Maybe you have an indea to improve the game?
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Traditional Roguelike Async Multiplayer for 7drl 2024 · By
Problem: There are staffs that are pretty useless and are an instant drop from my inventory. (or i am an idiot and dont know why these are in the game ): Healing, teleportation, invisibility, protection, adrenaline. (why would you boost your enemies?)
Rare merchant: you can trade 3 staffs for a different staff of your choice.
Rare Mirror: There could be rare mirror on the wall. Shooting a heling staff on the mirror would heal the player.
Rare enemy :the big white knight that has glass shield, this could reflect magic (good or bad back to the player)
Rare god statue that reflect magic back to you.
Problem: I need to pick up stuff to decide if it will improve my defense or not. For example I find "+2 shoes" and I cant remember if I have worse,same or better. So i press i to check, realize I have a "+0 boots" and I have no idea which one is better. so I press g to pick up the shoe, realize my inventory is full, so I drop something, pick up the shoes , press e to equip and check defense, realize it is worse, so i equip my boots back and drop the shoes, and pick up what i dropped to free space for the stupid shoes in my inventory. Doing this dance every time i find a defensive item is really boring after 20 levels.
Solution1: the grid or table on the top right could have numbers in each cell to let you know what defense it gives you. so you have a glove icon and a 7 next to , or in the corner of the icon to let you know its defense.
Solution2: the text that you see when stepping on an item could tell you if it is better or worse than what you have equipped. for example you have no gloves on and and step on a good one: "This is a +4 Iron Gloves (+7 defense)". same text could appear if you target it with the examine /pressing 'x' . The number could be red if worse, green if better and white if same defense than what you have now.
I will keep working on improving inventory management. I think with the current version we solved a lot of "problems" by having the potionbelt and scroll case, combining charges for the same item, ring swap, etc...
I like your solution to have a better management for item defenses. I will make some testing and implementing a solution for this. Thanks.
PLEASE let us manually change the password. I forgot mine, so it generated a random one which is terrible and can't be pasted from the email, so I'm stuck with Qd31blahblahblah that nobody could possibly remember without being that smug git from The Big Bang Theory. No, not that one or that one, the other one.
I think the game would benefit from some wall of fame or achievement system. So it would not just about beating the dungeon , but to collect things as well. Overarching achievements: