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Searchin one kind of nsfw games (don't read if you don't play nsfw game)s

A topic by WTF happening here created Aug 05, 2024 Views: 1,072 Replies: 11
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Hi ! I've tested lot of games like that, I'm still disappointed in the end by EVERY NSFW GAME I'VE TESTED.

Either they contain violence and rape, either it's just a harem and we can NEVER find a game when we can ROMANCE ONLY ONE FCKN STUNNY AND INTERESTING GIRL. I've just tested AIRevolution, and it supposedly offers the "romance" gameplay, but IN FACT, every ten minute a stupid nympho run into you. And i'ts IMPOSSIBLE to trow away the girls you don't want, for keeping only one. I've tasted barely 100 NSFW games, It STILL IMPOSSIBLE to find one under this criteria. Not every person dream off by surrouned by 100 stupid nymphos. 

Even in reality I could trow away anyone regardless of their face and body if the person is a dumbass. And I find absurd that barely no one can understand this argument.

Continue develops NSFW games only for rapist and pervs, and forget about normal public wich isn't croocked. We are either mentally ill or good people, and good people are all asexual really. So obvious. I congratulate the NSFW devs for their lack of neurons.

And if anyone have found a nsfw game with interesting romance gameplay possible, still interested but hey, it would very surprise me if it exist.


Do you really think I'm the only kind of audience asking that for the NSFW Games? Redirect me to something other than steam and itchio I beg you.

(1 edit) (+2)

Hi. I'm going to risk commenting on something, I've been reviewing your history and I think that instead of focusing on showing your anger about the things you don't like, you should put up a list of what you want and what you don't like, like you did in your other discussion.

if someone can guide me.
1) What I wouldn't tolerate : Rape/Rape Culture, Violence, Animals, Childs, Dumbass Male Protagonist, Oedipe Complexe, Pay-to-win, Scam, Too slow progression, Futunari, Furry, Hard BDSM, Endless/boring dialogues, Pregnancy Sex, Male protagonist with a micro or little penis. Ugly protagonists males likes femals. And visual novels.
2 ) What I am indifferent to : Homosexual sex, Light BDSM, Bad gross humor, Caricatural Situations, Harem, Gang Bang, Cosplay, Incest beetween Brother/Sister (don't have a bro in reality that's maybe why that's the only kind of incest that didn't disgust me), Unrealist proportions, Orgy.
3 )What I like : Heterosexual Sex, Mans whith big dicks, Females with big boobs, Beautifull Faces/Bodys for every protagonist. Hard but consensual sex, Romantic Sex. A lot of animated scenes not to hard to obtain.
4) What I'm craving for <3  : Couple games, with devoted male and women to each others, using dildos, objects and more than pornographic outfits and accessories. Like they're always craving for each others and have more than difficulties to do nothing sexual when other peoples are around. The kind of person who masturbates each other under a tablecloth while pretending to eat a meal. Very big dicks, Pure feminine female beauties, Naughty protagonist. And romantic stuff in could be good too.
So, if someone can share me games I could LIKE under this criterias, or even  better that i could LOVE, that's would be fantastic. Maybe I'vnt searched the right place. :/
Even if it's paid game, if I pay in ONLY one time for having all the content, and for the price it worth, not's a problem.

I understand that it is often frustrating to search for something and only find things you don't like, but if you are not clear about what you are looking for, and you only show anger, people will not be interested in helping you.

I don't know if there are many options on Itch like the ones you're looking for, but in general, I don't see much talk about these types of topics on this forum, so it's unlikely that many people will be able to help you.

You could try the f95zone community, there is a whole section of NSFW games and it might be easier for you to find what you are looking for, but again, try to limit yourself to stating what you are looking for instead of just expressing anger, otherwise it is difficult to understand what you are looking for and help you.

Personally I can't recommend much, the few NSFW games I've played are mostly VN or interactive fiction, which from what I read, aren't your cup of tea.

One option, but I don't know if it meets what you are looking for, is to try Second Life, it is an online game where you create an avatar, it has or at least several years ago it had a fairly large community with adult content, the problem I see is that it is closer to a chat than a game with NPCs.

PD: About the pony game, it's hard to get anyone to program it unless you pay someone, and being online will be a problem, because you need to pay for a server too.

Okay thank I will look on this site. Yeah I know people don't like anger, but when you test a lot of games, having a large audience, and see nothing talks about obvious problems inside them, It may make people like me overeact. What I try to point with my anger is that nobody seems to see something outraegous or revolting and I find abnornormal that their audience is satisfied of nsfw devs work. Like there is no problem worthing talk bout. We can compare it to pay to win scam for all kinds of games, most of players are satisfied with it, without wondering if they can find better elsewhere.

Moreover, when on the game page the dev assure there is a "romance gameplay" and there is not, It's currently call a scam.

For the pony game I've understood there is nothing to do. When the game in question dissapeared years ago, a lot of ancient players where beging the dev to reopload it, sadly without succes.

For my other post your quoting, my demand still here, with no answers. And before being angry about it, I've search a long time, this seems almost impossible today to find games like this for me. I'm still searching, but with truly no hope about this. Before starting this research, I suspected that I was going to come across some useless or even immoral things, but not to this extent. I thought that out of a bunch of about ten games 1 or 2 could suit me. That's why after a hundred games tested, I didn't find a game that was necessarily great or necessarily in my criteria, but not even an acceptable or pleasant game to play. Some seem sweet or even rosewater at first, but turn into horror in less than 10 minutes. 80% of NSFW games are litteraly scam. What is shown in the games officials pages is RARELY showing real content of the gameplay.

