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old-school style FPS with handcrafted levels · By David Jalbert, david_kay, Romain Rope

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A topic by David Jalbert created Dec 21, 2018 Views: 1,417 Replies: 19
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Just a little starter feedback from what I've played so far:

  1. Level design in this level was pretty cramped compared to the movement speed.  A lot of interconnected corridors, and oddly prompted immediate turns. Because of the simplicity of the graphics it was hard to see when there's a turn at all. For example, in the starting section you essentially have two hallways that interconnect through a slope, but there's also at some point after that first intro where you have a left turn that leads into the green door. 
    1.  Further on prompting it was hard to get around with a lot of the decor getting in the way of the action. my character bumped and jumped on the numerous trucks and forklifts. 
    2. It was also confusing getting to some areas, as there was what seemed to be small slopes and barrels to get further along, that can be easily missed.
  2.  I liked the feeling of the shotgun and railgun. However the SMG was very underpowered and inaccurate. I get it's the starter weapon but it needs to have something going for it, at least a high ammo pool. The alternative is the wakazashi which isn't really a good choice since it takes multiple slices just to take down one grunt, and you lose 30 of your health that way, since it doesn't stunlock them and they can just bat you back. 
    1. Just as well the recoil system was a tad too sensitive.
  3.  Jumping also felt really unsatisfying. It didn't have any height or give, it didn't seem to have bunnyhopping either. Although making jumping higher might break the level design, so I understand that's gonna stay.  
    1. On the subject please allow caps or something to switch always run. That's a good feature to have.
  4.  Enemies were good, though the jumping crocs don't seem right to me as the melee chargers. I often found them spamming the charge attack when usually it's just like once attack, and then a chance to shoot 'em. But they often don't do that. Their charges should go farther, but then give it a delay.  
  5.  Items and door buttons are pretty small. Gets lost in the environments sometimes. 
  6.  My kingdom for a save feature, lol.
  7.  I do love the art aesthetic by the way, very clear. As well as the gore - although it has that Quake 2 problem when animations go on for too long so you end up wasting ammo on dying dramatic enemies.  
  8. You got a really good thing going honestly, I liked the demo else I wouldn't complain this much. 

Hi and thanks for the feedback! All of these issues should be addressed in the future one way or another. At this stage nothing is set in stone and a lot of things will change. Hopefully for the better. "Always Run" can be toggled with a hotkey and you can change key bindings in the options menu. propper save function is in the works. AI and movement physics are also under development.
Sword is tricky to ballance. if we make it more powerful it might reduce the usefulness of other weapons. The way it's designed right now is to make the player having to dodge bullets and attacks and not just stand in place when using it. We also plan od introducing some useful powerups that will make the sword more effective in certain situations. Player souldn't rely on th sword too much as this is a shooter game frst and foremost:) Altough there is a lot of playtesting ahead us. If it turns out to be fun enough we might make melee combat a bigger part of the game. 

Cheers mate, I'm glad to just be heard out.

I hear ya on the sword, but given the current ammo balance I'd like it just a tad better. Or maybe yeah like you said a powerup not unlike the berserker one in Doom.

(2 edits) (+1)

Well, at first I thought: Damn, this is going to be ****ing good!

But yeah, the game has very basic core issues. Mainly the combination of level design and enemy placement, I think. But also weapons stats.

I have to say, I was really impressed by how direct and great the player movement feels and how great the enemies navigate, shoot and just feel.

