Please list any general gameplay suggestions here, thank you.
You want to win and be successful? Combat. Struggle system to go with it. No need to go wild with it. Don't go 'on defeat' scenes but implement scenes with the struggle system. Stay dedicated. There's a lot that could be done with being a chemist in combat. Is the formula of most successful games. All else fails, have a strong vision of what you want to see and do with it above all else and stick to it to avoid burnout. Good luck.
I agree with DeathDefied2. Some time ago I played in "Path of the pixie" by badsorries. It's a 3d game about a fairy with insect stuff. That game is very cute and funny. It has a turn based combat system with animated actions.
Another option is to make combat system like in
PS I like the island. It's beautiful. But it's very big. Could you please add a map?
hey there, just wanted to say, game looks great and has a lot of promise.
- A map would really help to navigate around, especially since you dont know how big the map is and what kind of insect or which flora you can find anywhere.
- the next obvious thing is more creatures and flora, more different type of potions, maybe more different animations, all that stuff about quantity.
- one thing i would really like to see, is something along the lines of a village or something.
- following that, there could even be a quest system and stuff.
really looking forward to what becomes of this game!
could you implement crafting like simple floor, wall/window, and roof structures and maybe a mild combat system. its such a beautiful map so i think having it fleshed out with a very light palworld type of structure making would be fun. especially if its just a bamboo hut or little log cabin with a bed, and a chest for storage. character customization would be fun too like skin tone, hairstyles, color, and eye color, maybe larger or smaller boobs too? different nipple colors like pale, pink, tan, brown, and dark? maybe a mini activity like fishing too like how zelda: ocarania of time had? that way you can cook and eat things for a stamina system?