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Deep Snow Delivery

Make deliveries across a frozen wasteland in a WW2 tank fitted with a storage bucket and claw arm. · By Drenindok


A topic by Drenindok created 37 days ago Views: 830 Replies: 23
Viewing posts 1 to 19

Offer your ideas


Nice little game, I've been enjoying it...  but it *really* needs a way to save your progress and return later.


That will be coming in either next update or the one after it most likely!

I love this concept! Reminds me of the physics based flash games when I was a kid. Arranging cargo in creative ways to minimize them falling out is very enjoyable. I hope you expand on this concept in the future!


Just started the game and met the same fate as a frozen tank right here because I was being too curious

Perhaps there could be some at least an upgrade to get yourself unstuck? Or some key to “jump” a bit to at least try and get out

(1 edit) (+4)

Very well done, donated $10! You're very talented, please keep it up!

I would have loved for there to be a little radio in the tank. There could be in-game music, or maybe transmissions from the different settlements, or perhaps someone you communicate with. You could even have lore audiotapes you could find, or perhaps mysterious transmissions what you have to decipher or locate.  Could be an interesting mechanic to aid the ambience and lore. The silence took away from the experience a bit for me. I put on western slide guitar music in the background while I played it, It felt very fitting. Like RDR2 but snowy and post apocalyptic.

In any case, fantastic work! I would've paid $5 -$10 for this on Steam.


Thank you so much! Someone actually volunteered to make music for this, so a radio is planned! 


If implementing voice acting for radio transmissions or something ever becomes a thing you want to pursue, I bet a bunch of us would be happy to volunteer!


well, the ability to save the game is needed before everything else, obviously.
next, i'd say, a controller support: even though it is trivial to map controls through the Steam Input (by adding a non-steam game to the library), i don't think it can enable this precise acceleration/deceleration that gradual pressing of the trigger buttons gives you with proper controller support.
also, an option for the free camera during cargo loading would be nice. which is to unlink the movement of the camera from the movements of the tower/arm, and set the position of the camera manually. because with this view from up-top (and with weird collision (the stuff freely going through the cargo bay walls while loading)) it is not always clear where exactly does it land. consequently, the whole process is tedious and irritating, at least when you have to deal not with some odd-shaped junk (just shove it in there and keep rolling), but with square/rectangular cargo that needs to be neatly stacked.
i'd even say that if a project gains traction (no pun intended), it makes sense to give a casual player an option to fix (at lest these rectangular ones) cargo in place, kind of like in Mud/Snowrunner with logs, or heck, even in Death Stranding with containers. maybe not from the get-go, but as a purchasable upgrade? although, without it present from the start a lot of people will abandon the game after the first half an hour, so maybe as an easier difficulty level?
also an option - additional cargo spaces. for example, while delivering an almost full cargo hold i came across an expensive ahh i-beam, so i chugged it between a cargo hold and a tower. neat, but what about also "tying" some to the sides of the armor, like we sometimes see in those ww2 photos with random ahh logs? that would be a nice upgrade option.
and a little quality-of-life thing: while changing game's volume in the OS's mixer is always an option, having an in-game volume settings (general, engine, music) would be much more convenient.

all-in-all, game's scratching a very particular itch, so it'll be able to find a loyal, albeit niche, fanbase. but also, even though it's rather simple in terms of looks, it is looking cute and, most importantly, coherent, like a proper game (well, not like - it is one), which opens the gates of a mainstream appeal. so given a proper execution, i fully believe that it can not only be a little gem that only a few know about, but a rather recognizable name generally, with console releases and all that jazz. if possible, do not abandon the project, give it some more love and care, and it could be the beginning of something beautiful. and in the world of safe bland re-reused corporate slop we do need more beautiful. good luck with the project.


Thanks for the feedback/support! I have no plans on abandoning this game any time soon, so updates will follow💪


If I can request just one thing - saving. I only played for about half an hour, but having that progress wiped is stillannoyong.


It will be in an update soon


I wanna be able to add more storage boxes instead of just upgrading the main one.
also fov setting.
and night time.

love your game!!!!!!!!!!


I request that you add an option to invert backwards movement controlls.

Since I play a lot of WarThunder and am used to controls that mimic how tracks work in real life, I request that you change from the regular video game car control that make you face the same direction if pressing W+D as S+D to controls that make you face right when pressing W+D and left when pressing S+D.

Or at least add an option for it. Most players might be used to GTA style controls but this only allpies to wheeled vehicles.

Pwetty pwease 


Loving this so far - the tank model is so characterful, and the core gameplay loop is perfectly intuitive and compelling. I'm very pleased to hear a save system is in the works, but even without it's a lovely little experience you've built here.