Here are some ideas:

  • The sword could be much more powerful, killing an enemy with an instant hit. That would feel so much more powerful and not have you dancing around a single enemy, but rather like a super great Samurai. And some enemies could be invincible for specifically the sword (armor, shield, ...), which would not make it a pure match winner. OR the player could be able to block bullets for a certain time (or even reflect them) like Genji can in Overwatch, don't know about this idea, though...
  • Enemies should chase you down only so far. Otherwise, you see yourself backing up all of the time (a problem solved by the modern 'doom' by giving the player special rewards for going close-in on melee attacks)
  • Overall, it was not clear to me whether this game is a power fantasy (Doom) or a survival fantasy (Dead Space, Amnesia ...). If it is a power fantasy (which I assume), I want more ammo. Lots of ammo. And lots of shooting. I don't even want to care so much about checking my ammo constantly, I want to shoot 300+ bullets without having to worry. -- So, IF it is a power fantasy game, then maybe take a closer look at what Doom does (and yeah, bascially, I'm telling you how to run your life, ... ;-)

Hope this helps somewhat, Good luck with the game, I like the basic approach!


Thanks for sharing your thoughts! We're building the game around more tactical gameplay, where resource management is a thing and where every weapon would be useful in different situations. At least in the beginning phase. If we make parts of the game a power fantasy it will require some buildup so the player feels like he earned it. At least that 's the idea:). We have some pretty powerful and devastating weapons and powerups in the works. We're also thinking about including different game modes and mutators that can turn the game into a more trigger happy experience. 


Oh, gotcha!

Hm, maybe it should more communicate that tactical aspect, be a bit more slow paced and look less doom-ish, or also, Unreal Tournament - alike.

But anyway, good luck, make whatever you want to happen happen!


Downloaded this yesterday, after having seen it on Twitter. 

Love the flat shaded polygon look of the game.

The game itself is kicking my ass so far (I am not the best gamer in the world though!). I am liking it a lot so far, although I find the movement a bit tricky when traversing the 'platforms'. Definitely feeling a more tactical element, but I agree with @dibaka that you probably want to communicate that up front. On my first couple of goes, I was definitely trying to play it like it was Quake!

Love the fact you start with a sword. 

Also Mac support! Thank you.

Really looking forward to seeing more of this game.


Really glad to have found this game when I was just simply browsing 

Great game! Reminds me a lot of games such as Quake II, especially the shotgun. The game is also not that easy for me, but I really like that I have to choose my approach wisely according to the ammo I have. Taking risk to explore new areas is also exciting, due to the punishment of starting all over again if I die. However I still really hope for a checkpoint system because that punishment can be too great. 

I like the map which is interconnected and "multi-layered", means I can always find ways to go higher and get over some obstacles. Its "semi-openness" also reminds me a little of the Kshatriya level in the game Metro. I found some floppy-disk like stuffs but don't know what they do. Also I have climbed high enough and it seems there are places where I may fall off the map, although I didn't dare to try.  

Anyway, I'm eager to see more of this. 


Thanks for the feedback!
Game will have a save system of some kind for sure. Either checkpoints or quicksaves. Maybe both. Altough we think about exprimenting with something more connected to the gameplay - something that would reward the player for using the save option more sparsly. 
floppy disks right now are sort of collectibles that indicate if you found all the secrets. Their function will probably change later in development.

Thanks for the reply! Good idea with the save system, because I guess abusing it will lose what makes the game special. I see, so that's the function of the data disks. I didn't manage to get 100% because there's this place beneath the Krankenheit lab that I can't find a way to enter, I'm guessing one is in there. I also found that the platform that the player starts on is an elevator but again I don't know where to operate it. 

It is really fun with all these secrets. I'm just having a suggestion that perhaps it's good to make it obvious that the end level switch will, well, end the level, something like an "exit" sign in Doom. Because on my first playthrough I accidentally ended it when I still have more exploration to do.

Well I liked the demo a lot. The secrets were nice, maybe shouldn't talk about some of them because people need to find them.  The first one is a bit overwhelming if you don't go to the green door first.

One of the things I think that need more work (for add a different thing to all the stuff the people already write) is when monsters spawn when you do certain objectives or crossing through some areas. If you are looking at the correct moment, you see them appear from nowhere. Example of that is when you grab the SMG on the truck at the beginning. If you grab it backwards you can see the mobs appear where the armor is. Also, you can just skip their respawn if you are enough careful.  This happens a lot if you do a normal run through the level.

