Radiant Star: Overture is still in early development and feedback is valuable. So please let me know what you thought of the game so far.
Love the idea. And Kamatheshattered already hit one desire I had on enemies types affecting the player (shrinking is obviously the favorite here).
My thoughts go to wanting custom settings:
Amended; sincerest apologies.
The provided script does not appear to run, simply stating
5.2.1-26001984+++UE5+Release-5.2 1009 0
Disabling core dumps.
Following this, the program closes immediately.
If elevated, however, it states:
libc++abi: __cxa_guard_acquire detected recursive initialization
Libraries used per libtree:
├── libpthread.so.0 [default path]
└── librt.so.1 [default path]
Further notes:
Would be cool to have even smaller sizes, would be cool to be able to climb those huge beauties (in various sizes) somehow, maybe as an alternate game mode. And also in general interact with them, maybe hug them when they become smoll. And if they also interacted with player as huge and small volutous demon women.
But it is already great game.