Hey everyone! I’ve seen other people experiencing the same issue, but in the threads I’ve checked, they either didn’t mention how they eventually fixed it or said they contacted support. Which I also did, but I haven’t received a reply yet.
For some reason, no matter how many times I request a password reset, I don’t receive it in my email (and it’s not in the spam folder either). But if I request a list of my purchases, the email is sent almost immediately.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Just to clarify, this account isn’t linked to the email I used for my other account. I made it just for this purpose of recovering my other account.
I’ve also emailed support from the email address associated with the account I want to recover, and the ticket number is #253910. Not sure if that info is enough for the staff to recover my account, so if I need to say my og email directly I can.