The jump is unresponsive when you are close to edges, you need to jump way ahead. Is something you can deal with with practice, but not totally sure that is an intended thing. Improve  this will be good because, almost for the alpha map, you are rewarded with a better position to deal against certain areas.

The always run option, is something I use.  BTW, could be strange to deal with the speed of the running. That is why is handy to change to normal speed pressing the run key (because is hard to be precise with the platforming). 

By other hand, I was able to beat the map without take any damage, without attack a single monster, even without grab the sword (Wakazashi) from the start. I got 95 % kills (I think the kills are based on the monsters you found, because if you don't found some, they don't count,) and got a B rank for 11,59 seconds. Here the screen. (sadly didn't found a way to take a screenshot in game)

About it, I'm sure is possible to beat the map under 10 seconds, just need more practice.  The end button have a problem, you can go through an be unable to hit it with the action key.


Yeah, physics and control systems are still under development and we expect them to get better in time. The player speed and jump height was modified a lot during internal playtesting - this is why some parts of the level might feel off and feature unintended shortcuts - they were made when these setting were different. Thanks for the feedback!

I understand. But for sure the game is going to the right direction. I'm a big fan of the speedruns, unintended shortcuts is a good thing.  I didn't say that beat the map at 11 secs was a bad thing. Is something I figured out after play around with physics, and beat the level the normal way multiple times.  Is a good reward for the people that already know the level. I'm 100 % sure no one will figure out in the first playthrough (so is more an Easter egg than a bug )

Well I found this picture on my pc and I wanted to share it. This was done in one of my first playthroughs on the game (after a lot of exploration and after deal with some out of bounds or get stuck in some parts of the map, something that I can understand in this early version of the game)

Really waiting for test more of this game.

(also will like a way to take screenshots in game) 


Hey that's pretty cool!  

let me say this is friggin sweet but, as there always is, there is some issues, level design is confusing and doesnt quite suit the movement, I found myself with so little health most of thetime due to the lack of health and i ended up not using the smg as its fire rate and damage and recoil was quite awful, I would suggest maybe turn it into an assault rifle maybe? also maybe give the player a weak but infinite ammo pistol at the start, like with DooM 2016 and add something similar to an auto map. This is a great game and most of what I said is really just problems I had and ideas I had.


Thanks for the input! there will be a new reworked demo soon.

cant wait! also a lot of the problems i mentoined, mainly health, are not problems anymore as I played longer.

(1 edit)

Well after a lot of time, I was checking on internet how the project is going. Hope the best and I really hope you can overcome the Hiatus Thing. Take your time, you don't really need to rush. Maybe is not a good time to say it but I Will like to add a request, and it is a way to set the sensitivity by number instead of use a bar (or at least have both options).

 Usually I use a tool for have my sensitivity practically the same in all my shooter games. I use Kovaak sensivity matcher: and it work really well for measure games and find the exact (or almost super close) sensitive between games. On this game I was able to find my exact sensitivity, but don't know how to use it because is a decimal number, will be great if was possible to set it up.

Also a Way to take screen shots of in game (maybe is there a way already to do it but i don't now)

So i Hope, this game finds a way to reach gold, because i really like and enjoyed the demo. On my country we have a lot of internet issues, so I play some single players games, and time ago i played the demo for at least 50 times xD

For last but not least I have some pictures of the last time i played the demo, Didn't post it before because I forgot to do it xD

This is about the possibility i said before of beat the game under 10 sec

Ended being able to do it under 8.30 sec, totally sure is still possible to get even lower than that but this was i manage with a bit of practice.

And the other one is 

This time was just trying to get the max rank (that i wasn't sure if were any beyond A rank). Is possible to have way way lower time than this, but i honestly didn't try it that much. One of the major things for not try it is that you need to do some specific stuff for trigger some enemies, and is a bit annoying .