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A member registered Aug 29, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks mate, if you like the color palette I suggest you check out the Lospec website, it's so fantastically well managed. 

and yeah you are correct my game lacked a couple of things: more musical options, a tutorial, animations, more levels, some indicators for the automation, etc. but i really ran out of time XD i had only 3 days free. 

i'll try to improve for the next jam <3 

thanks mate. yeah the visuals for me is always a top priority, as for the things you pointed out for improvement I kinda ran out of time (I had to do my main job) but yeah putting an indicated, a little tutorial, little animations, they were all on my mind XD but thanks for the advice shows your comment is genuine <3

don't worry i had the same problem with my "game" lol. we can only improve 

lol for me it wasn't about making a "good game" it was mostly a practice of making "something" it was supposed to be a clicker game that you can actually beat. the end result would be that all of the lines are automated. but i'm glad you enjoyed the goofy side of things.

alright let's get to it ... the game was fantastic. what really shone in my eyes was the audio which added to the level of creepiness. one thing i don't understand about horror games (such as this one) is the gameplay. the gameplay is really really simple and basic and usually that should be the down side, right? but here, somehow the simplicity of the gameplay adds to the tension. i was constantly looking up at the drill from the mines to see what might be happening. great visuals, great audio effects, you somehow used the theme but just .. i arguable enjoyed this game the most out of the ones i tried in the jam 

ok let's see. the use of theme was basically zero cuz i don't really see how automation corresponds to that ... but aside from the deviation from the theme ... it was a good game. mainly because of the creativity in the puzzles (which are a bit too hard from the get go. you probably should've just made a bunch of easy levels to get the player to adjust to this weird now mechanic and puzzle solving system) 

what else ... the audio was ok the visuals were fantastic for what the game was. and that's it i think

maybe it's just not my thing but i think that the gameplay was really unintuitive. it's very hard to tell what's going on and more over, there is no tutorial. i mean most times tutorials are over-rated since most of the games have roughly the same mechanics ... but for games like this there should be tutorial. for visuals ... what can i say ... not great. the audio was good tho

Ok i'm sorry about this but the game DID NOT behave. I could tell that the audio was supposed to be fun and good but it was lagging like hell i've never had that with anything. the animations and everything lagged. i couldn't even get through the tutorial. but there is another down point for me ... it's quite obvious that this game has had some effort and time put into it. and i mean more than just a week or 10 days of work (plus it's submitted to like 6 different jams). i'm new to itch but i assume that's against the spirit of game jamming. which pains me somewhat cause it seems the dev has put time and effort to this project 

my most important suggestion ... please make it downloadable cuz the web version was just a bad experience

*sigh* what do i have to say ... the game jam has a winner

Hey great game. If I had to point out the good and bad things about it:

1. firstly the intro was really cool (you know to see you putting effort into makin a smol story and making a comic despite not having a lot of time) 
2. another good point was the level design and use of mechanics which was pretty clever 
3. a down point for me was the music ... as much as i like 8-bit music and the sound, the option to turn it off might be a good addition 
4. another down point for me ... i'm sorry to say but it was the art (in-game) for some reason it didn't do it for me.

but overall awesome game