than the tender sex scenes was the spider behind the text window gag.

(1 edit)

The game is a BIT more finicky in the stability / footing stat. You're gonna have to be a bit more wise in your combos.
Spring attack -> Tempo attack or armor crush -> crushing blow when low footing. (Assault to finish them off when their armor is gone.)
To restore stamina have Fade away -> Parry. Or just have high STR / END with grappling them.
Guard and second wind is only real footing restore.
Otherwise the combos still work. (also use Reforge magic to restore armor.)

As for food it is your METABOLISM, every time you move that much will be taken from your supply,  to add more to supply you can stay at the INN, find a cache, buy from a cart, get some from dryads, or choosing the Drink the Water with the other elf. To minimalize food consumption that you need the Hunger Charm from an Artifact Cache and NOT have friends traveling with you. (Just avoid the elf and humanoid and only battle the orc.), smallest use is obviously elfblood but that requires WAY MORE exp to level up.

Fully read the first post for your Stats. It still holds up even in this newest version.

I've only beaten an ogress once. I was level 10, full HP, well fed and using lots of spells.

Maybe if there was a way to remove negative titles you get, it wouldn't be so bad. But I just can guarantee I'll win every fight. Even now at level 12 due to all the loses I've had so far getting to this point. Do I really have to start over? I mean my purity and dignity are both almost gone completely and I lots of titles that lead to Game Overs (size queen and beastmaster).

I had no idea the allies were eating the food too. They've been in the party a while now. And I just got Urka. Do I have to dismiss them or start all over?

I can't pick up the artifact at the caches. I guess I need more perception.

SPELLS?! That's your problem! The Ogre has a simple attack pattern with the club. "Raise club" into "Attack". You can attack them during the raising phase. Block the attack. When they fall down that's your time to wail on em.  The only time you need a spell is "Ultra Fire" for the Ghosts. (Maybe more like healing if you go 3rd fight with the Vampires or need Titan Strength for other stuff.)

No way to remove any titles. Gotta start a new game. (Never go butt stuff with a centaur to prevent "mare" status)
You CAN beat all the enemies from the start, you just have to stop relying on spells. USE THE COMBOS I MENTION UP TOP! (I even edited it to current version standard!)
Purity, no getting that back. Dignity, you have to beat up enemies.
Allies, like titles, once you have em there's no getting rid of em. Each ally only takes up 1 more food. (Making a max of +3 with all of em.)
And you can get the artifacts, use the SCOUT button to up your Perception for one movement. It will take up a turn so you'll use up food but all you need to use it for is the Hunger Charm.

I'll try my best with what you told me. 

If I end up starting all over, I'm not doing any sex at all after all fights. That's the only sure way to avoid being humiliated and/or getting game overs. 

I know it's a sex game, but I'd rather win. I wish there was a erotica game where sex only happened when you wanted it to. Not as a penalty after almost all encounters. I'd rather just go to a bar, meet a girl there, and have the option to date then bang her. Like in Mass Effect and Dragon Age.

I decided that it's best to make two play files one to experiment with and another to try for a flawless play through using your tactics here.

Don't forget to look at the Progress tab in the main menu to see how many bonus points you've racked up so far. Not really sure if it determined by number of achievements done, how high your level was on ironman, but it's probly both. Even though there are no saves on ironman you can stop and continue it so long as you didn't game over.

I gotta play with saves, I always pick normal mode

Deleted 5 years ago

Any new Updates on your little guide here or is the current version of this still good? there's been a lot of content updates since the last update here

(1 edit)

nah. it's still pretty much all you need.

EDIT: Updated the F**K outta it.

I agree with most of what you said (especially since you can't pussy behind your shield after ver 2.11 where the careful attack stopped allowing you to keep in defensive stance) , and I do have a thing I believe would be a good idea which I'd like to propose to Majalis :

Making the supposedly post-win game overs (such as heated werewolf and lamia) be checking for additional stats check ups (such as a PER and/or AGI test for the "guaranteed" rape of the werewolf , or a high level PER test for the lamia , because getting buttfucked at lv 23 by a starting werewolf though I had 8 PER because "you lose track of her" is kinda ...Underwhelming ?

Oh , and , btw , for the magic combos : Do the hypnosis technique , focus energy and , dépending on your MAG level , either buff yourself with weakening curse+titan strength , or go for a hypnosis-focus-focus-combat fire chain to avoid them getting back to you.

See y'all !

Deleted 335 days ago
(1 edit)

Nope, not needed. Unless you want some kinda advanced walkthrough for the tough battles at the end, ain't anything to add yet.

EDIT: WELP, I done edited the F**K outta them.

heeeey there, can't figure out how to keep dumping points in CHA, I want to hit 8 in ot but that plus sign just won't give, so I've had to raise other stuff, and am tired of it. Any idea what's up?

This ain't the place to report bugs. All you can do is up your perks that boost that stat. Also get bonus points for more stats to start with.

Hey, me again, I noticed you saying that you need to defeat Persephone if you are on the quest for a bigger codpiece. Does one actually need to get a quest? since I've done so twice but the same scene plays out.