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It's a cool concept. 

I liked the game overall: the atmosphere and the movement. 

Among the disadvantages: the difficulty and the near corner of the box to pick up the load, involuntary drift, during descent or ascent during zigzag, I did not see the night, the music is only at the end... I see the time. But despite all this, it was REALLY NICE to play. 

Among the suggestions: Painting the car, the ability to turn off the engine and changing the shape of the car

Thanks for the creation and the opportunity to play.


Basically it's death stranding on minimal in a dieselpunk setting (or something like that). I enjoyed it, but was a little frustrated by the lack of an ending and saves.


- saving the game

- work on the inventory. With the current system it's more of a torture - because of the colliders, items can jump out and fly away when trying to place them. You could look into inventory management like in classic resident evil games (using slots)

- When driving into town, you have to put items out of the body in order to sell them. It would be better to be able to sell items without having to put them out, just by selecting the items you want to sell in the interface

- ending

- Low Roar tracks starting to play suddenly while driving


Ok heres some thoughts on the game plus some ideas for the game

Firstly, the spike tracks should be toggleable insead of having to hold the shift button. Secondly, there should be a way to recover your tank if you get it stuck because i got my tank stuck on some bits of destroyed building. those are the only things that really bothered me.

Now for the ideas i have...

1. Fuel/ durability system. You'll have to worry about running out of fuel, this could be mitigated by fuel tank upgrades and extra fuel canister upgrades that attach fuel can holders for emergency refueling. You'll also also have to worry about breaking your tank if youre too rough with it, this could be mitigated by upgrading the durability and repair kit upgrades for on the go repairs! Both fuel and tank health can be replenished at settlements for a small fee of around 100 dollars. This mechanic should be able to be disabled if the player wants an easier time.

2. Environmental/ weather hazards. Different hazards that pose issues for your tank. Deep snow can slow you down to a crawl and could possibly get your tank stuck. Thin ice could make crossing ice lakes trecherous, meaning one misstep could leave you sinking into a watery grave. Lightning storms could damage your tank and disable any electronics like the radar or the headlight.

3. Different upgrades. Different types of upgrades that have pros and cons. For example an upgrade that converts your tank to an electric drivetrain that has the pro of increased acceleration, torque, and efficiency, with the con of less top speed, heavier weight, and slightly more expensive recharging costs. Maybe it opens up an upgrade path that lets you put wind turbines on your tank so you can passively regenerate battery charge when its windy.

4. Alternate tanks. Different tanks for different playstyles. There could a lightweight fast tank modeled after a snowcat with less storage space and better fuel efficiency. And maybe a large, slow tank with a lot of storage space but its slow, cumbersome and it eats through fuel. Maybe throw in some fun vehicles like a snowmobile

And thats pretty much all the ideas i have.


Please put the Windows version of Steam.  This would make it *much* easier to play the game on Linux (not to mention having it inside Steam just makes it easier to find).

Donated $10 after playing, great game! Kinda reminded me of NieR Automata, especially the environment. Excited for the next update!

Hey, good little game, enjoying it. Controls are pretty slippery but if I'm understanding, that's the point. Good mechanics, world just needs a bit of fleshing out. It would be cool to have different characters at the different settlements pop up during the elevator selling sequences, give it a little depth of world building. Nothing too crazy, but I was thinking along the lines of just some dialogue and a character portrait. Maybe some "settlement" ambiance in the background too, who knows. Make it a little Frostpunk, or Disco Elysium. Also, seeing the Dunkey reference in the video you made, have you thought about contacting Big Mode? I'm sure he'd be interested.

Anyways, I'm gonna keep playing it and see if I can come up with anything else. The tank is super cute, by the way, it's a character in itself. Massive potential for little figures.

Hello! A very entertaining game. Somewhat vaguely reminiscent of "Hard Truck Apocalypse". I would like to see similar mechanics from there - more detailed cities, NPC, more interesting dieselpunk buildings, enemies and weapons.
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I had a blast playing this, I super excited to see where you take this game!!! I think if the claw was able to collide with cargo in your storage that'd make fitting things in a whole lot easier, though being able to rotate the claw is a very nice mechanic. There's a little handle looking extrusion on the back of the(truck, tank?) that looks like it could be grabbed to allow you to empty all of your storage at once, which could be a nice and quick way to drop everything quickly. I also had some problems with cargo colliding with itself and flying out of my storage.

This game is really fun, however I would say you should definitely add some more details, and maybe even redo the map when you have time. I really enjoy this game, and you should keep working on it!