And that's also why I'm angry. I I wouldn't have downloaded them if the thumbnails and description were honest, and I could have avoided bad emotions of intense trauma and anger. These devs really have no qualms about sexualizing and glorifying rape in their game. At that point if these games were humans instead of games, they could have going to jail. So idk how ppl could'nt be more than angry about it.

I kon for second life but i prefer solo games for that kind. But thanks for you comment, it helped, I' browsing the website now. :

Moderator (1 edit) (+1)

This is the second time you make a big fuss about a very subjective matter. For one thing, people generally make the games they want to play. If nothing they make appeals to you, try asking nicely. So adults who enjoy adult activities are all "rapists" and "pervs", and "lack neurons"? Good luck getting anyone over to your side with words like that.

Edit: if you're the kind of asexual person who enjoys some adult material but would like it toned down, then say so. People might even be able to recommend something less mainstream. But not if you insult them outright for enjoying (checks notes) something you're also looking for.

The fact that NSFW devs glorify "rape" isn't a subjective matter. It's a fact and rape is a crime. 

And no I'm not a fck asexual but keep on try to put down behind anonyma ppl who don't think like you on forums.

I'll never apologize for what I said abour devs and nsfw players bc that's not an opinion but a fact and rape should'nt exist neither in reality than games in tv. If ppl can look at this without feeling bad or enjoying it, they are purely rapist and can deny it. If you want to defend the "point of view" of criminals, keep going your on the right way.

I prefer not to try to make friend whit us, If they are upset by reading my post and see me angry about it, they worth nothing. When you tolerate/encourage rape, you worth nothing.

So if you have not something usefull to tell the last time you comment, keep you mouth shut.

"Enjoying rape is a very subjective matter meeeeeeeeeeeh..."

(1 edit)

Lol you're a moderator ? Accepting rape on nsfw games but intervening when people find it abnormal and tell it ? Itchio is the safer website I've ever seen, truly.


We're not arbiters of taste here. You're talking about fiction, which falls under free speech. Unless it involves things that are illegal (for good reason), we let players decide what's okay.

Oh, and by the way: precisely, I'm a moderator. My concern is what people say in this community, not what games they put on the site.

(2 edits) (+2)

Are FPS a glorified form of murder?

Are urban racing games a glorified form of reckless driving?

Are comics a way to ruin youth?

Is a woman with her hair out tempting men?

There are people who think yes to those questions. And there are even places where the rights of a group are violated by another who believes they are right in their way of thinking.

When I see a game, with X pixels that try to represent a fantasy woman with attributes that are physically impossible to have, with an axe twice her size killing orcs and if she misses a hit, a raunchy scene jumps out. That doesn't seem like rape culture to me. By playing that, you're not inciting or normalizing a crime.

In the same way that playing a call of duty doesn't incite or normalize you to buy a gun and go out on the street to kill your neighbors.

I understand that a group of people do believe that, but in a society that calls itself free, there must be freedom of thought and interpretation and respect for other ideas or interpretations within the law.

I'm not asking you to change your way of thinking, but if you think that a game doesn't comply with the law, you have mechanisms to report them, but discussing your subjective point of view in a forum doesn't seem to me to be the appropriate channel to do so, basically, because you're trying to force your subjective interpretation as if it were an objective truth, something that has always been harmful for a free society.

If they sell porn games for masturbate by seeing rape, that's in fact gloryfing rape. That's not like when it's seen in a psychological movie who want to show us how it affect victims. If it's depicted in a way not sexualized, it's in fact just showing something that happen in a particular context or narration. But PORN games are made to MASTURBATE, so if there is rape inside, it incite to appreciate seeing persons raped. 

Ppl don't play games like call of duty in aim to know how to kill someone. Your example point nothing here. That's why that's different, porn game with rape inside are made to masturbate, so THAT'S NOT A PERSONAL OPINION, if they were rape not seen explicitly in thriller and horror games, we cannot afirm that's for the players to masturbe on the scenes. But when someone put RAPE SCENES in a porn game, It's for players to MASTURTBATE by seeing a RAPE. So you can tell anything you want about that, but PUTING RAPE IN PORN GAME it's a conscious will to make people like that sexually, and it's also a will of removing the guilt of rapists by making them think that appreciate masturbate seeing a rape is normal.

Ppl like you 2 that think that's there is no need to do drama about it, conciensly support rapist. Bc trying to make me think you don't understand my """"""point of view""""" prouve that you support rape. Bc that's totaly IMPOSSIBLE to not understand what I'm saying about it. If you can still tell me that it's a personal opinion and not a fact that pornographic games offering to see rapes to masturbate, do not encourage you to appreciate it, you are beautiful hypocrites. I'm going to leave itchio and not answer you anymore, because you are people who defend rape and it's more than pitiful.

Moderator (1 edit) (+2)

They're still not raping anyone, so yeah. What exactly are you complaining about? The things that get other people aroused? Isn't it weird that you would obsess over that?

Wow .... Just wow....
Hard to believe someone could broach the subject here...
My favorite forum for this topic is
Remember, different strokes for different folks ...

You can always just make your own game that just does what you want ...
a NSFW game created using AI art from Unstable Diffusion ...
Just to show what you can do IF you want it bad enough...
Don't get angry ... make what you want to play.