Dunno, you should've spoken with the paladin, got codpiece, speak again, and spoke with the witch in that order. Maybe a bug, maybe not. I ain't a coder.

Ahhh, I haven't encountered the Paladin yet, do you know how to? I'm sorta just exploring about after practicing combat with your guide and heading to the Outpost.

Church in town. How can you miss that?

I didn't, I just didn't have the dialogue trigger for the quest activated yet, I think meeting the vamps or meeting all of the creatures she's asked about allowed me to help her get the quest, though I don't know since she didn't bring it up before I ask just earlier.

THIS IS A BUMP, to let you all know about that new revamped main post. YOU'RE WELCOME!

just wondering, but when you go into the town centre of silajam at night and go for a run, ie suck cock, i dont know how to get the last few encounters, it says it requires you to have achieved a number of cocks sucked and construction, i dont know what the construction part means, so if someone could explain then i would really appreciate it.

I'm not really one for the slut routes. But guessing something about some event

Deleted 2 years ago

Thanks for that, I'll add them as I get them myself. (Just to double confirm them.)

Got number one hero with no bonuses with Warrior Orc Blood. (MAG and CHA 1, upped my other stats except for STR.) First run with current month's release. Big trick was to never hit the "Level up" button. Can get all the experience you want as long as you don't hit that button.


Actualy i can't figure out how to keep dumping points in CHA, I want to hit 8 in ot but that plus sign just won't give, so I've had to raise other stuff, and am tired of it


There's also the "Erotic" perk.

(1 edit) (+1)

Damn, been awhile since this has had the bump up top. Gonna also go through and look at the new third area. Enjoy the read.

(2 edits) (+1)

Is there a place at which I can find a guide for this game other than combat. Stuff like scenes, endings and the story?

I would like to explore more scenery for characters such as Kylira, Trudy or the Warlock but I just keep running in circles...


I think there is a wiki to this game that mentions some endings, but in the end you will have to explore on your own.

Mentioning how to get everything would be a total spoiler. Also I don't play the game to find all the endings cause I don't like losing for no reason.

I saw new encounters for Ghost, Naga, and Brigand. Aced them all. Though had no alcohol for Brigand. That's what I saw in my first go through of the area. (1rst character, got number 1 hero already, ironman mode.)

As for some suggestions to build up the 3rd area:
Obviously add the stronger encounters for Knight and Jester in there. (Have Knight disappear from map 2 and show on 3. Jester will be in a more fight-y mood.)
You might already have some plans for Volcano Lady being somewhat already warmed up.
Have you tried thinking up a Gargoyle? (Volcano area golem?)
Actually be able to fight "Horrible Presence" in third area. Maybe?... (final guardian of Demon King?)
Gadgeteer won't be too friendly anymore if you see her there. 
Actual Succubus and Incubus demons. (Obvious reasons.)
And obviously there's gonna be the Demon King Castle at the end. Right?

Also just thought of this, Perhaps tie some of the endings with unlocking new Races for our Hero? Centaur, Ogre, Spidoo, Goblin, Demon.

Have you gotten the Brigand encounter with alcohol to work? Says the requirements are free cock and alcohol and I got both but the option is still greyed out.

To unlock that option, you have to get more than 2 or 3 bottles of wine.

(1 edit)

That's... kind of annoying. It should also be available if you have the spell intoxicate but maybe that's just my opinion.
Edit: For those wondering it took having 3 "Wine" in inventory for the option to be chosen and strangely enough does not consume the wine after the encounter.

I cant complete the phalatius canine Quest. I fuck werewolf in battle, i ve fucked in and after battle, Go to Brother Madam and the Quest remain. 

How can i back to First map? Only with Scrolls?

I wish more scenes sex/rape in battle not only texts.

About texts, some phrases in battle dificultt read messages status

To discover how "Canine" they are? That is a bottoming thing. Not Top. 

Back to first map via same routes you exited or scroll. (USE YOUR BRAIN PLEASE!)

When i click Go to irona, nothing happen, my chat dont move

That's either a bug or a problem with your game.

Damn I wish this post could be stuck to the top of the forums, BUT IT AIN'T AS OF RIGHT NOW.
So here's a shameless BUMP to get it back up top. (SORRY FOR THAT MAJALIS!)

I unlocked all of the achievements, do you know how to get the other races?

That's just an IDEA for now. Least until the creator decides to add it.

How do I unlock the new races exactly, I beat quetzal many times.

Again, just an IDEA, no idea if they will incorporate it. But seems like there's desire for it.

HEY Majalis! You got a response for these folks?

Sorry I commented without checking the second page, I didn't know someone already asked that.

Is it possible to alter your character to max stats at the beginning of the game?

only as max as all the extra stat points can give you.  So no, you can't start with all stats at like 10-12. That would be some OP God mode though. Like Born a Half-God. (+4 to all stats) But it would have to be locked behind something big.

(1 edit)

they missed out on an opportunity to call the wolf failure doggy style

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